英语人>词典>汉英 : 展览物 的英文翻译,例句
展览物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I can only hope that there will come one day when France will disburden herself of the heavy load on her conscience and cleanse herself of the crime by returning to China all the spoils taken from the WinterPalace.


I can only hope that there will come one day when France will disburden herself of the heavy load on her conscience and cleanse herself of the crime by returning to China all the spoils taken from the Winter Palace.


She motioned to a hand mirror affixed to the display on a chain.


Produts of the company are widely used in museum、 all kinds of exhibition、 the guide of journey、 the tool of guide for climber and hillman in mountain area、briefing and meeting tool、 the best indicator in inspecting building site、 medical teaching and the school multi-media teaching.


But when we face a series of works, then the whole exhibition made up of these works, we will feel more passive, for when we enter the exhibition space, we are surrounded by a mini-world. To some extent, we become captive and imprisoned; to put it another way, the physical sense of the series works is more powerful, and it indeed dominates the space to create a new space by its quantity and volume, the artist then seems play a role of a temporary 'creator'.


The exhibition has a global, pansexual character, covering the widest range of orientations and types of desire: the male and female gaze and the heterosexual and homosexual one, voyeurism and exhibitionism, bondage and sadomasochism, and the different varieties of fetishism.


Compared with the unsubstituted zinc phthalocyanine, these di-a-substituted analogues have a red-shifted Q band (at 689 vs. 670 nm) and exhibit a relatively weaker uorescence emission and a higher efciency at generating singlet oxygen.

与unsubstituted锌酞菁,这些娣给取代类似物有红移Q带(在689与670 nm )和展览相对弱uorescence排放和更高efciency产生单线态氧。

All Retail Kiosks and Retail Carts must be designed including all functionality like display shelves and hanging space, lighting, storage, cashiering, lock and security, overall dimensions and fit into locations, heights.


The long dimension of the barrel vaults that form the building is parallel to the allees and contours, continuing the layered structure of the outdoor space.


There are some magazines that promote dark powers - saurians openly – Magaz í n 2000, Fantastick á fakta, Fakta X, UFO magazine, they show saurians ' portraits, which form the guiding vibration programme, which is immediately radiated to the Universe by the reader and then the reader is in danger of being kidnapped by these entities. It is so cunning!

有提升黑暗力量的一些杂志-蜥蜴类公开地- Magaz í n 2000, Fantastick á fakta , Fakta X ,不明飞行物杂志,他们展览蜥蜴类的肖像,就是来自振动程序导向,通过读者立即向宇宙辐射然后读者处于被这些实体绑架的危险中,它是多么的狡猾!

更多网络解释与展览物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

show around:带领某人参观 // on show 展览,展出

show sb. sth 给某人看某物 / | show around 带领某人参观 / on show 展览,展出 / | exhibition n. 展览会,展览品,表现

walk side by side:肩并肩地走; 并排着走

3. hand sth. in 上交某物 | 4. walk side by side 肩并肩地走; 并排着走 | 5. the things on display 展览中的物品

undertaken : vbl. undertaked:的过去分词undertake : vt. 从事,保证,承担,同意,接受

reconstruction : n. 复兴,改造,再建 | undertaken : vbl. undertaked的过去分词undertake : vt. 从事,保证,承担,同意,接受 | spectacular : a. 公开展示的,惊人的;n. 展览物