英语人>词典>汉英 : 平均的 的英文翻译,例句
平均的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
average  ·  even  ·  mean  ·  meaner  ·  medial  ·  averaged  ·  evened

更多网络例句与平均的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through simulating the speckle intensity distribution in the far field of a random rough surface,we compute the degree of angular speckle correlation by substituting spatial average in speckle pattern for conventional ensemble average,and determinate the surface roughn.


Through simulating the speckle intensity distribution in the far field of a random rough surface, we compute the degree of angular speckle correlation by substituting spatial average in speckle pattern for conventional ensemble average, and determinate the surface roughness by the mathematic model of ensemble average.


The concept of the weighted logarithmic power mean is introduced; its relation with two-parameter mean is given; the inequality for weighted logarithmic power mean is derived; the magnitude relation among upper bounds of geometric mean and arithmetic mean of geometrically convex functions are made certain.


Uses the arithmetic mean of the mean peak force and the mean valley force.


With the meridional method and based on observational data, the features of uniform subtropical high belt are diagnosed. Results show that for the annual and zonal mean subtropical high, the interannual variability is very small and could be neglected.


Based on the review of the description of subtropical high and the research on its formation, fluctuation characteristics and physical mechanisms, it is found that the subtropical high is refered to the area where pressure is relatively larger. Its formation is due to the existence of mean meridional circulation that accumulates air mass to subtropical areas. The subtropical high is belt-like with meridionally non-uniform feature and this is a zonal mean point of view.


According to the energy conservation theory, BOM and CSIM4 were coupled. The BOM has no treatment on transmission solar radiation, which is of great importance when the model is adapted to Arctic Ocean. So the treatment was introduced to BOM. Through numerical test on different lead albedos, it was found that sea ice thickness is not so sensitive to lead albedo, which may be contribute to the lead occupies little ratio within multiyear sea ice pack. The reason of summer over-melt of arctic sea ice is the NCEP reanalysis downward solar radiation being larger than its reality. Then the arctic sea ice climate variability was simulated. Results showed that: simulated ice thickness change is in accord with the submarine investigated mean sea-ice draft changes. Simulated annually maximum ice thickness along the Eurasian continental oceans are closely related to the observed ones. The long-term mean simulated ice motion has the same features of the SSM/I derived ice motion. Sea ice extents in differential sub-regions have same trends comparing to the satellite passive-microwave data derived ones. Simulated ice concentration is closely related to the observed in the Arctic sub-regions. Sea ice flux through the Fram Strait involves ice concentration, motion and thickness. It is a composite criterion for sea ice model evaluation. The simulated ice area and volume export through the strait accord with the satellite derived or statistically reconstructed ones.(5) The simulated ice thickness climate variability and mean sea surface current of the coupled model were analyzed, results showed: the total ice volume in the Arctic Ocean has a significant decreasing trend. The volume variability is of a 10-year timescale oscillation, with two major periods of 12-13a and 18-20a. Mean ice thickness in the arctic sub-seas has different tendencies. It has an increasing trend in the Barents-Kara Sea and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea, and decreasing in the others. The characteristic time scale of 7-10a wherein the river discharges leads the Fram Strait ice volume export is about the period that river water takes to be conveyed across the Arctic Ocean.(6) Using the simulated ice distribution in the Arctic Ocean and China precipitation, air temperature and SST in tropical key regions, the climate teleconnection were studied. Result showed: When the mean sea ice thickness is large in the central Arctic Ocean and Chukchi-Beaufort Sea , and small in the Barents-Kara Sea and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea , the precipitation in South China, Tibetan Plateau, and the north part of Northeastern China are always smaller than normal, and v. v. When the mean ice thickness is small in CA, BC, East Siberian Sea and Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Sea , and large in BL, The air temperature in north-eastern China, the southern of Tibetan Plateau, and Hainan Island, are always lower than normal, and v. v. In addition, when the sea ice is thick in BC and BL, the SST is larger in the middle and eastern Pacific Ocean, and is smaller in the tropical Southeastern Indian Ocean.


Also the seasonal variation of mean gedstrophic westerly, and the distribution of extra-long wave at this layer were analyzed.


In other words, regional mean runoff may be considered as the difference values between mean rainfall and infiltrations over a given heterogeneous land surface region, and the mean infiltration for the region may be calculated from two parts of infiltrations for saturation and non-saturation areas.


You will realize that the pebbles are generally closer to the mean distance then any other, because that's the definition of the mean.


更多网络解释与平均的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


使---result in | 平均的:averagely | 估计是13%:estimated to be 13 percent

below average:低于平均水平的,差的

average 平均的,一般的 | below average 低于平均水平的,差的, | advanced 先进的,高级的

below average:低于平均水平的,差的,来源:考试大

average 平均的,一般的 | below average 低于平均水平的,差的,来源:考试大 | advanced 先进的,高级的

mass memory:中间的、平均的

Mark 机械、力学、方法 | Mass memory 中间的、平均的 | Master 间接的、调解


mecometer 婴儿身长测量计 | medial 中间的,平均的 | median line 正中线,中线

resistant to:有耐药性的 average 平均的

tolerate 耐受 | resistant to ......有耐药性的 average 平均的 | minimum 最低(小)的

Of sample mean:樣本平均的

Of OLS estimators ...的OLS估計值 | Of sample mean 樣本平均的... | Sampling error 抽樣誤差


移动平均分为简单移动平均(SMA)和指数移动平均线(EMA). 指数移动平均(EMA)与简单移动平均的数式十分相似. 技术分析员认为较近期的数据更有参考价值,于是把较近期的收市价乘以更大比重,再除以比重的和,得出一个新的平均值.

averaged velocity:平均速度

average 平均值海损平均的按海损估价的 | averaged velocity 平均速度 | averagelifetime 平均寿命

Av. average:平均的;海损

AV Avenue 街道 | AV Average 平均的;海损 | AVR Automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器