英语人>词典>汉英 : 废弃的 的英文翻译,例句
废弃的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
depleted  ·  deserted  ·  dumped  ·  scrap  ·  scrapped  ·  waste  ·  wasted  ·  obsoleting

out of date
更多网络例句与废弃的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It seems to be an abandoned palace.


Water ring vacuum pump in the waste water and air into the tank together.


Otherwise, the boardroom is best treated as an institutional anachronism that deserves to be scrapped.


Originally, the Barn Swallow nested primarily in caves, but gradually they converted to breeding under the eaves of buildings or inside artificial structures such as bridges and even deserted pipes.


Here's a list of Lex Luthor's known lairs straight from the Superman Encyclopedia: a complex of buildings held aloft by a giant dirigible high above the stratosphere, a glass-enclosed city of ancient, weird design, an abandoned factory, a gigantic man-made meteor floating in outer space, an abandoned barn, a secret underground lab, a giant spaceship, a secret mountaintop laboratory, an electronics firm, a hidden laboratory on the outskirts of Metropolis, a laboratory hideout that has been lined with lead to conceal it from Superman's X-ray vision, a massive fortress-like citadel on a lonely mountaintop north of Metropolis, a lonely farmhouse in the mountains north of Metropolis, a secret lead-lined subterranean hideout built into the side of a grassy hill, and the elaborately equipped Luthor's Lair, Luthor's Lair II, and Luthor's Lair No.


He accepted a version of the inheritance of acquired characteristics (which after Darwin's death came to be called Lamarckism), and Chapter V discusses what he called the effects of use and disuse; he wrote that he thought "there can be little doubt that use in our domestic animals strengthens and enlarges certain parts, and disuse diminishes them; and that such modifications are inherited", and that this also applied in nature.


The section titled 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' takes the characters to a derelict, train-less station, where one of them attacks a derelict human being who is, in fact, his father, doling out a goodly quantity of what Anthony Burgess's hoodlum Alex,..., would call 'the old ultraviolence'.

小说中的"在 Leith 中心车站认火车"一节将故事里的人物放在一个废弃的、没有火车的火车站。在那里,其中一人对一个"废弃的人类"大打出手,用 Anthony Burgess 笔下的恶棍 Alex 的话说即为"惯常的比青紫色多点"。而这个废弃的人类,却是那人的父亲。

Masada, israel, april 8, 2009--an ultra-氯丁橡胶的硫化 jewish man prays at a historic desert fortress overlooking the dead sea as part of birkat hachama, the quot;blessing of the sun.quot

氯丁橡胶英文4月8日,以色列,马萨达---一位氯丁橡胶的硫化正统派的犹太人在一座古老的被废弃的堡垒上祈祷,同时远眺着死海,这是"祝福太阳"(birkat 什么是氯丁橡胶)仪式的一部分。

Here's a list of Lex Luthor's known lairs straight from the Superman Encyclopedia: a complex of buildings held aloft by a giant dirigible high above the stratosphere, a glass-enclosed city of ancient, weird design, an abandoned factory, a gigantic man-made meteor floating in outer space, an abandoned barn, a secret underground lab, a giant spaceship, a secret mountaintop laboratory, an electronics firm, a hidden laboratory on the outskirts of Metropolis, a laboratory hideout that has been lined with lead to conceal it from Superman's X-ray vision, a massive fortress-like citadel on a lonely mountaintop north of Metropolis, a lonely farmhouse in the mountains north of Metropolis, a secret lead-lined subterranean hideout built into the side of a grassy hill, and the elaborately equipped Luthor's Lair, Luthor's Lair II, and Luthor's Lair No.


Masada, israel, april 8, 2009--an ultra-氯丁橡胶的硫化 jewish man prays at a historic desert fortress overlooking the dead sea as part of birkat hachama, the quot;blessing of the sun.quot

氯丁橡胶英文4月8日,以色列,马萨达---一位氯丁橡胶的硫化正统派的犹太人在一座古老的被废弃的堡垒上祈祷,同时远眺着死海,这是&祝福太阳&(birkat 什么是氯丁橡胶)仪式的一部分。

更多网络解释与废弃的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abandoned Siheyuan:被废弃的四合院

废弃的四合院(Abandoned Siheyuan) 如果没有提供最基本的生活设施,最初的豪宅可能会衰落到这个水平,无法让任何人入住. 朴素的的四合院(Modest Siheyuan) 最初的豪宅水平,可容纳5人. 富饶的四合院(Lavish Siheyuan) 可容纳10人.

be made from discarded tiles:由被废弃的瓦片制成

57. be made from old glass bottles that are glued together 由粘合在一起的旧玻璃瓶制成 | 58. be made from discarded tiles 由被废弃的瓦片制成 | 59. be built out of used soda cans 用用过的汽水易拉罐建成

in derelict sidings the poppies entwine:深红色的罌粟花缠绕在废弃的铁轨旁

of their possible future to take care 他们不久可能发... | in derelict sidings the poppies entwine 深红色的罌粟花缠绕在废弃的铁轨旁 | with cattle trucks lying in wait for the next time 与牛棚车一道等待着...


desert 沙漠 | deserted 废弃的,荒无的 | designate 指出,指示;指定


13) convert 转变,改变 | 14) disused 不再用的,废弃的 | 15) fireplace 壁炉

disused attic:废弃的阁楼

tapestry n. 挂毯 | disused attic 废弃的阁楼 | arrested adj. 被遮挡的


21. pee 小便,撒尿 | 22. dumped 废弃的,被甩的 | 23. steer 驾驶,掌舵,控制

indefeasible:难使无效的, 不能废弃的

optimization of system design 系统设计的最佳化 | indefeasible 难使无效的, 不能废弃的 | mean of dekad 旬平均

indefeasible:难使无效的; 不能废弃的 (形)

indefeasibility 不能废除 (名) | indefeasible 难使无效的; 不能废弃的 (形) | indefensibility 无法防卫 (名)

outmoded a.1:过时的 2.废弃的

outlyinga.1.无关的, 题外的 2.边远的, 偏僻的 | outmoded a.1.过时的 2.废弃的 | output n.1.产量 2.输出,输出功率