英语人>词典>汉英 : 席位 的英文翻译,例句
席位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chair  ·  seat  ·  chaired  ·  chairing  ·  chairs  ·  seats

更多网络例句与席位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 2004, the BJP won 21 of Rajasthan's seats, while Congress brought in only four.


Lebanon's interior minister announced the results of Sunday's parliamentary election district by district for claiming the pro-western March 14th coalition the winner for 71 seats and 128 member of parliament.

黎巴嫩内政部部长Ziad Baroud周日宣布了议会选举的结果,在各个地区宣布了泛西阵营赢得了128个议会席位中的71个席位

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.


Yisrael Beitenu's success in the election in February, when it came third with 15 of the parliament's 120 seats, made Mr Lieberman the kingmaker.


The LDP and New Komeito will need to boost their joint tally of seats by 19 just to gain a majority in the chamber.


Mr Cameron and George Osborne, his shadow chancellor, lead Mr Brown and Alistair Darling, the underwhelming actual chancellor, on the key question of economic management. In May the Tories stunningly won a parliamentary by-election in the once-safe Labour seat of Crewe; on June 26th they scored another fine result in Henley, the southern seat vacated by Boris Johnson, who had earlier captured the mayoralty of London for them.


With all due respect," Mr Brown shot back, in a soundbite that defined the rest of the race ,"it's not the Kennedys' seat, it's not the Democrats' seat, it's the people's seat.


Such one-party 'safe' seats predominate in many political systems, in which case the outcomes of elections are decided in the 'marginals', the often small number of seats in which there are genuine prospects of partisan change.


Safe seat :安全席位 A constituency in which the holding party has a big lead to defend.


At stake in Tuesday's midterm election are all 435 House seats, 33 seats in the Senate and 36 races for governor. With many Americans frustrated over the Iraq war and disappointed with misbehavior in Washington, Republican control of Congress may be on the line.


更多网络解释与席位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 nesting stackers, bucket, and bucket seat:2产卵堆垛机,水桶,水桶席位

Features: 特点: | 2 nesting stackers, bucket, and bucket seat 2产卵堆垛机,水桶,水桶席位 | Organize screws, nuts, bolts, etc.组织螺丝,螺母,螺栓等.

The chairmanship of the committee changes in rotation:委员会主席的席位由成员轮流担任

the rotation of the earth 地球的自转 | The chairmanship of the committee changes in rotation. 委员会主席的席位由成员轮流担任. | round 圆形的,球形的;在周围

choir stall:唱诗班席位

choir screen 内坛或围栏 | choir stall 唱诗班席位 | choir 唱诗班

convener seats:召集人席位

controversial bills 爭議性法案 | convener seats 召集人席位 | conventional submarines 傳統潛艇

Members ex officio:当然席位(最高统帅)

Members ex officio/当然席位(最高统帅) | HM The Queen /女王陛下(1947) | HRH The Prince of Wales/威尔士王子殿下 KG KT GCB OM AK QSO CD SOM GCL PC ADC (1958)

niche separation:生態席位分離

niche particulate 非連續性生態席位 | niche separation 生態席位分離 | niche theory 生態席位理論

back benches:(英国议员中的)后排席位; 普通议员席位

anxious seat 忏悔者座位 [转]坐卧不安 | back benches (英国议员中的)后排席位; 普通议员席位 | be on thebench 当法官; 开庭审问案件 当主教 [美]坐在暂时不参加比赛的运动员席位

front benches:(英国议会中的)前排席位, 内阁大臣或政党领袖的席位

cross benches (英国议会内)中立议员席位 | front benches (英国议会中的)前排席位, 内阁大臣或政党领袖的席位 | on the anxious bench [美]坐立不安, 如坐针毡

Reel Seat: Uplocking with wood reel seat:卷筒席位: uplocking与木材卷筒席位

Handle: Cigar处理:雪茄 | Reel Seat: Uplocking with wood reel seat卷筒席位: uplocking与木材卷筒席位 | Action: Medium-Fast行动:中快速

卷筒席位: uplocking与木材卷筒席位:Reel Seat: Uplocking with wood reel seat

Handle: Cigar处理:雪茄 | Reel Seat: Uplocking with wood reel seat卷筒席位: uplocking与木材卷筒席位 | Action: Medium-Fast行动:中快速