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弥撒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mass  ·  missa  ·  massed  ·  massing  ·  Mass

更多网络例句与弥撒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the sharing session, one of them said "I was quite emotional during the Chinese Mass, I wanted to cry. Some said "Our relationship with God became so close. One of them said that it was his great Honor to attended three Chinese Masses within the week.


"A Little Jazz Mass" is a highly original and effective concert setting of the Latin Missa brevis in which the 5 movements, namely Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei embrace a variety of jazz, swing and blues styles.


A musical setting of certain parts of the Mass, especially the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo , Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei.


At 62, he is a churchgoing Catholic; his aides try to leave time on his schedule for mass every day (though he doesn't usually get to it).


Oh, that is you say flamen gentleman:' anything but can pilfer ' when, I remember my stickpin disappeared suddenly.


In coordination with the promotion of the newly published translation of the Roman Missal and Lectionary and to keep pace with the reform of liturgy, I, recently, have been pondering how to raise the spiritual benefit of all our parishioners, to enhance their understanding of, thereby, deepen their love for, the divinity of the holy mass, and to satisfy their spiritual needs.


It may have been like the Stowe "Missa acta est in pace", or one form of Mozarabic Missa acta est in nomine DBJC, proficiamus cum pace.

"它可能已被象斯托"东方学报弥撒的步伐",或一种形式的摩沙拉"东方学报弥撒中诺米DBJC , proficiamus暨步伐。

It was taken from the formula for dismissing the congregation: Ite, missa est ("Go, the Eucharist has been sent forth"), referring to the ancient custom of sending consecrated bread from the bishop's Mass to other churches in Rome to symbolize that church's unity with the bishop in the celebration of the Mass.


Damasus (366-84)-- reforms were made at Rome, the position of the Great Intercession and of the Pax were altered, the latter, perhaps because the form of the dismissal of the catechumens was disused, and the distinction between the missa catechumenorum and the missa fidelium was no longer needed, and therefore the want was felt of a position with some meaning to it for the sign of Christian unity, and the long and diffuse prayers were made into the short and crisp collects of the Roman type.

在某些时期在第四世纪-它一直推测,它教宗圣达玛斯( 3 66-84)-改革是在罗马的立场,大调解和协会被改变的后者,也许是因为形式的解雇慕道被废弃,并区分弥撒catechumenorum和弥撒fidelium不再需要,因此,希望与会者认为的立场与一些意义,它为标志的基督教团结和长远和弥漫的祈祷制成的短期和清晰的收集罗马型。

The study of the origin of Mass leads to the understanding of Haydn's Mass, and his contributions to the sacred music in the history.


更多网络解释与弥撒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Missa Hodie Christus Natus Est:今日主诞生弥撒

5、祝福弥撒 Missa Benedicta es | 6、今日主诞生弥撒 Missa Hodie Christus Natus Est | 7、光荣诞生弥撒 Missa Nasce la Gioia Mia

High Mass:大弥撒

在教会初期举行的弥撒都是有歌唱伴从,普通称为歌唱弥撒(Sung mass),或大弥撒(High mass),曲调简易,近於朗诵. 主祭和教友各有其歌唱部分,歌唱之文词和弥撒语言都是希腊文. 若主祭有五六品的辅佐,则称为大礼弥撒或庄严弥撒(Sung mass).

High Mass:大弥撒(有烧香、奏乐等)

[宗]安魂弥撒 requiem mass | 大弥撒(有烧香、奏乐等) high mass | 小弥撒(无烧香、奏乐等) low mass

High Mass:大弥撒(有烧香,奏乐等)

[宗]安魂弥撒 requiem mass | 大弥撒(有烧香,奏乐等) high mass | 小弥撒(无烧香,奏乐等) low mass

Mass, High:(大弥撒)

Mass (弥撒) | Mass, High (大弥撒) | Mass, Low (小弥撒)

Messe F-dur:大调弥撒

G小调弥撒 Messe G-moll | F大调弥撒 Messe F-dur | A大调弥撒 Messe A dur

Messe G-moll:小调弥撒

B小调弥撒 Mass in B minor | G小调弥撒 Messe G-moll | F大调弥撒 Messe F-dur


安魂弥撒(Requiem)是天主教会为悼念逝者举行的弥撒,拉丁文也称为Missa pro Defunctis. 这弥撒除了用作葬礼仪式,也是每年11月2日的万灵节礼仪的一部分. 天主教徒相信为在炼狱中的逝者举行弥撒,可缩短他们在炼狱的日子,令他们更早进入天国.


可惜C.罗的50米长途奔袭毁了他的表演.很多作曲家都写过弥撒曲.包括巴赫,亨德尔,海顿,贝多芬等等.其中最著名的就是莫扎特的追思弥撒(Requiem)以及贝多芬的庄严弥撒(Missa Solemnis).贝多芬的庄严弥撒和他的第九部交响曲差不多是同时期并排进行创作的,

sung mass:唱诗弥撒

High Mass 大弥撒 | sung mass 唱诗弥撒 | Low Mass 诵经弥撒