英语人>词典>汉英 : 廉正 的英文翻译,例句
廉正 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incorruptness  ·  integrity  ·  rightness

更多网络例句与廉正相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is emphasized, and also we are learning the importance of neutrality of the armed forces.


No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgement, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity


Daily of the first finance and economics be in know from message personage, zhu Wei incorruptness and happy medium negotiate, hope to call in the website below banyan, buying bagman is Li Xin of writer of the editor in chief below former banyan, network joyous .


His friends will swear for his integrity.


Senator Richard Shelby says:"The final RFP discredits the integrity of the entire process."


In Congress 25 years, Ford because of their integrity and frank and popular. 1965 - 1973 over the next few years, he was the White House minority leader.


更多网络解释与廉正相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

incorrupt:不腐败的; 廉正的; 不被收买的 (形)

incorrigibly 不能矫正地 (副) | incorrupt 不腐败的; 廉正的; 不被收买的 (形) | incorruptibility 廉洁; 不腐朽性 (名)

Boots of the Incorrupt:廉正長靴 廉正之靴

Rough Bronze Cuirass 劣質青銅胸甲 劣質青銅胸衣 | Boots of the Incorrupt 廉正長靴 廉正之靴 | Pauldrons of the Justice-Seeker 正義尋求者肩甲 正義尋求者肩鎧


incorruptincorruptible 不腐败的 | incorruption 清廉洁白 | incorruptnessrightness 廉正


incorruptibly /不能收买地/ | incorruption /不腐败/清廉洁白/ | incorruptness /清廉/廉正/


incorruption /不腐败/清廉洁白/ | incorruptness /清廉/廉正/ | incoscient /无意识/

rightly:端正地, 正确地, 正当地 (副)

rightist 右派人士; 保守政党成员 (名) | rightly 端正地, 正确地, 正当地 (副) | rightness 公正; 正确; 廉正; 适当 (名)

incorrigibly:不能矫正地 (副)

incorrigible 无药可救的, 固执的, 积习难改的 (形) | incorrigibly 不能矫正地 (副) | incorrupt 不腐败的; 廉正的; 不被收买的 (形)


如今威廉正打算在2010年9月结束英国皇家 空军(RAF)的训练之后,就和女友凯特正式宣布订婚. 此前有人推测,威廉王子可能会于2011年举行婚礼,但不巧的是,届时威廉王子正好将结束英国皇家空军(RAF)的飞行训练,