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平地层 的英文翻译、例句


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Deep studies on the Holocene loess-palaeosol sequences and the slack water deposits profiles, identifying and obtaining the information of paleoflood recorded in them, ensuring the amount, frequency, time and scale of the extreme Holocene paleofloods, are very helpful in revealing the characters and rules of the environment change during Holocene in this drainage basin and the middle reach of the Yellow River.


During drilling course,we overcome technology problems as unconsolidation formation,poor lithology,high precision of horizontal section target,thirsty formation and so on.


On the basis of the basic principles of sequence stratigraphy,the formation of cyclical sedimentary stratum is driven by eustasy which is periodic,and by analysing the seismic,well log and nano-microfossil data of Pearl River Mouth Basin,an integrated study was conducted which is on the sequence stratigraphy of lower and middle Miocene stratum within and around Kaiping Sag .


The study of the mineralization degree ,water type and ion combination coefficient of the Pre-Tertiary formation water in Chaluhe fault depression,Yitong Basin,reveals that total mineralization degree of the water is relatively low,and NaHCO3 water type,while the formation water has obvious vertical mineralization zonation with a high metamorphic grade.


During later Paleogene and early Neogene, Jiyang Depression undergone from rifting activity to depression activity. During early Guantao Formation, fault active, highland eroded, slope overlapped and sags filled, and then when later Guantao Formation begin sedimented, paleotopography became plainness, new stratum overlaid all old stratum, intensity of fault activity gradually got in weaken, and developed the sedimentary system of alluvial-fluvial-freshwater shallow lake.


According to geometry and mechanical distortion principle, a computer simulation and visualization technique is developed, which uses 2D seismic interpretative profile, tectonic plan map, sedimentary facies map and well log sheet to generate 3D tectonic-stratigraphic framework of basin, and also to establish spatial information system of real 3D digital basin.


Paleozoic stratum can be separated east and west stratigraphical areas, according to lithological character and palaeontological information, contacted relationships and diversification of stratigraphical units in horizontal and vertical etc. The stratums in west area can be divided Devonian-Carboniferous Nanduan formation and Permian Laba formation, which is passive continental margin-bathyal depositional sequences comprised argillaceous and detrital rocks, small siliceous and carbonatite in upper. The stratums in east area can be divided lower-middle Devonian Wenquan formation and middle-upper Devonian Manxin formation, upper Devonian-lower Carboniferous Pingzhang formation, Carboniferous-Permian Yutangzhai formation, middle Permian Damingshan formation, upper Permian Shifodong formation respectively, moreover, middle-upper Permian Huoju formation is exposed in Menglian area.


更多网络解释与平地层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recumbent fold:臥褶皺

偃卧褶皱(recumbent fold)为一种倒转褶皱,其轴面近乎水平,两翼平卧. 等斜褶皱(isoclinal fold)褶皱中的两翼几近互相平行,轴面的倾角或平或直或倾斜均可. 单斜层(monocline)是两端都是平缓的地层,但是中间有局部的陡急倾斜出现,

rootless vent:无根喷溢道

孤立地层内部褶曲;无根平轴褶曲 rootless intrafolial fold | 无根喷溢道 rootless vent | 均方根误差 root-mean-square error

rootless intrafolial fold:孤立地层内部褶曲;无根平轴褶曲

根牙;根齿 rooted tooth | 孤立地层内部褶曲;无根平轴褶曲 rootless intrafolial fold | 无根喷溢道 rootless vent


substrate 基质 | substratosphere 副平零 | substratum 下部地层


pillardrive 地层支护平巷 | pillaret 小柱 | pillarextraction 煤柱回收

pillar file:平角

pillar drive ==> 地层支护平巷 | pillar file ==> 平角やすり | pillar for side panel and door ==> 侧板和门柱