英语人>词典>汉英 : 小葡萄 的英文翻译,例句
小葡萄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小葡萄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, I was so Enamour'd of this Place, that I spent much of my Time there, for the whole remaining Part of the Month of July; and tho' upon second Thoughts I resolv'd as above, not to remove, yet I built me a little kind of a Bower, and surrounded it at a Distance with a strong Fence, being a double Hedge, as high as I could reach, well stak'd, and fill'd between with Brushwood; and here I lay very secure, sometimes two or three Nights together, always going over it with a Ladder, as before; so that I fancy'd now I had my Country-House, and my Sea-Coast-House: And this Work took me up to the Beginning of August.


The contents of N, P, K in leaves were examined by regular leaf analysis. The results showed that the N content was higher in leaf blade than in leafstalk. N content in leaf was gradually reduced along with the vine growth. N, F, K fertilized at 20 to 40 cm soil layers significantly increased N content in leaf. But N content in leafstalk was less affected by N fertilization depth and growing season. P content was higher in leafstalk than in leaf blade. Less change of P content was noticed in leaf along with vine growth. However, N, P, K fertilized at 40 to 60 cm soil layers significantly promoted P in both leaf blade and leafstalk. K content in leafstalk was much higher than in leaf Wade. No obvious influence was noticed by fertilizing depth. But K content in leafstalk was significantly increased due to applied K fertilizer in late growing season.


Standard blends of Madeira are made mainly from the local grape varietal Tinta Negra Mole, whereas higher quality "reserve" and "vintage" Madeiras tend to be made from one of the four noble grapes traditionally used to make Madeiras—Sercial, Verdelho, Bual, and Malmsey (listed in ascending order of sweetness). All four of these noble grapes were destroyed by phylloxera at the end of the 19th century and are slowly being replanted on the island at considerable expense.

标准马德拉白葡萄酒主要采用当地的Tinta Negra Mole葡萄酿造而成;而品质较高的"珍藏"及"年份"级马德拉葡萄酒往往会采用四种传统用于酿造马德拉葡萄酒的贵族葡萄之一:Sercial葡萄、Verdelho葡萄、Bual葡萄或 Malmsey葡萄。19世纪末,岛上的四种贵族葡萄都遭受了根瘤蚜虫的彻底破坏,后来付出不小代价后,才重新在岛上种植。

But believe me, we have many other different grapes in our region like Malvasia or Pecorino - they are small grapes and not very well known but fantastic as well!


Standard blends of Madeira are made mainly from the local grape varietal Tinta Negra Mole, whereas higher quality "reserve" and "vintage" Madeiras tend to be made from one of the four noble grapes traditionally used to make Madeiras—Sercial, Verdelho, Bual, and Malmsey (listed in ascending order of sweetness). All four of these noble grapes were destroyed by phylloxera at the end of the 19th century and are slowly being replanted on the island at considerable expense.

标准马德拉白葡萄酒主要采用当地的Tinta Negra Mole葡萄酿造而成;而品质较高的&珍藏&及&年份&级马德拉葡萄酒往往会采用四种传统用于酿造马德拉葡萄酒的贵族葡萄之一:Sercial葡萄、Verdelho葡萄、Bual葡萄或 Malmsey葡萄。19世纪末,岛上的四种贵族葡萄都遭受了根瘤蚜虫的彻底破坏,后来付出不小代价后,才重新在岛上种植。

Labrusca grapevine series were smaller. Cabernet Gernischet was different from other 3 wine grape cultivars in genetic lever. But it was very close to Cabernet franc.


METHODS: For 35 eyes of 31 cases of complicated cataract in uveitis with small pupil, the posterior synechia was separated with the help of viscoelastics or papillary collar resection of iris.


Berry size was small, smaller than we have seen in more than ten years, and the fruit developed intense varietal flavours with rich, mouth-filling tannins,' reports Mark Gabrielli, Woodbridge Winery vice president/general manager.

葡萄果实小,比我们过去十年所见的都要小,葡萄风味十足而浓郁,单宁饱满厚实,Woodbridge酒厂副总裁兼总经理Mark Gabrielli说。

If I needed to snack or I'd chew my own arm off, I had soy crisp chips or sultanas.


The leaves on a small vine maple shuddered with the gentle wind of his passage.


更多网络解释与小葡萄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acinus 葡萄核 | acinus 葡萄状腺 | acinusdrupelet 小核果


Blackboard 黑板 | Blackcurrant 小黑葡萄 | Blade 刀口、刀片

Chocolate Cookies:巧克力小餅

脆皮花生小西餅 Peanut Macaroons | 巧克力小餅 Chocolate Cookies | 葡萄乾燕麥紅糖小西餅 Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies

Grape fruit:葡萄柚

果实之间距离明显,不成串;而葡萄柚全株各部位皆无毛,种子具多胚,果实比柚小皮较薄,常多果成串,状似葡萄,故其中英文名皆称葡萄柚(grape fruit)从植物化学上分析,葡萄柚的化学成分很多是属于柚类原有的其花和果皮所含化学成分与柚几无差别,

Satsuma Soap:小蜜橘皂

Pink Grapefruit Soap粉红葡萄柚皂 100g 11751 | Satsuma Soap小蜜橘皂 100g 26494 | Pink Grapefruit Body Butter粉红葡萄柚身体黄油 200ml 11932


1.2 美国FDA食品添加剂安全办公室公布的公认安全食品(GRAS)品种1.2.6 小虾(shrimp)壳聚糖(GRNno.73) 用于一般食品,作为改善食品加工的多种技术效果. 3.2 葡萄皮及籽的提取物葡萄皮提取物即葡萄皮红,主要成份有锦葵素芍药素、翠雀素、花青素配糖体等.


土耳其是世界上淡黄色无核小葡萄(sultana)最主要的生产国. 根据美国农业部(USDA)的最新报告,估计今年(2005年)土耳其sultanas和raisins品种的无核小葡萄的产量为250 000吨;比去年的280 000吨,减少10 % 多.


acinarious | 种仁的 | aciniform | 如成串葡萄状的,多小核的 | acinose structure | 粒状结构


parvoline四甲基吡啶(一种腐败鱼或马肉中的有毒硷) | parvule小粒;小球;小丸 | PascalBlans法国酿酒用的一种红葡萄品种名


综述:小檗科(Berberidaceae)小檗属(Berberis)约500种带刺的常绿或落叶灌木的通称. 大多原产於北温带,尤其是在亚洲. 俄勒冈葡萄从前归小檗属,现归入十大功劳属(Mahonia)中,现有时仍俗称barberry.