英语人>词典>汉英 : 干旱 的英文翻译,例句
干旱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aridity  ·  drought  ·  drouth  ·  droughts

更多网络例句与干旱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its research areas Include: Climatology and biometeorology; Rainfall and its biological effects; Erosion and the deposition of sediments: dust storms; Dunes, their structure and formation; Microclimatology; Dew and hygroscopic moisture; Soil flora and fauna in arid lands; Seed germination and its improvement; Vegetational studies in desert regions worldwide; The physiology and ecology of plants and animals; Foraging patterns of mammals; Parasites and predators; Diurnal rhythmicity and phenology; The impact of grazing; Wildlife conservation; Anthropology and sociology of desert peoples; Oasis settlement; Human ecology and traditional land use; Land classification and improvement; Water control; Remote sensing; Desertification, its causes and control.


Beijingensis under three droughttreatments, normal, moderate and severe stresses. The results showed:(1) the canker disease ofboth cultivars was serious gradually with increased drought;(2) the bark tissue cells sufferedplasmolysis, more evident with the severity of drought stress;(3) under the drought andinoculation with B. dothidea, cells of two cultivars damaged at different degree, mailyrepresented in the changes of organelles, such as chloroplast swollen and distorted, number ofmitochondria increased and membrane system indistinct; then organelles suffered furtherdamagement with inoculation time, thinned mitochondrias stroma, decreased cristae, crumpledand partly broken membrane of chloroplasts with stroma exosmosis. At last, the chloroplastspartly disorganized;(4) the hyphae growed mainly intercellular in resistant cultivar and notonly intercellular but also intracellular in susceptible cultivar, which directly caused thenecrosis of cells;(5) under the severe drought, the damage of cells enhanced the infection ofpathogen and drought and pathogen stressed together and promoted the disease development;the damage from pathogen on cells was more serious than that from drought.


The arid and semiaridfarm belt is about 52.5%of the earth land in our country, among which the plowlandis 51 million hm~2 and is about 51%of all plowland in our country. The dry landwithout irrigation is about 65%of the and and semiarid farm belt.


And the average WDI for every month was calculated from 60 decades WDI and the drought frequency for every month was obtained with a drought criterion. Results showed that: in spring, North-western China, Northern China and Southern China have a higher drought frequency; in May to August, the region that has a higher drought frequency focus on North-western China and Northern China; from September to December, North-western China, Northern China, center China and Sichuan basin has a higher drought frequency (6) The relationship between average WDI for all the 720 decades in 20 years and average precipitation was analysed and was used to regionalize drought in China.


First of all,we tested the germination and water uptake rate of 47 species typical xerophil seeds grow up in north China from 20 families,38 genuses under sufficient water and different Grads water stress by high-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol(PEG6000).The results show that Xerophil seeds from the same habitat exhibited similar patterns in response to water stress.Xerophil seeds from arid community were stronger in germination and imbibition than that from other two communities under serious water stress,whereas Xerophil seeds from humid community were sensitive to any degree of water stress.Namely,the seeds live in arid habitat possessed high germination and quickly water uptake in sufficient water or any degree of water stress,but the others grow up in humid habitat shown significant difference which germination and water uptake well under sufficient water but inhibited even if slight water stress.


Pereme , separately are 209%,295%,285%; the increasing of accumulating amount separately are 209%,295%,285%; The use of silicon has a tread to rise dry weight of Bermudagrass ,Agrostis Lolium. Pereme ; Under the drought condition , the use of silicon suppressed the reducing of the relative water content of leaf in turfgrass , delaying the time of wither , stress for the 11th day in the drought .compared with water normally and not using silicon ,after use silicon, the RWC of Bermudagrass , Agrostis Lolium. Pereme only separately depressed 14%,16%,32%; Under the drought condition ,the use of silicon can increased the content of proline of Bermudagrass ,Agrostis Lolium. Pereme, stress for the 11th day in the drought and using silicon , compared with water normally and ueing silicon, the content of Pro separately increased 203%,199%,473%;The using of silicon depressing the ET of Bermudagrass and Lolium. Pereme.Under water normally condition, separately depressed 21%,8% at eleven days ;Under drought condition , separately depressed 17%,5%.

施硅增加了草坪草狗牙根、剪股颖和黑麦草的含硅量,分别为209%、295%、285%;积累量分别提高了240%、364%、355%;施硅对草坪草狗牙根、剪股颖和黑麦草的干物质积累有促进趋势;在干旱的条件下,施硅抑制了草坪草的叶相对含水量的降低,延迟了叶片萎焉的时间,在干旱胁华中农业大学2001级时一艳丽硕士学位论文迫第n天,与正CK相比,施硅后狗牙根、剪股颖和黑麦草分别只降低了 14%;16%,32%。;施硅增加了狗牙根、剪股颖、黑麦草在干旱条件下脯氨酸的含量,增强了渗透调节能力,在干旱施硅的条件下,与正51相比,在干旱胁迫第11天,狗牙根、剪股颖和黑麦草脯氨酸的含量分别增加了2叨%、199%、473%;施硅减少了狗牙根和黑麦草的蒸散量在正常浇水的条件下,与正CK相比,第11天狗牙根和黑麦草的蒸散量分别降低了21%、吕%;在干旱的条件下,与干CK相比,在干旱胁迫的第11天,狗牙根和黑麦草的蒸散量分别降低了17%、5%。

With aggravation of drought stress, ZXY04P-75 and ZXY04P-201 increased in proline content while that of ZXY03P-173 and ZXY04P-239 increased initially, reaching the peak at the 8th day, then declined. And the rate of net photosynthetic declined notably with the intensity of drought stress, The minimum of decline rate of net photosynthetic is ZXY04P-201. 4. The results of photosynthetic mechanism for 4 Dactylis glomerata L. show: the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate,stomatal conductance and chlorophyll decreased dramatically, Compared with weak drought resistance ZXY04P-239,the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll in the leaves strong drought-resistance ZXY04P-201 decreased slowly.


