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弦拨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
plectrum  ·  plectrums

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The flamenco guitar is also used in several different ways from the classical guitar, including different strumming patterns and styles, as well as the use of a capo in many circumstances.


A keyboard instrument whose strings are plucked by means of quills or plectrums.


This happened a long time ago, a very long time ago, and people have different ideas about what musical instrument the woman played. Was it something like an oud or a guitar, to be plucked and strummed? Was it more like a violin or a haegum, played with a bow? In some places they say that what she played was the very first zhonghu, the very first harp, the very first dulcimer.


This happened a long time ago, a very long time ago, and people havedifferent ideas about what musical instrument the woman played. Wasit something like an oud or a guitar, to be plucked and strummed? Was it more like a violin or a haegum, played with a bow? In some places they say that what she played was the very first zhonghu, the very first harp, the very first dulcimer.


Regarded in the 19th century as one of Borodin's most successful works, In Central Asia pays homage to his benefactor Liszt (to whom, it will be recalled, the work is dedicated) by borrowing a distinctive scoring – pizzicato low and high strings, on and off the beat – from the first of Liszt's Two Episodes from Lenau's Faust .


It can be played with a plectrum or with a fingerpicking style.


A musical instrument with strings stretch over a flat sounding box; played with a plectrum and with fingers.


A small four-stringed guitar.


Harpsichord 羽管键琴:A stringed instrument resembling a grand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra.


Harpsichord羽管键琴】A stringed instrument resembling agrand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra.


更多网络解释与弦拨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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琴腹呈三角形,有3根弦,品(fret)可移动. 通常用手指拨奏,也可用皮革制的拨子弹奏. 有大、小6种型号,最大的秦身高度相当于普通人的身高. 这种琴由于尺寸和大小不同,音域和音高不一,倘若十几架一起演奏,可以抵上一个交响乐队.


日本筝(koto)是一种长型弹拨乐器,有筑紫筝、俗筝、十七弦、三十弦和二十弦等多种形式. 三味线是三根弦的长颈乐器,演奏者用右手持三角形拔子弹拨. 日本琵琶则是有四、五根弦的梨形琵琶,其三角形拔子通常比三味线的拨子大.


注1:曼陀铃(mandoline)是一种西方拨弦乐器. 琴身呈半梨形,分凸底和平底两种. 有指板和品,装金属弦八条,演奏时用玳瑁制成的拨子弹奏. 多使用在民间,演奏时常伴有舞蹈或歌唱.


而这些演奏弦以手指套上一种称mizrab的拨子(plectrum)弹奏. 在这些演奏弦与附属弦下,还有一系列的共鸣弦置于琴格之下. 这些弦从未被演奏,但与对应的音符与之振动而共鸣. 琴格是弯曲了的月牙型的金属. 主要共鸣箱通常是由风干葫芦所制成,

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