英语人>词典>汉英 : 屈服 的英文翻译,例句
屈服 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bend  ·  bow  ·  buckle  ·  genuflect  ·  genuflection  ·  lout  ·  stoop  ·  submission  ·  submit  ·  succumb  ·  yield  ·  yieldance  ·  bows  ·  buckles  ·  genuflected  ·  genuflecting  ·  genuflects  ·  louted  ·  louting  ·  louts  ·  stooped  ·  stoops  ·  submits  ·  submitted  ·  submitting  ·  succumbed  ·  succumbing  ·  succumbs  ·  yielded  ·  yields  ·  climbdown

cave in · climb down · climb-down · give in · give in to sb · give way · give way to sb · go under · knuckle down · knuckle under · yield to · lie low · bow down · bow to · went under · kiss the dust
更多网络例句与屈服相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carried out generalized Mises yield criterion , yield curve on the n flat face was circle curve, and different elected parameters correspond to external angular point circumcircle、 internal angular point circumcircle and incircle of Mohr-Coulomb unequiangular hexagon. According to unequiangular hexagon, circle yield curve which had the same area as hexagon can be found, and corresponding yield criterionwas equilateral circle yield curve.


A closed yield surface of frozen soil was proposed by modifying Matsuoka-Nakai criterion.


Based on analyzing the advantages and shortcomings, especially the membrane effects, of X steel plate yielding energy dissipator, and combined with the mechanism characteristics of Pall frictionalenergy dissipator, a composite steel plate yielding energy dissipator has been developed. Then the hysteretic behavior of CSEDOR has been tested.


The shear yield surface in π plane and θ〓 direction are gained from the true triaxial test data.


Under small-scale yield condition, the stress distribution outside the yield zone is similar to singular stress distribution without considering the plastic yield. So the elastic singular stress field can be used to narrate the elasto-plastic stree field approximately under small scale yield condition, but the stress intensity coefficient is larger that the elastic one, moreover, it increases as the hardening coefficient decreases.


The result makes clear: EThe tensile strength of TFE film increases somewhat along with the addition of drawing speed, and rupture outspread rate reduces;ETFE to succumb filmily somewhat along with the addition of drawing speed the addition that intensity follows drawing rate and increase somewhat, but the 2nd succumb intensity increases not big;ETFE to succumb filmily meet an emergency follows drawing rate increase somewhat, the 2nd succumb the amount of tangent and stretch model that meet an emergency reduces;ETFE film somewhat and model of the 2nd flexibility measure those who follow drawing rate to increase show downtrend, quantity of secant flexibility model and quantity of the 3rd stretch model do not have apparent change.


The results indicate that in the synchronizing condition the MRF is unyielded, every point of MRF in the flow field has the same angular velocity. Under the slipping condition, with the increase of magnetic field or the decrease of slip speed, MRF may transfer from whole yield to partial yield. When the MRF wholly yields, the angular velocity of MRF increases nonlinearly with its radius, the non-linear distribution becomes more obvious as the magnetic intensity in the working gap increases. When the MRF partially yields, the yield region expands with the decrease of magnetic intensity or the increase of slip speed and the unyield region always reaches the driven rotor. The transfer torque of MRTD increases with the increase of the external magnetic field, but the transfer torque maintains a constant value approximately with the variation of slip speed at the same magnetic intensity.


The residual stress σ〓 in the weld center is always as high as the yield strength σ〓 for both the strength undermatching and overmatching when the yield strengthσ〓 is lower.


Changing formula forms of single-shear, twin-shear and three-shear yield strength criteria, show that many of yield strength criteria of rock and soil materials can be expressed by the τ8 = gf function forms unter the ordinary condition, and that the main differ ences of yield strength value will mainly forcus on the different function forms of gθσ among single-shear, twin-shear and three-shear yield strength criteria.


Yu,1991,the plastic limit analysis for oblique plates and the unified limit loading expression are given,which includes a set of solutions from the single-shear yield criterion(Tresca,1864)to the twin-shear yield criterion (M.H.Yu,1961).The relative curves between qand b are also got for square plates and rhombic plates.


更多网络解释与屈服相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bend one's knee to sb:向某人屈服; 服从某人, 哀求某人

bend one's knee before sb. 向某人屈服 服从某人, 哀求某人 | bend one's knee to sb. 向某人屈服 服从某人, 哀求某人 | bow one's knee to sb. 向某人屈服 服从某人, 哀求某人

bend one's knee before sb:向某人屈服; 服从某人, 哀求某人

bow one's knee before sb. 向某人屈服 服从某人, 哀求某人 | bend one's knee before sb. 向某人屈服 服从某人, 哀求某人 | bend one's knee to sb. 向某人屈服 服从某人, 哀求某人

knuckle down:(向某人)屈服, 认输;开始认真工作, 屈服

therapy 治疗 | nourishment 食品,营养品 | knuckle down (向某人)屈服, 认输;开始认真工作, 屈服

upper yield point:上屈服点

YP:Yield Point---屈服点 (MPa)TS:Tensile Strength---抗拉强度(MPa)通常还有上屈服点(Upper Yield Point)和下屈服点区分(Lower Yield Point). 可以从样品拉伸试验曲线中得出结果!

plastic yield point:塑料屈服点

plastic yield point 塑料的屈服点 | plastic yield point 塑料屈服点 | plastic yield 塑性屈服

compressive yield point:压缩屈服点,抗压屈服点,受压屈服点

unilateral laryngeal paralysis 压迫性单侧喉麻痹 | compressive yield point 压缩屈服点,抗压屈服点,受压屈服点 | compresso-shear basin 压扭性盆地

offset yield strength:条件屈服强度,残余变形屈服强度

offset wrench 斜口扳手 | offset yield strength 条件屈服强度,残余变形屈服强度 | offset-mho relay 偏置姆欧继电器


Bluffing::诈骗的勇敢,断壁悬崖 | Invincible:不可屈服的,vincible,屈服的 | Subdued:屈服的,被抑制的

Y yield strength (yield point of steel:钢材(钢筋屈服强度(屈服点

wind-resistant column 抗风柱 | wood roof decking 屋面木基层 | Y yield strength (yield point of steel 钢材(钢筋屈服强度(屈服

initial yield value:初始屈服值,起始屈服值

initial yaw ==> 初始摇摆 | initial yield value ==> 初始屈服值,起始屈服值 | initial zone, zero zone ==> 零时区