英语人>词典>汉英 : 并吞 的英文翻译,例句
并吞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
annex  ·  annexations

gobble up
更多网络例句与并吞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I close the lights, the dark again I annexation ......


Meantime, that vast mass of the population of Western Europe whose condition was servile or semi-servile —— the Roman and German personal slaves, the Roman coloni and the German lidi —— were concurrently absorbed by the feudal organisation, a few of them assuming a menial relation to the lords, but the greater part receiving land on terms which in those centuries were considered degrading.


The riches he swallowed he shall disgorge; God shall compel his belly to disown them.


Kaida forged his own khanate in Central Asia out of his lands and part of the khanate of Genghiz's son Jagatai which he had annexed.


CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK l,the SCHENECTADY COUNTY CLERK ,Clerk of the County of Schenectady ,and also Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts ,being Courts of Record held therein,do hereby certify that michoc'J Love whose name is subscribed to the Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed jurat,,was at the time of taking such acknowledgment,or proof,or of administering such oath oraffirmation ,a Notary Public –commissioner of Deeds in and for said County ,residing therein ,duly commis-sioned and sword and authorized by the laws of the State of Now York to take the acknowledgments an sworn and proofs of deeds of conveyances ,for land,tenements,or heredita-ments and to administer oaths or affirmations in said County ,And further,that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of said officer and verily believe that the signature to said jurat or certificate of acknowledgement or proof is genuine IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF ,I have hereunto set my hand affixed the seal of said Courts and County ,this day of August ,2007 DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK

店员的办公室纽约的州 l,SCHENECTADY 县店员, Schenectady 的县的店员和至高和县法院,作为在其中拿着的记录的法院,的店员也藉此证明那一 michoc'J 名字被订购承认的证书或者被并吞的器具的证明的爱,和在那上面书面,或谁的名字被订购被并吞的器具,和在那上面书面的或谁的名字被订购被并吞的 jurat,,在采取如此的承认或证明的时候,或管理如此的誓约 oraffirmation,公证人民众-行为的委员在和为说的县,在其中住,的确 commis-sioned 和刀剑而且被拿承认的现在省约克的法律授权一宣誓和运输的行为的证明,为土地、房屋或者 heredita-ments 和在说的县中管理誓约或肯定,而且促进,哪一我很好地熟悉说的官员的笔迹而且实在相信签字到说承认或者证明的 jurat 或者证书是真正的在证言,什么的,我已经到此为止设定我的手使说的法院和县的印章附于了,2007 年八月的这天代理人县店员不对举报我得了

By A.D. 106, when Rome annexed it and expanded a Nabataean theater carved from its cliffs, 30,000 lived in the city.


In 1932, French Indochina annexed the islands and set up a weather station on Pattle Island; maintenance was continued by its successor, Vietnam.

在 1932 年,法国 Indochina 在 Pattle 岛上的一个气象台上面并吞了岛和组;维护被它的继承者,越南继续了。

Return to the ideology of Taiwan's sovereignty. Stand up on the basis of world's universally-accepted values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and legal justice reject the communist China's unificationist course that swallows us up.


Since the early caliphs annexed all Persia and advanced even further, Mesopotamia was reunited, but governed as two provinces: northern Mesopotamia and southern Iraq (with Baghdad, the later caliphal capital).


In 1935 Japan's militarists continued their aggression: the puppet regime of east Hopei was set up, part of Chahar was annexed, and demands were made for the separation of North China from the south, to which Nanking partly acquiesced.

但是, 1935 年日本军国主义者继续进行侵略,成立了冀东傀儡政权,并吞了一部分察哈尔,提出了华北脱离南方的要求,对此,南京已经默认了一部分。

更多网络解释与并吞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



annex memory:附加存储器

annex n.附件 vt.并吞,附加 | annex memory 附加存储器 | station announcement 电台呼号

annexation: n.1:附加,并吞 2.附加物,合并物

ameliorate: v.改善,使变好 | annexation: n.1.附加,并吞 2.附加物,合并物 | anything more than: adv.不只是(即等于not merely)


line display monitor 选行显示监视器 | annexationist 兼并[并吞]主义者 | commode handle 上车扶手

commode handle:上车扶手

annexationist 兼并[并吞]主义者 | commode handle 上车扶手 | trialkyl 三烃基 三烷基

Crimean War:克 米亚战争

俄国的克 米亚战争(Crimean war)失败之后,俄 斯预期中亚地区对其所带伯 亚和咸海以及巴尔 克湖(Lake Balkhash) 之间的地区被划分为一个并吞的许多被剥夺 土地的俄 斯农民(Russian muzhiks )被迫举家迁移到中亚地区谋民族融合(Sliyanie)为俄 斯人,

East Frankish Kingdom:东法兰克王国

在那之后不久,据信在八、九世纪前后,波希米亚遭到查理曼帝国旗下分支的东法兰克王国(East Frankish Kingdom)所并吞,成为其属省,并且在以自居为「基督教守护者」的查理曼大帝与其子嗣之武力怖教政策下,改为信奉基督教.

to swallow up:吞没;并吞

People have much speculation about the government's intentions.对政府的意图,人们作了许多猜测... | 3 to swallow up : 吞没;并吞 | His wife's clothes bill swallowed up his wages .老婆买的衣服耗尽了他的工资...

to swallow up:吞没,耗尽;并吞

People have much speculation about the government's intentions.对政府的意图,人们作了许多猜... | 3.to swallow up 吞没,耗尽;并吞 | His wife's clothes bill swallowed up his wages .老婆买的衣服耗尽了他的工...

annexes Austria:(并吞奥地利)

meets withLordHalifax(会见哈利法克斯勋爵),302-3; | annexes Austria(并吞奥地利),322-54; | meets withSchuschnigg at Berchtesgaden(在伯希特斯加登会见许士 尼格),325-31;