英语人>词典>汉英 : 必恭必敬 的英文翻译,例句
必恭必敬 的英文翻译、例句


reverent and respectful · displaying full courtesy · extremely deferential · showing great politeness
更多网络例句与必恭必敬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She had had toys and pets and an ayah who worshipped her , and she had gradually learned that people who were rich had these things .


B:Precisely,whenever we see him, he waits upon his master cap in hand.


You shall stay and see what a deference they pay to his authority.


She is always extremely deferential to anyone in authority .


He's just like a lamb with his wife and always comes to her hat in hand.


He's just like a lamb with his wife and always comes to herhat in hand.


He''s my.ssbbww.com like a lamb with his wife always comes to her hat in hand.


He's only like a lamb with his wife and sll the time comings to IT hat in hand.


Toad swaggered out and found it was one of the prisoners of the previous evening, very respectful and anxious to please.


He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head, and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks.


更多网络解释与必恭必敬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go cap in hand to:必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节

go by the rules照章办事, 按规矩行事 | go cap in hand to必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节 | go cheap\\廉价出售

cameb cap in hand to:必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节

black cap 宣判死刑时法官所戴的黑色帽子 犯人上绞架时戴的黑色帽子 | cameb cap in hand to 必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节 | go cap in hand to 必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节

poke one's nose into:乱干涉

put someone in the shade;使某人相形见绌 | poke one's nose into;乱干涉. . | hat in hand;必恭必敬

push on:推动, 推进, 努力向前

with all due submission 必恭必敬地 | push on 推动, 推进, 努力向前 | coucher 伏辊; 伏辊工

bear the cap and bells:成为众人取笑的对象

bear the cap and bells 成为众人取笑的对象 | black cap 宣判死刑时法官所戴的黑色帽子 犯人上绞架时戴的黑色帽子 | cameb cap in hand to 必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节