英语人>词典>汉英 : 岗位 的英文翻译,例句
岗位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
post  ·  quarters  ·  posts

更多网络例句与岗位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Please send us your resume by ordinary mail or email.


Is he/she on a flowchart defining the relations between the security function and other functions?


Accounting file clerk job description of a basic information Job Title: Accounting Archivist Department: Finance Division prepared the logistics settled by: Human Resources Department audited by: General Manager, Finance Department, responsible positions in our laboratory and the purpose ...


The rankings for each job are combined into an overall numerical rating for the job.


ResultsThe average of WBGT index in the workplace of paint for the post of pothook was 31.3 ℃, 30. 8 ℃ in picking hook, 30. 9 ℃ in paint throwing and dipping, 30.4 ℃ in paint spraying.

结果 该用人单位油漆车间挂钩岗位湿球黑球温度指数平均值为31.3℃,摘钩岗位WBGT指数平均值为30.8℃,甩漆浸漆岗位WBGT指数平均值为30.9℃,喷漆岗位WBGT指数平均值为30.4℃。

Therefore, this paper starts with job analysis; gains job description for each position with analysis method; based on job analysis, the paper applies Hay Guide Chart-profile Method to evaluate all posting, gets the Posting Pay Grade List for the functional department managers of XH printery; than, according to the company's actual situation, the paper designs Performance Salary System and basal appraisal method; at last, the paper establishes the new Salary System for XH printery's functional department managers.


Students are prepared to work in departments of purchasing, production, dispatch, etc in chain business and logistic management, or work in positions of coordination, collection, storage, circulation, processing at dispatch centers, or be engaged in dispatch management, transportation safety, recipience management, transference management for transport institutions such as railway, highway, water way, air way, and rail services.


The post of the Youth League, it is the post of study, the post that take exercise, consecratory post, also be the post of extremely rich challenge.


In order to solve these problems, such as complex system, hard-worked indexes and unscientific usage, we propose an improved idea that is "make the series that is divided according to the character of station in the whole bank as the assessed independent group, constitute same appraisement system for every series, design assessment indexes according to the station series, use assessment result also according to it".


And thirdly, with the help of organization learning theory, thees learning problems above all can be solved easily by setting up the learning coach's team in national sports team.


更多网络解释与岗位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

action station:[军]战斗岗位 [pl.][军]各就各位(准备战斗)的号令; 做好准备

above one's station 超出自己的身分地位 | action station [军]战斗岗位 [pl.][军]各就各位(准备战斗)的号令; 做好准备 | beneath one's station 低于自己的身分地位

job evaluation:岗位评价

岗位等级主要依据"岗位评价"(job evaluation)的结果来进行确定和划分. 岗位评价有多种具体方法,如百事可乐公司采取hay评价系统进行评价. hay评价系统把静态的岗位评价与动态的绩效评估结合起来,其要素为:(1 )岗位所需要的技能、所要求付出的劳动强度及工作环境等;

Job analysis:岗位分析

无论是源于20世纪F.W.Taylor的岗位分析(Job Analysis)或岗位评估(Job evaluation),都是岗位设计的重要组成部分. 之所以岗位设计对战略执行如此重要,我们可以从"伦勤战略执行管理流程图"(图1)中找到答案:


limpet 帽贝 | limpet 坚守岗位的职员 | limpet 坚守岗位的职员

on-the-job training:岗位培训

对一个成年人来说,在职的岗位培训(on the job training)是其职业发展的主要途径. 而强烈的意愿、适当的岗位、挑战性的任务与合格的教练,是人才自我培育的基本要素. 我以为,凡把自己的职业发展主要寄托在公司提供的培训项目或者MBA课程上的"人",

point duty:岗位值勤

岗位部署表/quarter bill | 岗位值勤/point duty | 钢笔画/pen picture;pen portrait

alarm post:紧急集合处应变岗位

alarm point setter 报警值整定器 | alarm post 紧急集合处;应变岗位 | alarm post 紧急集合处应变岗位

quarter bill:岗位表部署表

quarter bill 岗位表 | quarter bill 岗位表部署表 | quarter bitt 船尾系缆桩

quarter bill:岗位表

quarter bend 直角弯头 | quarter bill 岗位表 | quarter bill 岗位表部署表

quarter bill:岗位部署表

岗亭/sentry box | 岗位部署表/quarter bill | 岗位值勤/point duty