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引诱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allure  ·  allurement  ·  comether  ·  entice  ·  incite  ·  induce  ·  lure  ·  seduce  ·  seduction  ·  stool  ·  tempatation  ·  tempt  ·  temptation  ·  toll  ·  wile  ·  seducing  ·  spellbinding  ·  tolling  ·  allured  ·  allures  ·  enticed  ·  entices  ·  incited  ·  incites  ·  induces  ·  lured  ·  lures  ·  seduced  ·  seduces  ·  stooled  ·  stools  ·  tempted  ·  tempts  ·  tolled  ·  tolls  ·  wiled  ·  wiling  ·  betrayals  ·  inducements  ·  temptations  ·  invito

draw in · draw on · lead on
更多网络例句与引诱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The study aimed to discuss the attractant effect of several common attractants in China on Monochamus alternatus in Chongqing area.


Objective To observe the effect of AB cockroach attractant on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica.

目的观察 AB型蟑螂引诱剂对美洲大蠊和德国小蠊的引诱效果。

Finally, the author introduced the objective and significance of the study: to screen out the most effective attractant for this mosquito, then optimize its attractancy combined with multiple controls such as light trap, and build a good foundation for further research in this field and the development of highly effective mosquito attractants in the future.


Pheromone traps; sex pheromone; anemotaxis; lures; disparlure; integrated control; attractants; chemical senses; chemoreception; chemoreceptors; infochemicals; semiochemicals; chemical stimuli; chemical communication; chemical cues; chemical perception; pheromones; pheromone receptors; pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide; pheromone biosynthesis; pheromone-binding protein; PBAN


There is always some form of inducement, and where there is inducement there cannot be real co-operation.


When used alone, nepetalactone attracted mosquitoes to the trap of the olfactometer, however, when mixed with human odor or a L-lactic acid dichloromethane solution, nepetalactone inhibited the attractiveness obviously. Nepetalactone exhibited a spatial repellency, but was not an ideal topical repellent. DEET did not have the attractiveness to mosquitoes, and did not exhibit inhibition on L-lactic acid dichloromethane solution too, hut enhanced the attractivity of human odor to mosquitoes.


The main results are as follows: l.The olfactory response of Tetranychus viennensis to different plants odors: Olfaction takes part in the response during the hawthorn spider mite looking for host plants, that means Tetranychus viennensis were attracted by odors from host plants.


A comparative study on the field attraction effects of different amounts on Chlorophorus diadema showed that fourteen test attractants had a certain trapping ability to Chlorophorus diadema, among which, D was the strongest, with a mean trappability of 0.82%; H took the second place, with a mean trappability of 0.64%; while G was the weakest, with a mean trappability of 0.11%.


The EAG results showed that no significant difference between female and male S.bifasciatus.The EAG responses of S.bifasciatus to 3-Carene,Limonene,Terpinene and Thujopsene were increased with the concentration respecitively within the range of 1/1000-1/10.The results of "Y" tube olfactory bioassay showed the pests can be attracted by 1/100 Limonene,3-Carene and Thujopsene.Original and 1/10 Terpinene was the best. In addition,the extracts of A2 and D1 also caused positive attraction to S.bifasciatus,while the extracts by SE and SDE were non-attractive.


Some tourist hotels in Beijing and elsewhere have tried to lure tourists 引诱旅游者 looking for a taste of old China 体验中国传统风味 by installing kangs heated by electricity.


更多网络解释与引诱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beit:中途休息,饵,引诱 "中途休息时不要被他引诱

disaster 灾难,祸害 "他给人民带来了灾难,得砸死他" | beit 中途休息,饵,引诱 "中途休息时不要被他引诱" | exhaust 耗尽,用完 "用完了就应该砸死它"

sex pheromone of cotton bollworm:棉铃虫性引诱剂

黏虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of armyworm | 棉铃虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of cotton bollworm | 舞毒蛾性引诱剂、disparlure

sex pheromone of poplar clearwing:白杨透翅蛾性引诱剂

梨小食心虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of oriental fruit moth | 白杨透翅蛾性引诱剂、sex pheromone of poplar clearwing | 马尾松毛虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of masson-pine caterpillar

sex pheromone of mois grain moth:麦蛾性引诱剂

白蚁性引诱剂、sex pheromone of termite | 麦蛾性引诱剂、sex pheromone of mois grain moth | 黏虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of armyworm

sex pheromone of Japanese peach fruit moth:桃小食心虫性引诱剂

马尾松毛虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of masson-pine caterpillar | 水稻二化螟性引诱剂、sex pheromone of rice stem borer | 桃小食心虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of Japanese peach fruit moth


岳德宇记忆方法表达为:[骗子正在(at)试图引诱(tempt)他人],at(在)+tempt(引诱),试图引诱他人. {俞2X}记忆方法表达为[记]词根记忆:at(加强)+tempt(诱惑、考验),试图引诱别人,尝试、试图.

sex pheromone of apple twig borer:苹果蠹蛾性引诱剂

棉红铃虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of pink bollworm | 苹果蠹蛾性引诱剂、sex pheromone of apple twig borer | 梨小食心虫性引诱剂、sex pheromone of oriental fruit moth

allurer:引诱者, 引诱物

allurement | 诱惑物,魅力 | allurer | 引诱者, 引诱物 | alluring coloration | 诱色

epigamic color:雌雄性引诱色

epigamic 引诱性的,诱导性的 | epigamic color 雌雄性引诱色 | epigamic sel ection (性)引诱选择

sex pheromone of Plutella:小菜蛾性引诱剂

舞毒蛾性引诱剂、disparlure | 小菜蛾性引诱剂、sex pheromone of Plutella | 甘蔗条螟性引诱剂、sex pheromone of sugarcane leafhopper