英语人>词典>汉英 : 工种 的英文翻译,例句
工种 的英文翻译、例句


type of work in production · kind of work · branch of work
更多网络例句与工种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In particular, a number of professions and trades such as bricklaying, Ma Hui, namely engineering firms have a certain visibility in the development of strong momentum.


Next to mining sugar cane work is considered the hardest in the world.


V Next to mining sugar cane work is considered the hardest in the world.


Mining sugar cane work is considered the hardest in the world.


Objective To analyse the possible factors of dental implantation s uc cess and failure.


Results The geometric average dust concentrations of individuals were 0.31-30.27 mg/m3,and the maximum dust concentrations of workplace were 3.13-329.3 mg/m3;the qualified rates of dust concentrations of individuals sample and the workplace were 50% and 11.1% respectively.

结果粉尘个体采样检测6个工种,粉尘浓度的几何均值为0.31~30.27 mg/m3,工种合格率为50%;定点短时间检测9个岗位,粉尘浓度最高值为3.13~329.3 mg/m3,岗位合格率为11.1%;检测噪声作业点13个,合格率92.3%。

Slip-form construction is due to coordination of the construction trades, so during the construction process, the various types of jobs must be the rational allocation of staff, in general, the sliding mode is two shifts, working 12 hours for the class, usually in the operating platform include: concrete work, woodwork, sliding mode, electrician, both inside and outside the hanger has close-ray personnel, above there is a crane driver, the use of pumped concrete, as well as pipeline maintenance personnel, in addition to the basis of sliding speed of erection Master runway at any time.


This study involved field interviews of working postures of certain jobs in construction industry including labor for constructing retaining wall, carpenters, iron workers, concrete pouring, and electricians . Hazards of their working postures during operation were analyzed and compared using OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analyzing System) postural analysis.

本研究系针对营建业部份之建筑工种,包含挡土柱、模板、钢筋、混凝土、水电等五种工种,进行工作姿势实地访谈;并透过 OWAS (Ovako working Posture Analysing System)工作姿势分析法,分析比对其作业工作姿势之危害程度。

Results: The results showed that the prevalence of HFNIHL in riveters, in various ranges from 0.25 kHz to 8 kHz and in work history were significantly higher than those of test pilots; and the prevalence of HFNIHL in riveters was different in different gender. Conclusion: The aircraft-made noise can dramatically injure workers' auditory system, especially showed in high frequence.


The common stressors are long working houres, short of working rest or even none of rest , bad labor environments , irrational labor institution and contradictory of social circumstances.1.2 The analysis of occupational stress900 Female workers were sampled at random with cluster sampling based on AET analysis.

1.2 职业紧张水平的研究以进入AET分析的各工种工人为基础人群。用整群抽样的方法,随机抽取各分析工种在岗一年以上900名女工作为紧张水平的研究对象。利用OSI-R中的OSQ和PRQ问卷测试作业女工的紧张水平和应变能力。

更多网络解释与工种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当然,该栏目还有很多其他工种,如编辑(editor)、导播(studio director)、摄像(cameraman)等. 每期的言谈提纲由一个producer草拟后,被提交至由presenter, executive producer和所有producer参加的采访提纲证会,会上大家集体讨论问题的取舍.

architectural conception:建筑构思

建筑工种 building trades | 建筑构思 architectural conception | 建筑构图 compostion on architecture; architectural composition

construction trade:施工工种

施工工期 construction period | 施工工种 construction trade | 施工规模 scope of construction item; size of construction




听说,澳洲最挣钱的是电工(electrician),在美国南加州,最挣钱的工种是修空调的(air con man). 英国,是修马桶的和投下水道的(plumber)不知道这是为什么. 希望有懂行的来指教一二.

EMR Electromagnetic Radiation:電磁放射

emptying valve 泄空阀 | EMR, Electromagnetic Radiation 電磁放射 | emulation among workers of the same type of work 同工种竞赛

JEM:abbr. job exposure matrix; 工种暴露模式


job analysis 工种分析 | job hopper 爱跳槽的人 | job hunter 求职者

unskilled labor:非技术性工种

unskilful 不熟练的 | unskilled labor 非技术性工种 | unskilled 不熟练的

building trades:建筑工种

建筑工业 building industry; construction industry | 建筑工种 building trades | 建筑构思 architectural conception