英语人>词典>汉英 : 当地居民 的英文翻译,例句
当地居民 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

local resident · local populace
更多网络例句与当地居民相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In October 2000, locals flocked to see a shadow cast by a streetlight shining through a tree forming what was believed to be a vision of Christ on the fence of a local caravan park in Port Germein, north of Adelaide, Australia


By building casinos on the island, which has no particular industry other than cobia farming and tourism, Taiwan's Penghu County is seeking to create local jobs and discourage local residents from leaving to find work.


"Indigenous and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed."


Caesar Augustus after the death of his successor would be incorporated into the Helvetic tribes people of the Empire Province, today officially included in the scope of Switzerland of the Roman Empire, the local Celtic began the era of Rome.

瑞士广播公司有 7 个广播电台,其中"瑞士国际广播电台",用八种语言对世界各地广播,对象主要是国外的瑞士侨民。瑞士有私人电台 43家。这些电台的节目内容与当地的具体情况和居民生活十分贴近,深受欢迎,成为当地居民的快乐伴侣。

The first is that the natural landscape has not the strong appeal to the tourists. The second is the shelter-forest in the seacoast has been destroyed seriously, it is difficult to recover the ecological system. The third is the construction of the infrastructure is needed badly. The fourth is because of the low living standard of the local residents; the improvement needs to be considered. The development should be done in stages.


The role of Municipal Markets is, still, essential for their protagonism in the urban balance of the places they integrate, in the sense that, besides supplying the local populations, they also promote economies of scale, determine prices locally, generate positive results on nearby commerce, commercialize and provide fresh produce preparation services, often from local producers, and maintain a social image that directs attention to the place they belong to.


The move has infuriated residents and they are to approach the town council, which incorporates the parish council, to hold a public vote on the issue, in which all of Stratford's 22,000 residents will have a say.


Germ warfare is an attractive terrorist option. After all, it is hard to prove or disprove what the terrorist claims to be able to do. Because germ agents are unseen, a tiny amount of agent has the potential to terrorize and disrupt the lives of millions. Imagine the terrorist who telephones a national newspaper to say that ten phials of nerve agents or hazardous viruses will be added to one of the thousands of distribution points of our domestic water supply. Over 30 million adults would be boiling all drinking water for weeks-especially if one or two had died already.


Next we consider from the viewpoint of the purpose of self-effort in the community architecture:In the building process, because of the lack of knowledge and incapability in construction, the residents would give over part of the jobs to the construction company. This is also quite irrational, for if the purpose of construction of the community in the residents own effort is to develop a unique method in accordance with locality and the natives' speciality, so as to elicit native cultural character and to develop the uniqueness of the local space.


In the canteen of a sports club in Quilmes Province of Argentina, volunteers are carrying out a winter distribution for local residents. They have prepared bread and shoes for everyone, hoping to provide a heartwarming Christmas for the needy.


更多网络解释与当地居民相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

school board:教育委员会

教育决策部门通常指的是"学区教育委员会(school board)". 委员会的代表由当地居民选举产生,受居民委托,依法决定学区内有关中小学教育、教学政策,例如:中小学教育税税率、教育预算、学校设置、课程内容等,并担负督导教育行政单位的职责.

home stay:住在当地居民家中

accommodation 住宿,食宿 | home stay 住在当地居民家中 | dormitory 大学宿舍


accommodation 住宿,食宿 | homestay 住在当地居民家中 | dormitory 大学宿舍

local resident:当地居民

42. tourist attraction 旅游景点 | 43. local resident 当地居民 | 44. mutual understanding 相互理解

Are you a local resident:你是当地居民吗

3.I'm working at Nanyuan Hotel at 178 Huaihai Road. 我在淮海路 178 号南... | 4.Are you a local resident? 你是当地居民吗? | 5.I have been living in Xuzhou since I graduated from university. 我大学毕业后就...


首次使用了生态系统服务功能(ecosystem service)一词.随后又有许多人在生态系统服务功能内容、性质方面进行了进一步的探讨.l 空气降尘、噪声污染等对任何旅游地的旅游者、当地居民(Locals)及至野生生物都产生


您一定要向"国税局"(IRS) 申报所得税,如果必要的话,也需向您的州、市、或当地纳税部门提出申报. 如果您在美国境外居住的任何期间内没有申报所得税,或者,在报税单上声明自己是" 非居民(nonresident)",美国政府可能会认为您已经放弃永久居民身分.

local populace:当地居民

local polyethylene color coded cable 市内PECケーブル | local populace 当地居民 | local port 当地港湾,地方港湾

Uninvited Guest:不速之客

除了美丽的洋房,其中还有不少破旧失修的 (shabby and unrepaired) 楼房,居民三三两两坐在长廊下纳凉;对於我们这些不速之客 (uninvited guest),不知当地居民是怎样的感觉?

Mondo Bongo:(西班牙语:奔放与狂野,泛指当地居民娱乐演奏用的大鼓. )

---mondo bongo---(西班牙语:奔放与狂野,泛指当地居民娱乐演奏用的大鼓. ) | I was patrolling a Pachinko (我在pachinko中逡巡... | Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone (像傻瓜一样赤裸的暴露在危险的...