The article adopted a new filtering-cloud composing technology used to monitoring drought,analyzed the property of Ts—NDVI characteristic space and the TVDI's indicating drought ability, put forward the TVDI compute model, grade standard, and the impact estimation method. The result indicated: 1 the decade-composed data obtained by the maximum surface temperature principle has better ability than the composed data obtained by the maximum NDVI on monitoring drought; 2 in the Ts-NDVI characteristic space,the dry side and the wet side almost are horizontal lines when the NDVI is on the small side, the temperature difference is about 45℃; 3 the TVDI has inequable level on monitoring drought as its value, the less TVDI indicates without drought occurrence, the bigger TVDI shows the drought certainly happened, the unsure drought conclusion mainly comes from the middle TVDI; 4 the monitored results of Sichuan hot-drought in 2006, obtained by the remote sensing and by the climate index, are basically consistent, the estimating error on the bearing drought crop area and on the drinking trouble population is within 10%.


As to'Cabemet Sauvignon'and'Queen of Vineyard', which belong to the'West Europe Cultivars Group', no obvious decline of Fv/Fm was found in their potted plants even under severe drought stress. Their photosynthetic abilities also greatly recovered after rewatering, i. e. no serious photodamage was formed in these cultivars under drought stress. Between them, the φPSⅡ of 'Queen of Vineyard'under severe drought stress was much lower than that of'Cabernet Sauvignon', which suggested that the light use efficiency of the former was much lower than the latter under severe drought stress. The potted plants of'Autumn Royal'and'Rizamat' sustained high Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ before moderate drought stress, but seriously declined under severe drought stress, which indicated that these cultivars had a weak resistant ability to extreme drought stress. A hybridized cultivar of Vitis vinifera L. and V. labrusca L.,'Red Double Taste', its Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ expressed mild decline along drought stress grade.φPSⅡ of'Red Double Taste'was the highest among seven cultivars under severe drought stress condition, which might closely connected with its high photorespiration activity. Another new cultivar,'Red Globe', and a rootstock,'1103Paulsen', the Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ of their potted plants declined markedly under slight drought stress, which suggested that they held a weak ability to defend against photoinhibition.


Pure-remote sensing information models are free of the numerous distributional parameters that are difficult to obtain in vast area. The following sections are included in the study.(1) The VCI and SVI based on time-series NDVI data are used to analyse regional drought and the following results were reached: As the vegetation growth status index, the response of VCI and SVI to precipitation was land cover type, temporal and site specified. So VCI and SVI have little information about drought when used to monitor regional drought especially in China that has a mountainous topographty.(2) Based on the interpretation of NDVI-Ts space, NDVI and land surface temperature was combined to construct NVDI-Ts space from which the TVDI (Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index) was obtained with line ratio method and normalized slopes method. When compared with the topsoil moisture measured in situ, TVDI are competent in regional drought monitoring. Illumed by the NDVI-Ts space, we combined the NDVI with day/night land surface temperature difference and apparent thermal inertia to construct NDVI-ΔT and NDVI-ATI spaces from which the DVDI and AVDI were estimated respectively with 8-day composite MODIS 〓 product and 16-day composite MODIS NDVI product.


更多网络解释与干旱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


最后的(Utimate) 粘化层和低的盐基饱和度图单元氧化土Oxisols (法)Fr.Oxide 氧化物(Oxide) 氧化层, 无粘化层, 高度风化变性土Vertisols (拉)L.verto 转化(Invert) 高膨胀型粘粒, 干燥后裂缝深干旱土Aridisols (拉)L.aridus 干旱的(Arid)干旱土壤, 色淡表层,

arid soil:干旱土 旱境土

arid 干旱的,贫瘠的 乾旱 Y | arid soil 干旱土 旱境土 Y | arid zone 干旱带 乾旱帶 Y

arid zone:贫瘠的,干旱的 干燥不毛之地 旱区干旱带

arctic北极 | arid zone贫瘠的,干旱的 干燥不毛之地 旱区干旱带 | Arthur Waldron阿瑟 华尔琼

physiological drought:生理干旱

22、干旱(drought)与生理干旱(physiological drought):过度水分亏缺的现象称为干旱. 由于土壤中盐分过多,引起土壤水势降低,使植物根系吸收水分困难,甚至发生体内水分外渗的受旱现象,叫生理干旱. 寒害也能引起植物产生生理干旱现象.

physiological drought:生理干旱,生理性干旱

physiological dose 生理剂量 | physiological drought 生理干旱,生理性干旱 | physiological dryness 生理干燥

drought preparedness:作好干旱准备

drought early warning 干旱预警 | drought preparedness 作好干旱准备 | drought probability map 干旱可能性图

drought preparedness:作好干旱预备

drought early warning干旱预警 | drought preparedness作好干旱预备 | drought probability map干旱可能性图


干燥不生群落 xero-petrophytia | 耐干旱的;喜干旱的 xerophil;xerophilous | 干生性 xerophitism

Arid and Semi-arid Rangelands:干旱半干旱地区治理

(5)土壤健康Soil Health | (6)干旱干旱地区治理Arid and Semi-arid Rangelands | (7)"碳"管理Carbon Management

EMASAR; ecological management of arid and semi-arid rangelands:干旱和半干旱牧地的生态管理

*EMAS; Eco Management and Auditing Scheme [EU]; 生态... | *EMASAR; ecological management of arid and semi-arid rangelands; 干旱和半干旱牧地的生态管理 | *EMBL;European Molecular Biology Laboratory; 欧洲分...