英语人>词典>汉英 : 弱点 的英文翻译,例句
弱点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chink  ·  failing  ·  foible  ·  frailty  ·  vulnerability  ·  weakness  ·  chinking  ·  chinks  ·  chinked  ·  frailties  ·  failings  ·  weaknesses

soft spot · weak point · vulnerable point · weak spot · tender spot
更多网络例句与弱点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However,draggle technology,low benefit and feeble competitiveness is deadliness weakness in the develoment of China' S Economy Today,with the rapid development of science and tdchnology,the weakness has made China' s sconomy meet flinty challenge.


In the game of politics , complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naivety , neither of which earn a politician respect among his or her opponents , and which those opponents will use to every advantage to defeat the politician .


Land Rover's one weak point - but it's a big one - is reliability.


Unhappily, some of those frailties—our need for ever-increasing security among them—are presently maladaptive.


Last season the team was exposed because of its half-court deficiency and though the team tried to address it over the summer, it remains not just an Achilles heel but, in fact, a stress fracture. The Sixer roster is essentially full of specialists and the two guys who have more than one skill play the same position I'm not counting Brand in this equation.


His side succumbed 2-0 at the Arsenal Stadium on Matchday 2, but the hope is that they can exploit the travel sickness of a team who have lost their last three Premiership away games:"Arsenal are as vulnerable as any other team, as their Premiership campaign proves. If we play at our best then those weaknesses will show."


Smook: Thank you very much, you exhibited characteristic we are looking for, you have enough eye contact, I was actually convinced in the communication, so without interviewing any more people, I've decided to give you the job!


Graves: You see, I have a gift. An instinct for sensing people''s weaknesses. Yours is women. Hers and mine are winning, whatever the cost. So when I arranged for that fatal overdose for the true victor at Sydney, I won myself my very own MI6 agent, using everthing at my disposal - her brains, her talent, even her sex.


If you are conscious of your own weaknesses of character , you have a better chance of safeguarding them.


Easy of comprehension, appealing to that weak side of human nature which is never wholly cast down by the misfortunes and frailties of our neighbors, no one can be surprised that it usurps the place of interest in brains capable of other things.


更多网络解释与弱点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Achilles' heel:致命弱点

(一)缺少强制并非国际制度的致命伤 威克斯曼(JacobWerksman)有一句经典评论,"如果国际制度不能通过强制解决国家间争端来履行国际义务,那么它将成为国际法律体系的惟一致命弱点(Achilles heel)".

Achilles' heel:弱点

威克斯曼(JacobWerksman)有一句经典评论,"如果国际制度不能通过强制解决国家间争端来履行国际义务,那么它将成为国际法律体系的惟一致命弱点(Achilles heel)".

Achilles' heel:(致命的)弱点

在大多数决策过程中,缺乏很好利用信息的能力都是惟一致命的弱点(Achilles' heel). 本书阐述了企业在利用信息方面通常会经历的问题,同时提出了相应的解决方案. 这些问题和解决方案在一项历时三年的项目中得到极大丰富. 在这个项目中,

Blind Side:弱点, 缺点

be on the same side of the fence 站在同一立场上 | blind side 弱点, 缺点 | weak side 弱点, 缺点

We all have out strengths and weaknesses:我们都有优点和弱点

My cousin said "and different".|我的表兄弟们说确实是不同的 | We all have out strengths and weaknesses.|我们都有优点和弱点 | What are your weaknesses, Countess?|伯爵夫人,您的弱点是什么呢?


本文仅围绕着软件弱点的范畴展开讨论,并在修改和完善Krsul 定义的基础上对弱点进行如下定义:弱点(Vulnerability) 是软件系统或软件组件中存在的缺陷,此缺陷若被发掘利用则会违犯安全策略,并对系统的机密性、真实性和可用性造成不良影响.

Vulnerability Assessment:弱点评估

弱点评估(Vulnerability assessment)是在一个系统中识别和定量弱点的过程. 这个被研究的系统能够是一个物理设备,如一个核动力厂,一个计算机系统或一个更大的网络. 弱点评估能够被手动处理或使用协议自动工具例如软件扫描器来做.


寻找战略性机会窗口,需对环境及企业自身条件进行系统分析后才能进行.这种系统分析方法被称为 SWOT法,它要分析的内容包括公司自身的条件:长处(Stengthes)与弱点(Weaknesses);周围环境;机遇Ogpportunities)与威胁 (Threats).长处(Stengthes) 弱点(Weaknesses)外部机遇(OPpo


通用弱点评价体系(CVSS)简介弱 点(vulnerabilities)是网络安全中的一个重要因素,在多种安全产品(如漏洞扫描、入侵检测、防病毒、补丁管理等)中涉及到对弱点及其可能 造成的影响的评价.

Potential Vulnerabilities:潜在弱点

Low security vulnerabilities:低风险性弱点 | Potential Vulnerabilities:潜在弱点 | Information based vulnerability checks:该弱点的检查资讯