英语人>词典>汉英 : 射出光线 的英文翻译,例句
射出光线 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beam  ·  ray  ·  beams

更多网络例句与射出光线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Refraction regularity of extraordinary ray in uniaxial crystal with arbitrarily oriented optical axis;2. In the case of optical axis of uniaxial crystal being parallel with the incident plane, the angle of refraction of extraordinary ray are calculated by using Fermat's principle.


It indicates that the extinction capability and concentration of bubble solvent can seriously influence the light absorption in some wavebands, bubbles can change the direction of light propagation and reduce the energy density, the transmission intensity and light energy decrease rapidly with the increase of times that the light passes through the bubbles, and bubbles′ floating nature can cause the uncertainty in the emergent ray direction and energy distribution.


Based on Huygens principle,the translation of transmission light relative to incident light is analyzed in theory as the incident light parallels to the normal Nicol prism's long side,according to the propagation characteristics of e light in crystals.The beam translation of six species of improved Nicol prism are calculated.


This project is to analyze the distribution of the light in the high-power laser system, it bases on principles of ray optical, use the paraxial ray trace and real ray trace , proposes a new data structure and way to simulate the light in the optical system in the computer.


An optical element such as a rear projection screen for an image display device comprises at least two substantially rigid sheet members each having a first major surface and a second major surface providing a plane of incidence and a plane of emergence, respectively, through which light is transmitted sequentially. A first sheet member comprises a Fresnel lens, and a second sheet member comprises a lenticular lens array on each of the major surfaces thereof.


So what happened on Earth in the year that light left Spica?

那么,在光线从 Spica射出的那年,这世上究竟发生了什麽?

We would have to find a way of blotting out the light from its star


He fights a being called "The Prince of Magic," who shoots rays from his hands, makes heads spin around and hypnotizes people.


The story of the quantum revolution has been told so many times that it has become as ritualized as the stations of the cross. How Max Planck, faced with some curious observations about hot glowing objects, reluctantly proposed that light is sputtered out in packets — the quanta. How Albert Einstein , seeing deeper, realized that light must also travel that way, that its waves were also particles. How Bohr brought the graininess into the atom, with electrons hopping between orbits in quantum jumps. How Heisenberg, marooning himself on the bleak isle of Helgoland, saw that there were no orbits, that what happened inside atoms was different from anything that could be pictured by a human brain.


One end, indeed, reflected splendidly both light and heat from ranks of immense pewter dishes, interspersed with silver jugs and tankards, towering row after row, on a vast oak dresser, to the very roof.


更多网络解释与射出光线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其余光环的亮度随着半径的增大而 迅速减弱. 计算与试验还表明,孔径越小,光行进的行程越长,衍射现象越明显. 经过镜头孔径的光线也会由于衍射使焦点处的光斑呈环状,其中心光斑[又称"艾 里(Airy)斑"]的半径可由以下公式算出:


当光线通过障碍物的其中一端时,就会出现俗称"衍射"(Diffraction)现象,光线的前进方向因而改变. Canon在2001年利用衍射光学元素内的衍射栅格改变光线前进路线,制造出多层衍射光学(Diffractive Optics,DO)镜片,并应用在EF 400mm f/4 DO IS USM镜头身上.

emergent ray:出射光线

emergent radiation 出射辐射 | emergent ray 出射光线 | emerging beam 出射束

emergent ray:出射光线,出射线

emergent radiation 出射辐射 | emergent ray 出射光线,出射线 | emergent structure 紧急结构

emergent radiation:出射辐射

emergent pupil 出射光瞳 | emergent radiation 出射辐射 | emergent ray 出射光线

field lens:场透镜

向场透镜(field lens)能使更多的光线进入目镜. 光阑位于前透镜的焦平面,是物镜形成中间像的位置. 出射光瞳或目点(exit pupil or eye point)是离开目镜的光锥最窄的部分. 正确的位置,观察者的瞳孔与目点重合一致. 高目点(higheye point)目镜,

ray floret:射出花

ray effect 光线效应 | ray floret 射出花 | ray fungi 放线菌类

luminous flux:光束

光源长系安装于其上方可藉漫射或控制变化发光方式70、光源辉度效力(luminance efficacy of a source of light) 等于电灯放射出之总光通量除以输入之总电功率,单位为流明/瓦特71、光通量(光束)(luminous flux) 指一光源于某一单位时间内所发出之光线总数量,

Exit pupil:出射光瞳

1,几何光学里,远心设计(telecentric,也译作"焦阑")的作用是将出射光瞳(exit pupil)推到无穷远,于是入射光束的主光束垂直于像平面(当初屋脊砸向"垂直入射"一半以上的砖头都是 "光线全部垂直入射,怎么可能成像",

real object:实物

如出射同心光束对光学系统是发散的,顶点是出射光线向后(光摘要:实物(real object) 对光学系统来说,入射同心光束的顶点就是物点. 如入射同心光束对光学系统是发散的,这些光线实在的交点就是实物. 如入射同心光束对光学系统是会聚的,