英语人>词典>汉英 : 平面图的 的英文翻译,例句
平面图的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

on the flat
更多网络例句与平面图的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Specially,we construct some new kinds of planar graphs with circular chromatic number 3 or 4 based on the results which have been surveyed in part two.


The main work of this paper is that we have given the edge game chromatic number of cycle likes, fan graphs, flowers, Halin graphs, and the upbound is sharp for cycle likes and Halin graphs, it is also a good example for the study of planar and outerplanar graphs.


Then we prove the one-to-one corresponding relation between 3-coloring of inducing four regular graph and 4-coloring of maximal planar graph and find out the relation between three colors of inducing four regular graph and three dual bi-chromatic subgraph of maximal planar graph.


In section four, by researching the properties of Kneser graphs, we construct the homomorphism φ between the Kneser graph and the outerplane graph. So the fractional chromatic number and chromatic number are obtained.


In noncommutative scalar field theories, the appearing of nonplanar diagrams is related to permutation symmetry of field functions in the interaction Lagrangian, while in NCQED we can not arbitrarily change the positions of field functions in the interaction Lagrangian because different positions of the field functions correspond to different representations of the gauge group.


The method defines two types of oriented 4-valent plane graph: G_e and G_o, whose vertices are covered by E-tangles and O-tangles, respectively.


Used the way of discharging to prove that every planar graph without 4-cycles and i-cycles for some i ∈{5,6,7} is (3, l)*-choosable, when they studied the list improper colorings of plane graphs.


In section four,we will study the star-edge coloring of maximal outer plane graph and maximal plane graph,and bound their star chromatic index.


We also get another expression of Steinberg's conjecture about plane graphs, that is, every plane graph without i(4≤i≤5) faces in which any two triangles have distance at least 3 and no 3-face is adjacent to any 6-faces is 3-colorable.


We also get another expression of Steinbergs conjecture about plane graphs, that is, every plane graph without i(4≤i≤5) faces in which any two triangles have distance at least 3 and no 3-face is adjacent to any 6-faces is 3-colorable.


更多网络解释与平面图的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

floor plan:平面图

比如,设计一个工作场所的平面图(Floor Plan)就是一个和数学相关的活动例子. 活动的目的之一是要走出教室的四堵墙,让孩子觉得学有可用. 有些孩子就在这一天发现了自己潜在的爱好和才能,另一些从此改变了对未来工作的想法.

ground floor plan:(工程的)地面平面图/楼层地面图

575,"ground works "," (工程的)基础工程/地基工程" | 576,"ground-floor plan ","(工程的)地面平面图/楼层地面图" | 577,"group 0f general fixed assets accounts "," 一般固定资产账款"

ground plan:平面图

平面图(PLAN) 见平面图(GROUND PLAN). 祈求(DE SIS) 源自意大利语,意为"恳求". 指常在拜占庭镶嵌画(MOSAIC)(彩图30)和"最后审判"的描绘(彩图61)中,基督端坐在圣母马利亚和施洗约翰之间的表现;意在说明圣母马利亚和圣约翰是为人类的说情者.

ichnography:平面图法 径迹图 径迹图

ichnofossil遗迹化石 痕迹化石 踪迹化石 | ichnography平面图法 径迹图 径迹图 | ichnolite含化石足迹的岩石 化石足迹



planar graph:可平面图

可判定性|decidability | 可平面图|planar graph | 可求长的|rectifiable

the order of planar graph:平面图的阶

阵列平面波导:array planar waveguides | 平面图的阶:the order of planar graph | 二维小波变换:planar wavelet transform

plane figure:平面图

地理课中,最常用的实物就是地图(map),还有地球仪(terrestrial globe)、平面图 (plane figure)、指南针(compass)等等. 实物教具在双语课堂中,可以使教学内容具有直观性. 教具使用得当,会使一堂课内容直观,从而提高课堂效果. 如,


ichneumon 埃及蠓 | ichnographic 平面图的 | ichnographically 平面图法地


ichnographic 平面图的 | ichnographically 平面图法地 | ichnography 平面图