英语人>词典>汉英 : 市民 的英文翻译,例句
市民 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
burgess  ·  burgher  ·  cit  ·  citizen  ·  citizenry  ·  Glaswegian  ·  townsfolk  ·  townsman  ·  townspeople  ·  townee  ·  Burgess  ·  burghers  ·  citizens  ·  townsmen

residents of a city
更多网络例句与市民相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is to say, we could draw a conclusion through the comparison of different editions of drum words of Two Degrees Plum in Qing Dynasty Republic of China with the form, content and thought of novel, and the comparison of the form, content and thought with different editions of drum words. Our conclusion is that different type of edition of the drum words in latter Qing Dynasty times, which basically followed the traditional modes of past drum words from the formality, but the ideological content could directly reflect the vicissitudes of society and idea at that time with the times changed. The different types of texts of drum words had directly reflected the traditional entertainment involving talking and singing entertainer's thoughts (they represented the first floor people's thoughts at that time), and also had directly reflected the common and popular writers'thoughts from their adaptions(they represented at that time one kind of residential social stratum thought which increased sharply along with city expanded and resident social stratum population produced, and this thought also referred to one kind of thought after the chromolithography had entered into China in latter Qing dynasty, cultural printing propagation velocity sped up and drum words gradually became the ordinary resident's table-top reading material).This kind of thought produced along with the social vicissitudes, also impelled the entire society's forward development and the progress from the science and technology and the cultural domain.


The deep source of western rule by law lies in the separation of country with demagogic society and interactive development,that is in the course of country re—construction and demagogic social independence movement,the demarcation and conflict of power with right give rise to the production of legal order,but the advocating of townspeople social spirit promotes the legal formalization movement.


The deep source of western rule by law lies in the separation of country with demagogic society and interactive development,that is in the course of country r e -construction and demagogic social independence movement,the demarcation and con flict of power with right give rise to the production of legal order,but the adv ocating of townspeople social spirit promotes the legal formalization movement.


Ticism of the characters-carelessness,feebleness,perfunctoriness and compromise-and the townspeople's unique culture among the townspeople in old Beijing,which had expressed the author's deep feeling and the responsibility of the times.


In this part, we first analyze the inevitability of the renewal of civil society theory from the international angle.


In his literary and dramatic works, Lessing expressed the thoughts to Enlighten and foster the national sprit and even to set up an integral national civilization; what"s more, he opposed the feudal separationist rule with his ideal of Kosmopolitismus. At that time, after succeeding and developing European humanist tradition, Lessing formed his religious philosophy and religious tolerance, with his rational opinion, he deepened the profundity of German Enlightenment. Furthermore, he created townspeople"s drama and advocated the realistic aesthetics. On the one hand, he praised their disposition and expressed their political desire and class interest, which made the townspeople as a new motive force to the German Enlightenment. In addition, Lessing"s Enlighten. thoughts greatly influenced the following movement—Sturm Und Drang. The essence of Lessing"s thoughts is our common valuable prosperity.In a word. Germany then greatly needed a person like Lessing, and Lessing was the child of German Enlightenment.


Through reviewing the influences by the changes of Chinese social construction and the languages of modern plaza design, six design rules are proposed in this paper. The conclusion of this thesis is that plazas play a major role in the interaction of Chinese civil society and country.

提 要:本文通过考察中国社会结构变迁对城市公共空间特征的影响和广场设计的"现代化"语式,提出了市民社会广场设计的六条设计准则,并在此基础上进一步阐述市民社会广场设计在中国市民社会与国家之间互动关系的重要功用。

Specifically speaking, the dimension of liberty is the political liberty in the period of classical polis, contracting liberty in the period of natural law philosophy, economic liberty in the dichotomy of civil society and state in modem times, and participating liberty in the trichotomy of civil society and state and market in the contemporary era.


In this paper, the people of Marx's analysis from the perspective of social theory as an entry point to Marx's concept of civil society to define and textual analysis as its ide ... ological basis in order to Marx's theory of civil society, understood as the dual dimensions of ways of thinking, from Marx's theory of civil society, double dimension and its uniform understanding of the meaning of the theory of the ideological tension of civil society, revealing its people's theory, the liberation of the important role of theory and historical materialism to form ideas of this research.


So my essay includ~ four parts: 1st, lie entertainment of Wat She Coit Lan (lie puIhiC place of emftertainnient; 2nd, the recreational activities of Dung ~Jing抯 festivals; 3rd, the boats?race in lie pond of?Jing J\ling: 4th,(lie rest pattern and the rest culture.


更多网络解释与市民相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Burgher Republics:市民共和國

Bureaucracy theory 官僚理论 | Burgher Republics 市民共和国 | Burgher-Oligarchs 市民寡头政治家


在西方国家的文字中,"市民"(citizen)一词不光是指在城里居住的人,而且是特指具有市民权的人,是有身份自由、享有充分权利、城市共同体的正式成员. 根据国内外对"农民"和"市民"特质的类型化比较和中国的实际情况,


citizen 市民 | citizeness 女性市民 | citizenhood 公民权


citizen /市民/公民/一般平民/人民/国民/居民/民/ | citizeness /女姓市民/ | citizenhood /公民/公民权/国籍/


英国规划学家FreddrikGibberd 在他的重要著作>开宗明义地说道,"城市是这样一种场所,即具有市民权利的市民,在这里过一种文明的生活,市民权(Citizenship)、平民的(Civil)、市民的(Civic)、文明的(Civilized)、文明(Civilization)等等,

Town Hall meetings:市民大会;市民会议

sub-regional centre for human rights and democracy in Central Africa,中部非洲次区域人权与民主中心,, | Town Hall meetings,市民大会;市民会议,, | Treaty Handbook,条约手册,,

Town Hall meetings:市民大会;市民会议; 全体会议

sub-regional centre for human rights and democracy in Central Africa;中部非洲次区域人权与民主中心;; | Town Hall meetings;市民大会;市民会议; 全体会议;; | Treaty Handbook;条约手册;;

townsman:市民, 同城市的市民

inhabitants 居民 | townsman 市民, 同城市的市民 | villager 村民

townspeople:市民; 城里人; 镇民 (名)

townsman 镇民, 市民; 同乡人 (名) | townspeople 市民; 城里人; 镇民 (名) | townswoman 城镇女居民; 本镇女居民 (名)

CB radio:市民波段无线电收发机

CB base station 市民波段基台 | CB radio 市民波段无线电收发机 | CB service 市民波段通讯服务