英语人>词典>汉英 : 小病 的英文翻译,例句
小病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ailment  ·  indisposition

a minor illness
更多网络例句与小病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And his indisposition was the fourth in a string of excuses for not having moved my website to a new server.


Vimal is a computer programmer in India, and his indisposition was the fourth in a string of excuses for not having moved my website to a new server.


Now I have come to understand the real meaning of "a small ailment is a blessing".


Botanically known as Echinacea purpurea, this beautiful purple coneflower contains chemical constituents that studies show stimulates the immune system's response to viral and bacterial invaders. Echinacea can be used preventively to safely curb minor illnesses, but there's a trick: you must use Echinacea frequently in the first few days of a minor illness, and for several days afterwards.


They vainly attempt to avoid calamities and impetrate foison by offering sacrifice to the ghosts and gods; and believe in exorcism of the koradji of MOBA and cure disease on sucking opium, thus the they have formed a habitude of "opium cures indispositions and MOBA cures serious disease ".


Cong tai further improve the characteristics of "a quarter of an hour for medical treatment circle" to form a serious illness to the hospital, the treatment of minor illnesses to the community, day-to-day health care in the community service system, continuously improve the service capacity of the health of residents file archiving rate over 60%, five file types of chronic disease rate of 85% or more, and strive to create into the national "characteristics of Chinese medicine and health services community demonstration zone."


Busy with work, and it is easy to ignore the physical pain, but uncomfortable, and are not willing to take the time to see a doctor, do not know even if no disease, self-deceiving to live, the result will drag into the more serious minor illnesses.


When seedling of corn inbreds were inoculated with isolates 76-527,76-528, 76-529 of Helminthosporium maydis in the greenhouse, the seed-lings of inbred lines with T male sterile cytoplasm were more susceptiblethan those with normal (non-sterile) cytoplasm.


They vainly attempt to avoid calamities and impetrate foison by offering sacrifice to the ghosts and gods; and believe in exorcism of the koradji of MOBA and cure disease on sucking opium, thus the they have formed a habitude of "opium cures indispositions and MOBA cures serious disease ".


New farming close carry out, make farmer rate seeing a doctor rises substantially, ailment procrastinates, the phenomenon of get close to of a serious illness decreases apparently, because more and more farmers get seasonable cure restored health, send deficient due to illness, because of...


更多网络解释与小病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ailing 生病的 | ailment 小病 | ainhum 阿洪病


ailment 小病 | ainhum 阿洪病 | air bath 空气浴


更应该警惕的是,在甲状腺肿大之外,碘缺乏还能引起另外一些疾病,例如耳聋、孕妇流产,而最严重的当数"呆小病"(cretinism),也称"愚侏病". 原来,甲状腺素有促进大脑发育的重要功能,如果孕妇妊娠期间碘摄入不足,就会影响胎儿大脑的发育,


(三)克汀病(cretinism)又称呆小病,即先天性甲状腺功能减退症. 有地方性及散发性两种类型,地方性者由食物缺碘引起. 由于进行了积极防治,目前已经减少;散发性者病因较复杂,但临床表现较典型. 一般在生后不久即出现症状,

spontanous cretinism:散发性呆小病

spontaneous 自发 | spontanous cretinism 散发性呆小病 | squeamishness 易呕吐


cretinism 克汀病 | cretinous 呆小病的 | crew 机组人员


被豪猪身上的刺(quill)扎着了,恐怕要得点小病的(ill). 万事开头(start)难,别理会他人尖酸刻薄(tart)的评论,走自己的路,让别人去说吧. 一般年龄(age)越大,越有经验和智慧(sage),所以才有"不听老人言,吃亏在眼前"一说.


Prescribe 开药方 | Indisposition 小病 | Inquisition 宗教法庭


semiconvection /部分对流/ | semicretin /轻呆小病者/ | semicretinism /轻呆小病/


semicretin /轻呆小病者/ | semicretinism /轻呆小病/ | semicrystalline /半晶质/半晶质的/