英语人>词典>汉英 : 心情愉快地 的英文翻译,例句
心情愉快地 的英文翻译、例句


with a light heart
更多网络例句与心情愉快地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can say interest to be the inside dint of the exaltation student's writing skill, be student to composition creation strong interest, stir up them mightiness of creations desire, they would active, mood amusedly write a composition.


K: So , first we have to get feeling with our board , start doing one foot exercises on the floor before take the lift , don't have fear and feel positive , you have to listen to the feedback from your feet and use the edges (back / front) correctly on the snow , before start you have to be able to brake the board ..

想滑得好,你必须要能抓到板子的感觉;上 lift 前先在家里练习单脚站立,下 lift 会比较轻松;学滑雪之前,先学会煞车;用心体会从板子传到你脚上的脉动,正确地使用板边来操控滑雪;心理建设是很重要的一环,别害怕,摔跤是必然的,打不过它,就用愉快的心情来面对它;只要你有心,就一定会进步,其实 90%的困难都是你自己在吓自己,没那麼困难的啦

He felt this at the sight of the regular ranks of the boldly and gaily marching soldiers who were escorting him and the other prisoners; he felt it at the sight of some important French official in a carriage and pair, driven by a soldier, whom they met on their way. He felt it at the gay sounds of regimental music, which floated across from the left of the meadow; and he had felt it and realised it particularly strongly from the memorandum the French officer had read in the morning when he called over the prisoners' names.


Don't worry," I said to him cheerily."Chances are that baby won't be on your flight.


Twilight was descending over Beijing …"How good it was to be alive," I thought, inhaling deep lungful of carbon monoxide.


He looked at the sea moodily.


But who am I kidding? Not only is napping sinfully fun, there's hope that in the time I've been offline I'll have received a flurry of really important mail that will keep me focussed, happy and busy until seven.


These pretty superlatives, dropping glibly from the tongue, vitiate the taste, and create a kind of sickly delicacy that turns away from simple unadorned truth, and a deluge of false sentiments and overstretched feelings, stifling the natural emotions of the heart, render the domestic pleasures insipid, that ought to sweeten the exercise of those severe duties, which educate a rational and immortal being for a nobler field of action.


However, it was rather comfortable to sit and rest there during the morning and the welcome of so many friendly people gladdened my heart which also rendered my home-life a more pleasant way day.


To assist where possible with any additional request (Note: any questions regarding hotel policies or procedures should be referred to the Manager), and ensure guests are to be made to feel comfortable at all times.


更多网络解释与心情愉快地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


以愉快的心情做完了她的漫长旅途,回到了她的修炼地----云雾缭绕的贝芙丽(Beverly)山. 贝芙丽山是与地球同时产生的几座神山之一. 山顶朦胧的云雾中,孤独的站着一所小木屋. 小木屋的主人就是珍尼佛,是个以美艳著称女巫界的角色.

within bounds:在允许范围内

with a light heart 心情愉快地 | within bounds 在允许范围内 | with a view to 为了;由于

with heart and soul:全心全意地, 热心地

with a heart and a half 高兴地 | with a heavy/light heart 心情沉重(愉快)地 | with heart and soul 全心全意地, 热心地

pleasingly:喜欢地, 满意地; 高兴地, 愉快地 (副)

pleading 辩论, 诉讼手续, 辩解 (名) | pleasingly 喜欢地, 满意地; 高兴地, 愉快地 (副) | pleasurable 快乐的, 心情舒畅的, 愉快的 (形)


pleasurable /快乐的/愉快的/心情舒畅的/ | pleasurably /快乐地/愉快地/ | pleasureable /愉快的/

pleasurably:快乐地; 欢愉地 (副)

pleasurable 快乐的, 心情舒畅的, 愉快的 (形) | pleasurably 快乐地; 欢愉地 (副) | pleat 打褶 (动)

with a heavy heart:心情沉重[愉快]地

with a heart and a half 高兴地 | with a heavy heart 心情沉重[愉快]地 | with a light heart 心情沉重[愉快]地

with a firm hand:坚决地

with certainty 确定无疑地 | with a firm hand 坚决地 | with a light heart 心情愉快地

with a light heart:心情愉快地

with a firm hand 坚决地 | with a light heart 心情愉快地 | within bounds 在允许范围内

with a light heart:心情沉重[愉快]地

with a heart and a half 高兴地 | with a heavy heart 心情沉重[愉快]地 | with a light heart 心情沉重[愉快]地