英语人>词典>汉英 : 引起 的英文翻译,例句
引起 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arouse  ·  beget  ·  breed  ·  cause  ·  caused  ·  causes  ·  create  ·  creates  ·  effect  ·  elicit  ·  engender  ·  evocable  ·  evoke  ·  give  ·  invite  ·  invited  ·  invoke  ·  kindle  ·  occasion  ·  trigger  ·  triggers  ·  workup  ·  causing  ·  aroused  ·  effected  ·  arouses  ·  arousing  ·  begets  ·  begetting  ·  breeds  ·  effecting  ·  elicited  ·  eliciting  ·  elicits  ·  engendered  ·  engendering  ·  engenders  ·  evoked  ·  evokes  ·  evoking  ·  gives  ·  invites  ·  invokes  ·  kindled  ·  kindles  ·  occasioning  ·  occasions  ·  prod.

bring forth · call forth · draw forth · fetch up · give occasion to · give rise to · to give rise to · bring on
更多网络例句与引起相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Catch one's eye 引起某人注意,如: When I first saw her, her beauty really caught my eye.


In this paper,the Raman spectrum were used to study sapphire,dichroite,aquamarinl,topaz and kyanite,it is found that the characteristic Raman translocations of sapphire which are caused by Al-O vibration are 413cm-1,640cm-1 and 668cm-1,the characteristic Raman translocations of dichroite which are caused by Si-O vibration are 550cm-1,662cm-1,964cm-1and 1176cm-1,the characteris.


The precipitate in liquor is a common problem in distilleries which have to tackle with and the frequent causations are as follows: floccule induced by three kinds of higher fatty acid ethyl ester and microthermal storage and filtration could prevent it; white flakes of precipitate induced by containers for liquor storage such as aluminous pots which produced alumina and mare nectaris which dissolved into coating and then caused precipitate; precipitate induced by undergrade additives and CP grade or AR grade additives could prevent it; precipitate induced by water quality and strict management of water quality could prevent it; precipitate induced by packing materials and the solution was acid water washing for new bottles and liquor filling after the inner of the bottles was completely dry.


The comparison was made of amplitudes of the postsynaptic potential evoked in AP cells by the stimulation of T, P and N cells. The results showed that for each type of T, P and N cell the contralateral member of the pair evoked larger synaptic potentials in the AP cell that did its ipsilateral homologue and the T, P and N cell with a dorsally situated receptive field produced a larger synaptic input on the AP cell that its counterpart with a ventrally situated receptive field.


The results are as follows.(1) Long train electrical stimulation at the dMNF facilitated myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(2) Short train electrical stimulation of dMNF, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, caused prolongation of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle; but when delivered in the expiratory phase, myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle were shortened.(3) Long train electrical stimulation at the vMNF inhibited myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(4) Short train electrical stimulation of vMNF caused shortening of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, but a prolongation when delivered in the expiratory phase.(5) The effects of microinjection of glutamate to dMNF and vMNF were similar to those of electrical stimulation.


Economic growth and full employment may induce rising prices of commodities while stable prices possibly result in economic stagnation and unincreasing of un-employment, economic growth and expanding imports lead to imbalance of international payments.


"Against all liabilities, claims, demands, proceedings, costs or expenses of whatsoeer nature which may be made or brought against or incurred by the lessor by reason of any loss, injury, death or damage caused or chaimed to be caused to any person or of any loss of or damage to property occasioned by or arising or claimed to be occasioned or to arise directly or indirectly out of the manufacture, deliery, presence, possession, proision, operation, use, instalment, remoal, transportation, replacement or repair of the goods and whether arising or claimed to arise out of defects in the goods or by reason of the goods infringing or being claimed to infringe any patent, copyright, confidential information of other intellectual property rights."


This paper discussed the publishing right posed by network transmission of data,reproduction right posed by digital technology,a new database right posed by information packaging,copyright enforcement posed by downloading and printing out,fair use posed by virtual library,international copyright posed by global network communication,and proposed schemes for salving these problems.


Soils of plateau land and gully bottom were characterized by the lower pH and catalase activity but higher cation exchange capacity.


The two can cause ultrastructural pathogenesis widely in many organs and tissues such as hepar, pancreas, lien, ren, pulmo, cerebral, cerebellum, cor, muscular and so on, of them ,caused by i~olates YG97 and Y98 more obvious in epithelial cells of digestive tract and unobvious in epithelial cells of respiratory tract ,but ultrastructural pathogenesis caused by NDV strain F48E8 ,more obvious and more serious in glandularis and muscularis ventriaculi and in epithelial cells of respiratory tract .


更多网络解释与引起相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus:柯萨奇病毒引起的急性支气管炎

艾柯病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to rhino... | 柯萨奇病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus | 呼吸道合胞病毒引起的急性(毛细支气管炎)细支气管炎 Acute bronchitis unsp...

pathological asphyxia:病理性窒息 因疾病引起机体缺氧, 同时伴有二氧化碳的 蓄积而引起的死亡

paternity test 父权检验 | pathological asphyxia 病理性窒息 因疾病引起机体缺氧, 同时伴有二氧化碳的 蓄积而引起的死亡. | pathological death 病理性死亡

pathological asphyxia:病理*窒息 因疾病引起机体缺氧, 同时伴有二氧化碳的 蓄积而引起的死亡

paternity test 父权检验 | pathological asphyxia 病理*窒息 因疾病引起机体缺氧, 同时伴有二氧化碳的 蓄积而引起的死亡. | pathological death 病理*死亡

bring forth:引起,使产生;生(孩子)

bring about导致;引起 | bring forth引起,使产生;生(孩子) | call forth唤起;引起

controversial adjective:引起或可能引起争论的

contral noun. 实验对照组 | controversial adjective. 引起或可能引起争论的 | controvert verb. 反驳,驳斥


引起肋膜炎的pleuritic | 引起呕吐的emetic | 引起骚扰的riotous

to give rise to:引起;惹起成語英美片語成語

10744引起;促起成語英美片語成語to bring to pass | 10745引起;惹起成語英美片語成語to give rise to | 10747引起反應;引起共鳴成語英美片語成語to ring a bell

to make a dent:引起注意;略有進展成語英美片語成語

10748引起他人注意成語英美片語成語to make a splash | 10749引起注意;略有進展成語英美片語成語to make a dent | 10750引起爭議的人類眾生相controversial

Osteoporosis in multiple myelomatosis:多发性骨髓瘤病引起的骨质疏松

内分泌疾患引起的骨质疏松 Osteoporosis in endocrine d... | 多发性骨髓瘤病引起的骨质疏松 Osteoporosis in multiple myelomatosis | 分类于他处的其他疾病引起的骨质疏松 Osteoporosis in other diseases classifi...

to ring a bell:引起反應;引起共鳴成語英美片語成語

10745引起;惹起成語英美片語成語to give rise to | 10747引起反應;引起共鳴成語英美片語成語to ring a bell | 10748引起他人注意成語英美片語成語to make a splash