英语人>词典>汉英 : 平价的 的英文翻译,例句
平价的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
par  ·  parred  ·  parring  ·  pars

更多网络例句与平价的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the bleaching, dyeing, detergents, paper pulp can be divided into chemical pulp and mechanical pulp, the former is manufacturing quality of the paper, such as paper, the Bible paper etc; the latter paper for manufacturing par value, such as newsprint.


But by parity of reasoning it falls upon Calvinism.


PPP audio ads will be contextually related to the text content of any web page where the PPP code is placed.


Olympic critics say the Games have increased homelessness by fuelling gentrification 2 in the Downtown Eastside, leaving the poor with few options in a city that already has some of Canada's least-affordable housing.


Let's just get the generic Eagle brand for half the price.


We parity strategy services, so you can spend less money to do more and better things.


According to InnoDisk, the current version of SATADOM uses SLC chips to serve business users.


However, some Treasury bills, like the Treasury bill of the U. S. government, do not actually pay interest. Instead they are issued at a discount from par.


The economist Menzie Chinn, using purchasing power parity exchange rates, reckoned the renminbi's undervaluation to be 40%. But, after the World Bank revised China's GDP in PPP terms downward by 40%, that undervaluation disappeared. Nick Lardy and Morris Goldstein suggest that the renminbi was probably undervalued only by 12-16% at the end of 2008. And Yang Yao of Beijing University has put the misalignment at less than 10%.


Taipei has many night markets and bazaars for inexpensive gifts.


更多网络解释与平价的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at par:平价发行

发行价若与证券面值相同,称为平价发行(at par),高于面值则称为溢价发行(at a premium),低于面值称为折价发行(at a discount). 股票发行价与股票上市价的关系由于股市在开盘之前(9:15-9:25)有个集合竞价的过程(此时投资者挂价到了交易所(没有实际成交),

supply cut-price packages:主办平价的旅行团

水都wet city | 主办平价的旅行团supply cut-price packages | 主题公园主题乐园theme park

su ly cut-price packages:主办平价的旅行团

水都wet city | 主办平价的旅行团su ly cut-price packages | 主题公园/主题乐园theme park

flat rate:[平价]

机场专门有人调度管理出租车,如果一辆车拉不下太多的行李,可以叫一辆箱式客车(Van). 在不同城市,从机场至市中心的出租费一般为二三十元. 不用跟出租车司机讨价还价,因为机场到市区的出租费为平价(flat rate),不能乱收费.

Gross National Income in PPP dollars:国民总收入的购买力平价美元

* Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值 | * Gross National Income in PPP dollars国民总收入的购买力平价美元 | * Imports as percentage of GDP进口占国内生产总值的百分比

par value:平价

经第二次修订的>除赋予成员国选择汇率制度的自由外,还在>第4条第4款和附录C中规定了恢复外汇平价(Par Value)制度的程序和基本要求,从而使未来在国际货币关系中建立外汇平价制度成为某种可能.


能够最好他说明此类政策后果的,很可能是美国在努力运用了"平价"(parity)观念二十年以后所出现的情势. 那种向农业生产者保证使农产品价格与工业产品价格保持一固定的比例关系的努力,势必导致对各种自发力量的否弃,

purchasing power parity:购买力平价理论

购买力平价理论(purchasing power parity)指出,货币汇率应该按照每个国家之间的相对物价为标准,也就是说,两个货币的汇率应该等于这两个国家的物价水平(以一固定揽子的货物和服务来计算)的比例.

purchasing power parities:购买力平价

"普华永道的城市产出估值,是根据联合国2008年的城市人口估计,结合经购买力平价(purchasing power parities)修正后的城市人均GDP计算而得的,购买力平价相当于大致的生活费用.

par issue:平价发行

-- Par -- 与票面价值相等的 -- | -- par issue -- 平价发行 -- | -- par rate of exchange -- 平价汇率 --