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建筑师 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
architect  ·  architects  ·  archit

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This kind of phenomenons appearance have the direct relations to the architects teach in each university during the Republic of China time.Both Japan and U.S.A.two major countries Chinese studies the West building technology in the early time,construction education is take "the academicism" the pattern as the foundation.The architectures from China definitely will be influenced subtly by the "academy-style" education.After returning home,also naturally use the "academy" type of education model.


Lead architects for the project are Hani Rashid and Lise Anne Couture, founders and principals of Asymptote Architecture.

该项目首席建筑师Hani Rashid和Lise Anne Couture是Asymptote Architecture建筑师事务所的联合创始人兼管理者。

In 1907, a big garden festival was held in celebration of the 300th anniversary for the establishment of Mannheim in Germany. German Architects Peter Behrens and Max Laeuger designed the exhibited gardens for this festival. All these gardens together with those in Kuenstlerkolonie in Darmstadt from 1901 to 1908, designed by Austrian Architect Joseph Maria Olbrich, were referred as ArtNouveauGardens in many landscape history books.

一百年前的1907年,德国曼海姆市为庆祝建城300周年举办了大型的园艺展,德国建筑师 Peter Behrens 和 Max Laeuger 设计了其中的展览花园,这些花园与奥地利建筑师 Joseph Maria Olbrich 从1901到1908年之间在德国达姆斯塔特的"艺术家之村"设计的一系列的展览花园一起,成为后来许多园林史书籍都要涉及到的具有新艺术精神的花园。

Ery few architects today are brae enough to speak of metaphysical norms of architecture, and there are ery few who hae the ability to analyze and explain the relationship between such statements and their work.


Actually, the first thingin my head was this tower shape was copying the london Norman Foster's Gherkin building. There two building has similar shape, stlye and design.

可能有人认为一定是某个'二打六'的建筑师抄袭英国大师级建筑师Norman Foster在伦敦的杰作;但我们都错了,设计这两栋楼的建筑师都是当今世上有名的建筑师

Sc.1983 Institute of Project Planning and Research (Changed name to IPPR Engineering International since Oct.2001 、 United to China IPPR Engineering Corporation).Now, President of China IPPR Engineering Corporation, President of IPPR Engineering International, Chief Architect, Professorate Senior Architect, State Grade A Registered Architect State Registered City Planner.


According to a posterior source the rebuilding of the Church in Bethlehem is attributed to this emperor. This same source says that the Emperor himself was not "satisfied" with the job carried out by his architects who had pulled the Constantinian church down, damaged during the Samaritan uprising, and built in its place a new one. The Emperor found that this new church was "dark" and he even accused the architect of wasting the Empire's money. So much was his dissatisfaction that the architect was executed!

根据幕后消息指出白冷的教堂因为这个皇帝而重建,同一消息指出,皇帝本身并不满意他的建筑师在拆掉叛乱中受损的 Constantinian 教堂,而在原址上新建的那一座,他发现新教堂「黑暗」并指责建筑师浪费帝国公款,如此的不满意之下,他处决了那位建筑师

It is thought that Chinese architects should strive to get out of their peripherial occupational status by learning from foreign experience and meanwhile avoiding plagiarism and flippancy in practice,and that the architects should understand their social responsibility correctly,thereby the architects occupational honor and the levels of city planning and architecture designing can be raised.


Jo Coenen born 30 September 1949 in Heerlen is a Dutch architect and urban planner.Between 2000 and 2004 Jo Coenen was Rijksbouwmeester of the Netherlands, The Hague. In 1995 he won the BNA Kubus award.

乔·克嫩1949年出生于荷兰海尔伦,是荷兰建筑师和城市规划师。2000至2004年乔·克嫩在海牙担任荷兰政府首席建筑师。1995年获荷兰皇家建筑师学会将年度最高荣誉奖( BNA Kubus award。

Jo Coenen born 30 September 1949 in Heerlen is a Dutch architect and urban planner.Between 2000 and 2004 Jo Coenen was Rijksbouwmeester of the Netherlands, The Hague. In 1995 he won the BNA Kubus award.

乔·克嫩1949年出生於荷兰海尔伦,是荷兰建筑师和城市规划师。2000至2004年乔·克嫩在海牙担任荷兰政府首席建筑师。1995年获荷兰皇家建筑师学会将年度最高荣誉奖(BNA Kubus award。

更多网络解释与建筑师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"建筑物拥有人"(building owner) 指毗邻土地的拥有人之中意欲进行建筑的拥有人,或以共用墙或共用构筑物分隔的建筑物、楼层或房间的拥有人之中,进行或意欲进行影响该共用墙或共用构筑物的工程的拥有人. (13)在本条中,"建筑师"(architect)指"认可建筑师".

Landscape Architect:建筑师

19世纪下半叶,美国风景建筑师F.L.奥姆斯特德于1858年主持建设纽约中央公园时,创造了"风景建筑师"(Landscape Architect)一词,开创了"风景建筑学". 他把传统园林学的范围扩大了,从庭园设计扩大到城市公园系统的设计,以至区域范围的景物规划.

Landscape Architect:景观建筑师

西方国家已形成了与建筑师和规划师相对应的景观建筑师(landscape architect)职业,从业范围和从业方式已相当规范并受到法律保护,景观建设市场也已培育成熟.

authorized architect:认可建筑师;核准建筑师

austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢 | authorized architect 认可建筑师;核准建筑师 | authorized extension 认可扩建

authorized architect:认可建筑师;核准建筑师YWd中国学习动力网

austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢YWd中国学习动力网 | authorized architect 认可建筑师;核准建筑师YWd中国学习动力网 | authorized extension 认可扩建YWd中国学习动力网

registered architect:注册建筑师

"注册事务委员会"(Registration Committee) 指认可人士注册事务委员会、结构工程师注册事务委员会或承建商注册事务委员会(视情况所需而定); (由1996年第54号第2条增补)"注册建筑师"(registered architect) 指名列根据>(第408章)第8条设置和备存的注册建筑师注册纪录册的人

architect in private practice:私营建筑师

architect in charge 总建筑师 | architect in private practice 私营建筑师 | architect partnership 建筑师合伙关系

A Speaker from RAIA (Australia):澳大利亚建筑师

Danilo Beltrame 意大利室内设计师 | A Speaker from RAIA (Australia) 澳大利亚建筑师 | Carlos Marreiros 澳门建筑师学会会员代表大会主席


"美国建筑师协会"(AIA)日前宣布了它的2010年"住房奖"(Housing Awards)的18位获奖者的名单. 今年是评选"住房奖"的第十年. "美国建筑师协会"说,这个奖项认可杰出的住房设计,并且促进优秀的住房设计. "美国建筑师协...

Mati Tungpanich:泰国建筑师

Caroline Pidcock 澳大利亚建筑师 | Carlos Marreiros 澳门建筑师学会会员代表大会主席 | Mati Tungpanich 泰国建筑师