英语人>词典>汉英 : 平面把 的英文翻译,例句
平面把 的英文翻译、例句


bundle of planes
更多网络例句与平面把相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How general production descent speak antiplane mill, ensure that the number of plane error, the consumer to misunderstanding.


In the second chapter, elementary theories and ideas of one step forming inverse approach were described and warped modification method, implemented by Cook, was introduced into one step forming simulation and based on idea of surface spreading; new quadrilateral element modification arithmetic was put forward. By spreading warped quadrilateral onto plane in local coordinate system, a plane quadrilateral element whose shape and area were equal to original warped quadrilateral element was gotten and internal force vectors of four nodes and stiffness matrix of elements were improved to increase precision of simulations on this plane element.


It includes to turn the mature and development into growth and promotion, the biogenetic and physiology into mental and mend-nature, the linear development into overall extension, and the plane extension into vertical elevation.


Then interpolating cubature formulae is given based on Lagrange interpolation formulae. Secondly it make use of the cubature formula on the triangle to construct cubature formulae on the correspondent spherical triangle.

通过把其定义域上的积分化为平面单纯形{u =(u1, u2, u3): u1 + u2 + u3 = 1, u1, u2, u3〉0}上的积分,然后利用平面单纯形上数值积分公式给出其在球面三角形上的对d次齐次多项式精确成立的Gauss求积公式的构造方法。

The whole process is discontinous and can be thought of as finding the grid points on a specified region of the X-Y plane (Think of marking all integer interception points on a paper). Convert each grid point's X and Y coordinate to exponential values (like 2^x, 2^y) then we can use them as value of cost and gamme for cross validation.

这个过程是不连续的成长,所以可以想成我们在一个 X-Y 平面上指定的范围内找一群格子点(grid,如果你不太明白,想成方格纸或我们把平面上所有整数交点都打个点,就是那样),每个格子点的 X 跟 Y 经过换算(如 2^x, 2^y)就拿去当 cost 跟 gamma 的值来 cross validation。

The whole process is discontinous and can be imagined as finding grid points on a specified region of X-Y plane (Think of marking all interger interception points on a paper). Convert each grid point's X and Y coordinate to expontntial values (like 2^x, 2^y) then we can use them as value of cost and gamme for cross validation.

这个过程是不连续的成长,所以可以想成我们在一个 X-Y 平面上指定的范围内找一群格子点(grid,如果你不太明白,想成方格纸或我们把平面上所有整数交点都打个点,就是那样),每个格子点的 X 跟 Y 经过换算(如 2^x, 2^y)就拿去当 cost 跟 gamma 的值来 cross validation。

In this paper, an iterative approach to potential field continuation from curved surface to plane is proposed. The continuation of potential field data from a curved surface to a plane can be viewed as an inverse problem of upward continuation of plane potential field data, getting a linear integral equation. Through viewing the potential field data on the curved surface as the data on the average elevation plane of the curved surface, then using the wavenumber domain generalized inverse algorithm to downward continue the data from the average elevation plane to a given plane, and a topography correction based on the change of curved surface relative to its average elevation is implemented to the downward continued data on the given plane, finally the downward continued data plane is upward continued to the curved surface.


According to the transnational periodically symmetry of crystal plane in its space,the author introduce the Thomas-Fermi equation in crystal planar channeling electric fields;then calculate the electric fields of single crystal Si(110)and its critical angle.

根据同一晶向的晶面具有平移周期对称性,将托马斯费米方程引入晶体的平面沟道中求解Si(110 )平面沟道内的电场;然后把求得的结果用于计算平面沟道临界角。

Since the near plane is now defined in NDC coordinates, Mapping the NDC near plane to match the texture image would require scaling by 1/2, then biasing by 1/2, in both s and t.


Title Authorware puzzle Puzzle is a kind of game which solves problems of spaure space-filling and arrangment. The game requires players to group local design, and put all chips together to form a geometric surface, the plane will show the complete pattern .

题目 Authorware 拼图游戏拼图游戏是一种解决平面空间填充和排列难题的游戏,要求玩家将局部图案进行拼组,把全部零片拼接起来构成一幅几何平面,平面上将展现出完整的图案。

更多网络解释与平面把相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bit plane:位平面

在渐进图像传输中,这个方法叫做位平面(bit plane)方法. 这个原则也体现在SPIHT算法中. 概括地说,EBCOT算法的主要想法是把嵌入码块编码方法与码块位流的最佳截断方法结合在一起,使重构图像的失真最小,它的主要特性包括分辨率可变(resolution,

bundle of p vectors:向量丛

bundle of lines 线把 | bundle of p vectors 向量丛 | bundle of planes 平面把

bundle of planes:平面把

bundle of p vectors 向量丛 | bundle of planes 平面把 | bundle of rays 线把

bundle of rays:线把

bundle of planes 平面把 | bundle of rays 线把 | bundle of spheres 球把




facet#小平面 | fagot#柴把 | fatalism#宿命论


电影制作人(Filmmaker)可以通过把故事元素沿Z轴布置、发挥电影画面提供的深度的特性来利用这些平面,电影画面的深度比早期媒体更灵活. 这些平面可以表现不同的人物、场所、心理状态(psychological state)或时期. 人物可能现在很抢眼,



Be cramped into a planisphere:从而把我们连接在一起

And, us to join, the world should all 世界压成一个球体平面 | Be cramped into a planisphere. 从而把我们连接在一起. | As lines, so loves oblique may well 爱情宛如两条斜线


(图4.3.1) (图4.3.2) (图4.3.3) 多面体(polyhedron)是由平面图形围成的立体图形,沿着多面体的棱将它剪开,可以把多 面体变成一个平面图形. 上面的图4.3.1实际上是由三棱锥展开而成的平面图形,我们把它叫做三棱锥的平面展开图 下面四个图形是多面体的展开图,