英语人>词典>汉英 : 巨额的 的英文翻译,例句
巨额的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vast  ·  megacephalic  ·  megalocephalic  ·  megalocephalous  ·  vaster  ·  megacephalous

更多网络例句与巨额的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Huge government spending; huge country estates; huge popular demand for higher education; a huge wave; the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.


Winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.


Cooperate however be not worth a year, EA one-sided break one's promise, owe expenses of the employee compensation of a huge sum of brushstroke of day Yue company and operation.


As well as a coasting trade, she had a considerable land trade with Central Africa.


face our country huge sum in 2007 foreign trade surplus, effect is unsatisfactory , favourable balance still continues increasing by although the country has adopted a series if the domestic needs expanding waits to regulate and control a means.


A few of them lost their glamor quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts.


Hawkwood made large sums of money by this way.


He also said that if the relevant commercial enterprises have been recognized as the ultimate hidden income tax, will face huge fines and penalties.


As for the supply of capital, the huge sum of the primary capital, required by industrialization and urbanization in its earlier period, was obtained in agriculture through price scissors.


Below planned economy system, asset of land of this a huge sum is implicit the free in land, termless, use without flow in, realize rise in value impossibly, as management city, management land new concept stands really, will be dish of work the state-owned land asset of this a huge sum produces positive effect.


更多网络解释与巨额的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Babette's Feast:芭贝特的盛宴

芭贝特幸运地获得了法国巨额彩金,她为了回报这对好心的姊妹,特别为她们及村民准备了一场丰富的晚餐,并且唤醒了大家心中尘封已久的对美好事物的渴望 影片评价 >(Babette's Feast)是一部宛若小人书般精致的电影.


但是由于复利效应的存在,在一个较长的时期里累积的结果将对基金收益产生巨大影响. 先锋标普500基金的创立者博格(Bogle)在解释为何主动型基金无法超越指数基金时,就一针见血地指出:"巨额的回报源于成本上的细微差别".


这台出湿信号的音箱可以是分体音箱,也可以是一体(Combo)音箱. 而且你不一定需要使用和主音箱一样的型号,因此不用担心巨额的花费问题. 你只需要一台Clean音色尚可的晶体管Combo就可以了,它出的只是湿信号,因此它不会掩盖或者损害你主音箱的音色.


由于货期延误(delayed) 这批鞋本该运往新加波的鞋,被YY公司取消,永远留在了中国,工厂为了回笼资金,低于成本抛货. 这就是价格低的吓人的原因. 关于真鞋和仿鞋的几点心得:仿制者一般都没有足够的订单数量来分摊巨额的底模费,

generate huge amounts of money because:产生巨额金钱,因为

And that means you'll easily be able to这意味着你很容易可 | generate huge amounts of money because产生巨额金钱,因为 | you'll be communicating with consumers你的沟通与消费者



Jasper Johns:贾斯珀约翰

艺术专家预测,由拍卖巨头苏富比和佳士得主持的春季拍卖会将提供贾斯珀.约翰(Jasper Johns)和马克.罗斯科(Mark Rothko)等现代大师的作品,这将激起富有的收藏家们激烈的竞争和巨额的开支.

I mean, you got a big old bank account, a ginormous house:我的意思是,你有巨额存款 还有甭提有多大的房子

That's easy for you to say, Dano. You're a freaki... | I mean, you got a big old bank account, a ginormous house,|我的意思是,你有巨额存款 还有甭提有多大的房子 | - big, thick red hair-- - You know what?...

Some mighty fine print:巨额赔付协议

Mag's contract's got|some mighty fine print.|Mag的合同包括|某种巨额赔付协议. | Some mighty fine print?|巨额赔付协议? | Some mighty fine...|某种巨额赔付...

And that mighty fine print:那些巨额赔付协议

Some mighty fine...|某种巨额赔付... | And that mighty fine print|那些巨额赔付协议 | puts Mag in a mighty fine predicament.|让Mag陷入一个巨额赔付的困境.