英语人>词典>汉英 : 开头的 的英文翻译,例句
开头的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与开头的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F",*** is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", Fuck is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", F-u-c-k is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", F**k is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Fuck. Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", F-u-c-k is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Fuck. Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", Fuck is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", F*ck is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.

在所有以F开头的英文单词中,F*ck是唯一会被称为"那个以F开头的单词":S90 。

Fuck. Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", Fuck is the on ly word that is refer to as the F-Word.


Neilson C. Debevoise developed the commonly accepted procedure for organizing a dig.


Therefore, the most difficult to write the screenplay is not at the beginning of 15 minutes, but the end of the 15 minutes.because if the beginning too and cannot be the end of the 18.5.01 asksome, it will make a movie real-time crashes, Cavour code lately more well-known examples.rainswhat at the beginning of failure at the end of that at least the audience will not be wonder movies too badly.i 've seen a movie at the beginning of the United States, a lot of garbage, but at the end of a really good time, xin'nao does what is the name thiang.previously mingzhu Taiwan eight years ago done once, this is the only thing i 've seen a film that i will not be impeached rubbish film.so you sometimes see a movie i waste my words a maximum of 15 minutes keepfrom it is for this reason, even at the beginning of the 15 minutes will not be able to attract i went to see, i have no confidence to continue the movies.


更多网络解释与开头的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而且更为重要的是,大写字母开头的'艺术'终于成为代表一种特殊的'真实'――'想象的真实'(imaginative truth),'艺术家'则终于代表一种特殊的人,例如19世纪40年代用来形容人类的新词'艺术的'(artistic)和'艺术性的'(artistical)等词.


4.开头(Beginning):万事开头难,商务邮件更是如此,不过一旦掌握邮件开头的写作规律及实用句型,这部分写作不过如此. 邮件的开头因邮件内容的不同而有所变化,但无论何种商务邮件,开头一般都需表明写信的缘由或主旨,


"'好战的'(belligerent)这个词怎么拼?"罗恩问,他正盯着他的羊皮纸奋笔疾书:"是不是B-U-M--""不是. "赫敏说,她拿过罗恩的论文:"还有'占卜'(augury)也不是org开头的--你用的是什么羽毛笔?""啊,那肯定是,"赫敏指着论文的题目说:"因为我们的作业是关于

home key home:键, 常用于把光标送回一行或文件开头的键 (计算机用语)

home game 地主队; 地主国 | Home key Home 键, 常用于把光标送回一行或文件开头的键 (计算机用语) | home page 主页, 因特网上的专门讨论某话题或公司人物的超文字档案 (因特网用语)

Na ja:放在句子开头,表犹豫或怀疑

tja! tja! 没意义,作为句子开头的客套 | na ja 放在句子开头,表犹豫或怀疑 | oje, oje 表示糟糕(心想,这下可完了)


打造出突破常规的设计空间,让身处在其中或居住在内的人们,可以激发更多的创意. Michael Jantzen他以M来命名系列作品,代表著M开头的英文单词--移动(Motion)、可动的(Movable)、多重(Multi)等,还有他自己(Michael).


多项距阵 Multi-Nominal Matrix | 多元统计分析 Multivariable Statistics | E开头的课程耳科学 Otology

Prudence, Prudy, Pru, Prue:来源于拉丁, 有智慧,有远见, 谨慎的人. "Q" , " R " 开头的英文名

Priscilla, Pris, Prissy, 来源于拉丁, 古代的人. | Prudence, Prudy, Pru, Prue, 来源于拉丁, 有智慧,有远见, 谨慎的人. "Q" , " R " 开头的英文名 | Queena, 来源于英国, 高贵的.


例如,五金店老板的名字多以"H"开头(五金店英文名为Hardware store),而不是R;盖屋顶的人(Roofer)多拥有以R开头的名字,而不是H. 当然,如果你问他们,是不是因为名字以R开头才干的这行,人家肯定认为你不是疯了就是傻了.


mediun 媒体 | liminary 开头的 | Original [ ] [形] 最初的;原来的;