英语人>词典>汉英 : 就职 的英文翻译,例句
就职 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
induction  ·  installation  ·  instalment  ·  inductions  ·  installations

come into office · enter upon office · take office · get into the saddle · assume office
更多网络例句与就职相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jackson saw himself as directly representing the common man. He had risen from poverty and was the first president who lived west of the Appalachians. Many of his supporters and their leaders were from the same area. The nation's political power center was shifting to the West. Jackson's 1829 inauguration was the first to be attended by masses of people.


The US Senate has passed a bill outlawing the sale of tickets to President-elect Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony, which are being handed out for free, threatening offenders with a $100,000 fine and a year in jail.


And when Bill Clinton was inaugurated in 1993, Hillary Rodham Clinton 's personal assistant decided to hand-carry Mrs. Clinton's inaugural ball gown from Blair House to the Executive Mansion for safekeeping. Mrs. Clinton's mother, Dorothy Rodham, put it away — unbeknownst to the residence staff. When Mrs. Clinton went to get dressed, the gown was nowhere to be found.


In the United States, Inauguration Day is the day on which the President of the United States is sworn in and takes office.


In the last year, Obama has visited three otherWashington churches: the Washington National Cathedral for hisinaugural prayer service; St.


In the last year, Obama has visited three other Washington churches: the Washington National Cathedral for his inaugural prayer service; St.


In the last year, Obama has visited three other Washington churches: the Washington National Cathedral for his inaugural prayer service; St. John's Episcopal Church across Lafayette Square from the White House on the day of his inauguration and on Easter; and Nineteenth Street BaptistChurch the Sunday before his inauguration.


The site has a wealth of information about what happens on Inauguration Day, including a handful of inaugural videos dating back to President Dwight Eisenhower's 1957 swearing-in ceremony, as well as videos of presidential luncheons dating back to the inauguration of John Kennedy.


Eisenhower in 1953, that participation has been coordinated by the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (now called the Joint Task Force-Armed Forces Inaugural Committee).


The good news for taxpayers: Inaugural celebrations are paid for by the inaugural committee — and Obama has, once again, been a very successful fundraiser — at least $35 million by recent counts. Carole Florman, spokeswoman for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, told the New York Daily News

联合会议委员会发言人Carole Florman在就职仪式上高速纽约时报,对纳税人来说,好消息是由就职委员会支付就职典礼,奥巴马再一次证明是个成功的筹款人——最近至少有3500万美元。

更多网络解释与就职相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

come into office:就职

take office 就职 | come into office 就职 | enter upon office 就职

enter upon office:就职

come into office 就职 | enter upon office 就职 | get into office 就职


到了一八三二年以后,形容词'就职的'(inaugural)已经被当作名词来使用,用以表示总统的就职演说. 同样的仪式也成为州长、大学校长以及其他人士就职时的例行公事. 自十九世纪三十年代政党开始举行全国总统提名大会以来,


inaugural 就任的 | inaugural 就职演讲 | inauguration 就职典礼

inaugural ceremony:就职典礼

inaugural address就职演说 | inaugural ceremony就职典礼 | inaugural speech就职演说


inaugural speech就职演说 | inaugurate为......举行就职典礼 | inauguration就职典礼


这里引进一辞,实际上意义与就职(inauguration)相同. 有些人可能说这是就职,但奴仆如何能就职?说总统有就职典礼很适合,但奴仆怎能就职为奴?这表明就职一辞与上下文不相称. 这里的思想是救主进入祂的职务、使命或事奉. 说"救主的进来",

inauguration address:就职演说

inaugurate 举行就职典礼 | inauguration 就职典礼 | inauguration address 就职演说


inauguration 就职典礼 | inaugurator 就职典礼 | inauguratory 就职


inauguration 就职典礼 | inaugurator 就职典礼 | inauguratory 就职