英语人>词典>汉英 : 尊重人的 的英文翻译,例句
尊重人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与尊重人的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is he not arbitrary; and if not, is he not then a respecter of persons?


The fundamental principle and the impact on legal thoughts include:respecting the needs and interests of human beings promotes generation and development of the idea of rights,human rights,freedom;preventing the atrociousness of human beings can promote generation and development of the thought of concept of rule by law, democratic government,decentralization of power,legal procedure,legal supervision;tolerating the demerits of human beings means the law should not be drawn up too strictly to the people;encouraging the merits of human beings means the law permits the people to participate in legal practice and encourage the people to pay tribute.


It is on the base of the background of the relationship between man and fate.


Man is a child of God, made in His image, and therefore must be respected as such.


From the deontology, we can see the informed consent given to patients and subjects shows the respect for autonomy and person. From the teleology, the purpose of informed consent is to protect and promote the health of patients and subjects, which constitute their happiness.


Every time he is disrespectful he must do time out.


This would agree with his insistence on their respect for those in authority.


Based on the constitution's philosophies of respecting and guarantying human rights and respecting human's dignity and basic rights, no person can be excluded to have the right of justifiable defense.


Respect for the fundamental rights of the people at the same time, people concerned about the environment and community relations, human development, life and should try to reduce the environmental impact of the community.


Above all, it is respected for being a language of romance, which actually means 'from Roman'.


更多网络解释与尊重人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Esteem needs:尊重需要

4、尊重需要(esteem needs) 社会上所有的人都希望自己有稳固的地位,希望得到别人的高度评价,需要自尊,或为他人所尊重. 自尊需要的满足使人产生自信的情感,觉得自己在这世界上有价值、有作用,而当这些需要一旦受挫,就会使人产生自卑感,

esteem need:尊重需要

人际关系大量的商业化,就容易导致整个社会人际群体间信任、真诚的缺失,这样人与人的关系就会变得冷漠. 个体对归属和爱的需求就更不能得到满足,尊重需要(Esteem need)和自我实现的需要(Self-actualization need)就会受到影响.




而土著科伊桑人(KhoiSan)的法律没有被考虑,这主要是因为殖民者认为科伊桑人很原始,不具有值得尊重的法律制度. 另外,科伊桑人的社会和政治制度在19世纪早期还处于分化状态. 还没有形成一个完整的社会,因此,就不存在需要认可的法律制度.


4月份的一天与努比亚人(Nubian)有了联系,它们告诉我们它们的宗教圣物. 为此下令大家尊重它们的宗教习惯. 由于进一步的谈判未能成功,努比亚人不让我们靠近它们的圣物--石门. 因此与努比亚人交战,战争从岛中部那个湖泊的北边向东进行.

respecter v.t:尊敬,尊重,遵守

respect n.m. 尊重,尊敬,遵守 | respecter v.t. 尊敬,尊重,遵守 | respectueux, se adj. 恭敬的,尊重人的

Whose esteem I value as the carcasses of unburied men:那些自由人的尸体,我认为要尊重

I'm not entirely sure I shall have the use of th... | Whose esteem I value as the carcasses of unburied men.|那些自由人的尸体,我认为要尊重. | There's something you're not telling us, and I've got a rig...


respectful a 尊重人的 | respects 谦词 | bear sth i one's mind 牢记

He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself:不尊重自己妻子的人,自己也不会受人尊重

20.Better be half hanged than ill wed.与其成... | 21.He who does not honour his wife,dishonours himself.不尊重自己妻子的人,自己也不会受人尊重. | 22.The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives.有懦弱...

He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself:不尊重妻子的人,也不会受到尊重

213. An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不幸... | 214. He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself. 不尊重妻子的人,也不会受到尊重. | 209. The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives...