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得自 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
derive  ·  derived  ·  derives  ·  deriving

derive from
更多网络例句与得自相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The total proceeds received by Party A from selling Color TV Sets to Party B within the duration of this contract shall be equal to, and used to cover, the total value of the Assembly Lines.


These last-mentioned contests had indeed the incurable defect, that the premises appealed to were taken from authority, not from reason; and, as a discipline to the mind, they were in every respect inferior to the powerful dialectics which formed the intellects of the "Socratici viri:" but the modern mind owes far more to both than it is generally willing to admit, and the present modes of education contain nothing which in the smallest degree supplies the place either of the one or of the other.


What little recognition the idea of obligation to the public obtains in modern morality, is derived from Greek and Roman sources, not from Christian; as, even in the morality of private life, whatever exists of magnanimity, highmindedness, personal dignity, even the sense of honour, is derived from the purely human, not the religious part of our education, and never could have grown out of a standard of ethics in which the only worth, professedly recognised, is that of obedience.


After the multiple sequence alignments, the sequence variation analyses were conducted and the molecular phylogenetic trees of Cypraeidae were reconstructed with NJ, MP and bayesian methods, using Prosimnia semperi of Cypraeacea as an outgroup.

其次,用自测的宝贝科11种软体动物的mtDNA COI基因序列,结合得自GenBank上的18种宝贝科软体动物的同源序列,用NJ法、ML法以及贝叶斯法构建了分子系统树。

Illegibly, draw a desolate back again.Very long. My all like identical 自闭 stays in the unexposed roomwrites reads paints pictures, is peaceful some strange lives to let me


Don't call me knight for my lack of experience.I think it's the spear of Qing forces style in mid and early Qing dynasty.Getting in Kangba can't judge it's produced in Kangba.Since mid and early Qing dynasty,Qing government sent forces to pacificate Kangba district,the war had never ended.And there's Qing forces' weaponry left there is common.I have two similar ones,which one is 63cm long,and another is 66cm long.


Provided are carbide derived carbon materials prepared by thermochemically reacting carbide compounds and a halogen containing gas and extracting all atoms of the carbide compounds except carbon atoms, wherein the intensity ratios of the graphite G band at 1590 cm -1 to the disordered-induced D band at 1350 cm-1 are in the range of 0.3 through 5 when the carbide derived carbon is analyzed using Raman peak analysis, wherein the BET surface area of the carbide derived carbon is 1000 m 2 /g or more, wherein a weak peak or wide single peak of the graphite (002) surface is seen at 2 = 25 DEG when the carbide derived carbon is analyzed using X-ray diffractometry, and wherein the electron diffraction pattern of the carbide derived carbon is the halo pattern typical of amorphous carbon when the carbide derived carbon is analyzed using electron microscopy.

提供了得自碳化物的碳,其通过热化学反应碳化物化合物和含卤族元素的气体并提取除了碳原子之外的碳化物化合物的全部原子制备,其中当使用拉曼峰分析法分析该得自碳化物的碳时,在1590cm -1 的石墨G波段与在1350cm -1 的无序引发的D波段的强度比为0.3至5,其中该得自碳化物的碳的BET表面积是1000m 2 /g或更大,其中当使用X射线衍射法分析该得自碳化物的碳时,在2θ=25°观察到石墨(002)面的弱峰或宽单峰,以及其中当使用电子显微法分析该得自碳化物的碳时,得自碳化物的碳的电子衍射图是代表无定形碳的晕图案。该发射体具有良好的均匀性和长寿命。可以使用比用于生产常规碳纳米管的方法更廉价的方法制备发射体。

Except the land of the priests, which had been given them by the king: to whom also a certain allowance of food was given out of the public stores, and therefore they were not forced to sell their possessions.


Can be written by Mr Bin "笺tea," said: the pot to the kiln for the browser, on your small, each customer, one pot, keeping it自斟自饮, for a fun side.


Thales, the founder of this type of philosophy, says the principle is water (for which reason he declared that the earth rests on water), getting the notion perhaps from seeing that the nutriment of all things is moist, and that heat itself is generated from the moist and kept alive by it (and that from which they come to be is a principle of all things).


更多网络解释与得自相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at first hand:得自直接的体验;从有直接经验的人那里获知

lend a hand in帮忙,参加 | at first hand得自直接的体验;从有直接经验的人那里获知 | at hand近处;即将到来

Believe me, Harvey, by the end of the week, this kid will cook his own goose:相信我,哈维,到这个周末 那小子就得自尝苦果了

So don't use his name.|那就别用他的名字 | Believe me, Harvey, by the end of the week, this kid will cook his own goose.|相信我,哈维,到这个周末 那小子就得自尝苦果了 | I got to go.|我得挂了


glorious 光荣的 | reflected 反射的 得自他人的 | aims-house 救济院 aim-救济

reflected:反射的; 得自他人的 (形)

reflectance 反射比; 反射系数 (名) | reflected 反射的; 得自他人的 (形) | reflective 反射的, 熟虑的, 反映的 (形)

reflected:反射的反射的, 得自他人的

dissection解剖,分割,切割,解剖标本 | reflected反射的反射的, 得自他人的 | neoadjuvant新辅助疗法


tannery 制革厂 | tannic 得自鞣革的 | tannin 丹宁酸


hexacosandienoic acid 二十六碳二烯要酸 | hexacosane 二十六烷(得自树脂) | hexacosapentaenoic acid 二十六碳五烯酸

manganic:锰的, 得自锰的

rolling cycle 轧制循环 | manganic 锰的, 得自锰的 | botch 修补


manganic 锰的 | manganic 得自锰的 | manganides 锰系元素


saccharic 砂糖的 | saccharic 得自砂糖的 | saccharidase 糖酶