英语人>词典>汉英 : 小争论 的英文翻译,例句
小争论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
skirmish  ·  skirmishing  ·  skirmished  ·  skirmishes

更多网络例句与小争论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues.


Behan McCullagh lays down seven conditions for a successful argument to the best explanation:[11]The statement, together with other statements already held to be true, must imply yet other statements describing present, observable data.


I'm going to catch him one on the face." Fontan had rushed forward, shouting:"Madame Bron, just listen. Please listen, Madame Bron. I want you to send up six bottles of champagne between the acts. But the callboy had again made his appearance.


Han has doubts about waging someone else's war–and his contentiousness is one more burden for Leia to bear as she struggles to help keep the Rebellion alive.


International Studies in the German Democratic Republic.


My only quarrel with the plot of the novel is that a whiff of grapeshot is more likely to move the electorate in favour of the Government in power than against it, especially if it is a Conservative Government.


In a sharp contrast with the atmosphere during the drafting of the Iraqi Constitution in 2005, there was relatively little violence on the street during the parliamentary negotiations despite intense disagreements among political leaders.


Robert Keohane,"Realism, Neorealism and the Study of World Politics," in Robert Keohane ed., Neorealism and Its Critics, New York: Columbia University Press, 1986, pp.


Leung did win one argument: he asked to play Mo-wan with a moustache, a smarmy touch that telegraphs the change in behavior.


The sudden popularity of the puggle, a dog bred from a pug and a beagle, has started up a long-running argument among animal lovers about mixing breeds and species.


更多网络解释与小争论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

split hairs"=argue over unimportant details or matters:为小分歧争论

He did the dangerous work without turning a hair. 他做危险的... | 5."split hairs"=argue over unimportant details or matters 为小分歧争论 | Why split hairs over the colour of the skirt 为什么为裙子的颜色...

She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues:她总喜欢为极小的问题进行争论

7. 所有的订货单必须随附现金. All orders must be accompan... | 8. 她总喜欢为极小的问题进行争论. She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues. | 9. 他常和詹姆斯讨论哲学. He often argues philosop...


Coalition 联合 | bickering 争论 | Faction 小派系


早期的磁带小宝贝(Walkman)正慢慢推出时尚的舞台, CD随身听(Discman)也努力固守着自己的一片江山,现今,更加优秀的MD(MiniDisc)和MP3(MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)播放机正领导着便携音频潮流,同时MD与MP3双雄决斗,关于两者的争论也一直持续至今.


indisposition /病痛/小毛病/厌恶/ | indisputability /无争辩的余地/明白/ | indisputable /无争论之余地的/明白的/

Patti LaBelle:最小的业绩也比最宏大的打算更杰出

1.最小的业绩也比最宏大的打算更杰出. ----Patti Labelle | 2.如果你一贯讲真话,说过的话不必记太久. ----Jesse Ventura | 3.我体会:与家人争论时,最好选在他们满嘴食物时. ----Kenneth Cole

smarm:掩饰 说奉承话

372 squabble ...................... 争论 | 373 smarm 掩饰 说奉承话 | 374 kip ......................小牛皮


根据这些史无前例的辉煌成就,我们应该如何重新评估过去两个世纪的"西化"(westernization)、"现代化"(modernization)和"全球化"(globalization)努力?这便是本文的主旨. 关于西化的讨论与争论已经过去很长时间,在更小的程度上,

Why split hairs over the colour of the skirt:为什么为裙子的颜色这样的小事争论呢

5."split hairs"=argue over unimportant details or matters 为小分歧... | Why split hairs over the colour of the skirt 为什么为裙子的颜色这样的小事争论呢? | She has a good head for languages. 她对语言有天...

experiencing hassles:体验争论

being challenged by an upstart 有人挑战 | experiencing hassles 体验争论 | getting annoyed by demands被小事情困扰