英语人>词典>汉英 : 年报 的英文翻译,例句
年报 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
annals  ·  annual  ·  yearbooks

annual report
更多网络例句与年报相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We found the information in the annals of the society.


We find the information in the annals of the society.


We found the information in the annals of society.


This is the web page of Annals of Forest Science.


The results of the study are published in the November/December issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.


A report on the new blood test appeared last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


Since his letter is relatively barebones this year, Charlie said he saw no point in including it in these pages; my own recommendation, however, is that you get a copy of the Wesco report.

死忠的巴菲特迷可能会发现,许多年来头一次大家在年报中找不到查理孟格写给 Wesco 股东的信,主要是因为他认为今年的报告相当阳春,所以没有必要附在我们的年报中,不过我个人还是建议,想办法写信给 Wesco 公司的秘书,就可以拿到 Wesco 的年报

This paper studies on the reaction of China's stock price and turnoveron annual financial account and annual financial account forenotice oflisted company.


As we explained in our 2003 report, we believe in using borrowed money to support profitable, interest-bearing receivables. At the beginning of last year, we had borrowed $2 billion to relend to Clayton (at a one percentage-point markup) and by January 2005 the total was $7.35 billion.

在2003年的年报中我就曾解释过,我们相信借钱来支应可收取利息的应年的年报中我就曾解释过,年的年报中我就曾解释过收款将有利可图,去年初我们转借20亿美元给 Clayton,并收取1%的利差的利差,收款将有利可图,去年初我们转借亿美元给,并收取的利差,年初,亿美元,到2005年初,这笔借款增加为年初这笔借款增加为73.5亿美元,主要是支应 Clayton 向退出亿美元该市场的银行手中买下的应收款。

The purpose is that make the prime athletics sports statistical system for the core of"S ports Enterprise Annual report"innovated , per fects the system of athletics sports statistics index and satis fys our country′ s need of all - round , being in harmony and continu2 ous development .

摘 要:以国家体育总局《体育事业年报》中的竞技体育统计指标为研究对象,对原有竞技体育统计指标体系进行创新,完善以《体育事业年报》为核心的竞技体育统计指标体系,满足我国竞技体育事业全面、协调、可持续发展的需要。

更多网络解释与年报相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Funds Annual Report Abridgment:基金年报摘要

基金销售网点Funds Distribution Network | 基金年报摘要Funds Annual Report Abridgment | 基金中报摘要Funds Semi-annual Report Abridgment


anklet 踝套 | annals 年表,年报 | annealer 炼韧器

annual report:年报

按照法律(这点中国和美国是一样的,所有法制国家也都是这样的),为了保护社会公众小股东的利益,保证董事和大股东履行自己的忠诚责任,上市公司必须在招股书(prospectus)、年报(annual report)等重大文件中披露所有的关联交易,否则就是违规,

Annual return:周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格

Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index > | annual return 周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格 | Annual Return Rules >

but it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway:不过作为口号还挺传神的 (编年报:谁是钢铁侠

I mean, it's not technically accurate. The suit's a gold-titanium alloy,|就是... | but it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway.|不过作为口号还挺传神的 (编年报:谁是钢铁侠?) | Here's your alibi.|你的...

Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry:整体分析与几何学年报

Annals of Applied Probability 应用概率论年报 | Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 整体分析与几何学年报 | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 人工智能论题年报

annual returns:年报

annual rate of growth 年增长率 | annual returns 年报 | Annual Review of Psychology 心理学年鉴

semiannual report:半年报

"销售利益","selling profit" | "半年报","semiannual report" | "准收入,准所入","semirevenue"

Yearly report:年报

Yearbook 年鉴,年刊 | Yearly report 年报 | Yield 收益,产出,盈利

Ann. of Report.Fish Marketing Organization:水产市场交易机构年报(英文版)

"Ann. of Differential Equitions,微分方程年刊(英文版)" | "Ann. of Report.Fish Marketing Organization,水产市场交易机构年报(英文版)" | "Anquan yu Huanjing Gongcheng,安全与环境工程"