英语人>词典>汉英 : 平坦的 的英文翻译,例句
平坦的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
even  ·  flat  ·  level  ·  levels  ·  plain  ·  planar  ·  smooth  ·  smoothed  ·  tabular  ·  unrough  ·  complanate  ·  explanate  ·  evened  ·  flats  ·  flatted  ·  leveled  ·  levelled  ·  smoothes

更多网络例句与平坦的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One ball-shaped robot even uses a leap-and-bounce approach to travel over bumpy territory.


Mickle Street, and that on a minute brass plate was engraved W.


If you have a bumpy commute, for example, you'll probably want a mountain bike.


In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise catt


In the flat countrypeople grow wheat and raise cattle.


But our difficulties seemed to be over, for ahead of us stretched a smooth declivity, along which the young folk bounded while I followed cheerfully behind.


It must be appreciated that no building surface is perfectly flat and that the best that can be expected is the appearance of flatness.


A flat desk; acres of level farmland; a plane surface.


In this flat country,people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle.


When the flowing mass reaches the drain at the foot of the bank it spreads out flatter into strands, the separate streams losing their semi-cylindrical form and gradually becoming more flat and broad,running together as they are more moist, till they form an almost flat sand, still variously and beautifully shaded, but in which you can trace the original forms of vegetation; till at length, in the water itself, they are converted into banks, like those formed off the mouths of rivers, and the forms of vegetation are lost in the ripple marks on the bottom.


更多网络解释与平坦的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bumpy ride:艰难的(不平坦的)进程

bumper car 碰碰车 179 | bumpy ride 艰难的(不平坦的)进程 244 | bureaucrat n. 官僚主义者 278


在链状事务的情况下,工作被分成片段(piece),每个片段在一个平坦的(flat)事务控制之下. 一旦完成了工作的一个片段,这个片段的提交或回滚不依赖于其他的片段的状态. 检索一个就绪的(prepared)列表,启发式的(heuristically)提交或启发式的回滚事务.

projectively flat:射影平坦的

projectively complete 射影完全的 | projectively flat 射影平坦的 | projectively flat space 射影平坦空间


rat 紧的,坚牢的 | rata 平坦的,平面的 | ratah 请便饭


Can you spare me five minutres?你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗? | 17.scraggly 散乱的,未梳理的,不整齐的,不平坦的,破裂的 | 18.scrawny 骨瘦如柴的,皮包骨的(指人或动物)含贬义

Use smooth top to flatten, bumpy surface to tenderize:使用平滑顶端平坦,平坦的表面

24-ounce pounder for flattening or tenderizing boneless cuts... | Use smooth top to flatten, bumpy surface to tenderize使用平滑顶端平坦,平坦的表面tenderize | Nonslip, cushioned handle fits comfortably ...

flat adj. smooth, not going up and down:平的;平坦的

Smoking is harmful to health. 吸烟对健康有害. | flat adj. smooth, not going up and down 平的;平坦的 | Holland is flat, there are no mountains. 荷兰地势平坦,没有山.


并且在某一时刻市场实现多空双方的均衡,此时价格停止上涨,并转而下跌趋势线(Trendline)就是反映趋势方向的技术线比例线 比例线(Proportion Line)的绘制方法头部或者底部会呈现出较为平坦的(Flattened)形态,从而为形态构

Spoon shaped on one end the other end is flat:勺形于一月底的另一端,并不都是平坦的

Resists corrosion抗拒腐蚀 | Spoon shaped on one end the other end is flat勺形于一月底的另一端,并不都是平坦的 | Excellent for transferring powdered or crystalline samples良好的转移或结晶粉末样本

Older slab-sided type of subway car; the most suitable surface for painting:资深者侧面平坦的类型地下铁汽车;油漆的最适当的表面

Flat - 公寓 - | Older slab-sided type of subway car; the most suitable surface for painting. 资深者侧面平坦的类型地下铁汽车;油漆的最适当的表面. | Gangsta - 匪徒-