英语人>词典>汉英 : 引起苦恼 的英文翻译,例句
引起苦恼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pinch  ·  pinches

更多网络例句与引起苦恼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cost of attending college has been rising faster than inflation and faster than family incomes, prompting anguished outcries from consumers and calls in Congress for colleges to rein in their costs or disgorge more of their endowments.


The cost of attending college has been risingfaster than inflation and faster than family incomes, promptinganguished outcries from consumers and calls in Congress forcolleges to rein in their costs or disgorge more of theirendowments.


Thereupon our heroine resumed her walk. Tears, blinding tears, were running down her face. She knew that it was all sentiment, all baseless impressibility, which had caused her to read the scene as her own condemnation; nevertheless she could not get over it; she could not contravene in her own defenceless person all these untoward omens. It was impossible to think of returning to the Vicarage.


I very difficult to understand that the human thought is happy any opinion to others' praise and even is excited, even if that kind of praise is the rumor similarly can cause other people's joyfulness; Certainly, everybody can demote to other people or is a other non-praise thing such as person's sentiment, the self-respect receives desolate, despises and neglects the equisignal worriedly to even painfully to


The influencing factors were gender, mental problem, paren ts divorced, relationship of family member, self-assessment of mental health, d issatisfaction about own figures, economic level and depression.conclus ion suicidal ideation causes by biological,psychological and sociologic al factors.

结果 大学生自杀意念报告率为19.76%;性格特点为敏感、多疑、紧张、少与人相处、多幻想、心理健康水平差等;性别、有无心理问题、父母是否离异、家庭成员关系、心理健康自我评价、常为自己的容貌及外表苦恼、对自己的评价、经济状况、抑郁状况等因素为引起自杀意念的个体和社会因素。结论自杀意念的形成是生物学、心理学与社会学综合作用的结果。

For instance when the evicted tenants question, then at its first inception, bulked largely in people's mind though, it goes without saying, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some of which wouldn't exactly hold water, he at the outset in principle at all events was in thorough sympathy with peasant possession as voicing the trend of modern opinion (a partiality, however, which, realising his mistake, he was subsequently partially cured of) and even was twitted with going a step farther than Michael Davitt in the striking views he at one time inculcated as a backtothelander, which was one reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him in so barefaced a fashion by our friend at the gathering of the clans in Barney Kiernan's so that he, though often considerably misunderstood and the least pugnacious of mortals, be it repeated, departed from his customary habit to give him one in the gizzard though, so far as politics themselves were concerned, he was only too conscious of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual animosity and the misery and suffering it entailed as a foregone conclusion on fine young fellows, chiefly, destruction of the fittest, in a word.


更多网络解释与引起苦恼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


distressing 令人苦恼的,悲惨的,吃不消的 | distressingly 悲惨地 | cause distress 引起忧虑

agony be in agony:苦恼不堪

adv. 诚然,无可否认地 | agony be in agony 苦恼不堪 | agonize vt.使极度痛苦,引起痛苦,折磨


Nidra -睡眠 | Smriti -记忆 | Kleshas -有五种情况经常引起疼痛或苦恼(klesha):


也只能是逐步的和微小的,以便不引起规范使用者们的不安和苦恼. 规范修订所导致的安全度水平的变化若大于10%,就常常会大得使实际工作者们恐慌,从而拒绝接受". 因此人们认为编写新规范可以看成是对旧规范的一种"校准"(Calibrating).