英语人>词典>汉英 : 小道 的英文翻译,例句
小道 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
canal  ·  canalling  ·  pathlet  ·  canaling  ·  canals

back road
更多网络例句与小道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heresiology is the study of heresy.


From the boat house or the pump station, the narrow trail area leads to the Orion Lodge.


With the exception of this issue which was left free, and which constituted what Folard in his strategical style would have termed a branch and taking into account, also, the narrow cutting arranged on the Rue de la Chanvrerie, the interior of the barricade, where the wine-shop formed a salient angle, presented an irregular square, closed on all sides.


Many were built without connection to Chicago 's combined sewer and storm warm water system


Topping a rise, he saw the road before him intersected by a dark swath, a crease of wagon tracks that emerged from the forest and meandered south across the fields; a woodsman's road, perhaps, a route from the woodchopper's harvesting-place to the farmlands west of Erchester.


Hence, Nebuchadnezzar two a life times make the craftsman is according to the landscape of rice bottom mountain area, in his palace construct built-up fold of stairs type garden, top plant full strange flower difference grass, and developped a secluded mountain a small way in the park, small way side is the flowing water of Chan Chan.


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….

u2 M- w7 O5 a% k 应考画师夏珪将&踏花归去马蹄香&画为:初雨天晴,林间小道上,由远及近、稀稀地零落一行马蹄印;在最近的马蹄印上有三只蜜蜂,两只在蹄印上盘旋准备采蜜,而另一只沿着&香路&一直向前飞去……;在&深山藏古寺&中,他将画面画成:在飞岩绝壁、蜿蜒的石矶小道上两名步履蹒跚的老和尚,正吃力地抬着一桶水向山上走去,一旁是云雾缭绕的林海……;而在&万绿丛中一点红&的画面是:在一望无垠的绿色丛林与稻田间,一位紫衣少女双手分别拎着给亲人送午餐的饭篮与陶瓦罐;那迎面拂面而来的山风,吹动着紫衣显现少女婀娜的身影,吹开少女的乌发露出美丽的脸庞——蛾眉凤眼、粉腮朱唇,透出春的气息……。

Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" ha**een exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiquhorseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine,Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin andhis party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled onthe preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has beenexiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be paintedscreen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small overthe faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket ofwater going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of theLinhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis ina Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying theirloved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian fromthe face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena,blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan,Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


更多网络解释与小道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

is a rough , narrow road in the country:(小道)

10. The work should be finished __________________(在......之内)five days. | 11. A ________(小道) is a rough , narrow road in the country. | 12. The trail walk is very __________(艰苦的).


05. Caravane 熱帶森林? | 06. Alameda 林蔭小道? | 07. Dance With Satie 與桑帝共舞?

back road:小道,僻径

小葱/spring onion | 小道,僻径/back road | 小道消息途径/gossip circuit


bywalk 僻径 | byway 小道 | byword 格言

scenic byway:风景小道

风景道 scenic road | 风景小道 scenic byway | 游径,小道 trail

Carefree Path:无忧小道

卫兵 Guard | 无忧小道 Carefree Path | 武侠 Swordsman

defile verb:弄污, 弄脏; noun. ( 山间) 小道

deficit noun. 不足, 赤字 | defile verb. 弄污, 弄脏; noun. ( 山间) 小道 | defined adj 定义的; 清晰的

Doug:道格 小道格

Doug|道格 | Doug, Dougie, Dougie, Doug, Doug|道格 小道格 | But if he's been murdered By crystal-meth tweakers|但你要是被瘾君子谋杀了

Santa Fe Trail:圣菲小道

Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de 圣塔安纳-选自近代卷 | Santa Fe Trail 圣菲小道 | Santander 桑坦德


38.特色花架 TRELLIS | 39.雕塑小道 SCULPTURE TRAIL | 40.(高尔夫)轻击区 PUTTING GREEN