英语人>词典>汉英 : 导管 的英文翻译,例句
导管 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aqueduct  ·  canula  ·  catheter  ·  conduit  ·  meatus  ·  pipe  ·  trachea  ·  vessel  ·  meatuses  ·  catheters

connecting conduct
更多网络例句与导管相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstinence 6 hours of above. 1.2 spile method introduces recorder of the Digitrapper MDIII of Swedish CTD company, MDII PH, use vessel of small electrode of single crystal antimony, use standard amortize liquid first corrective PH value, the patient takes upright seat, cleanness is wet and rhinal, with lube before wet conduit paragraph, nasal cavity of a side of light firm will tracheal edge is inserted to pitch of head of patient of the enjoin when 15cm is controlled, make under the forehead stands by pectoral wall, in order to increase the radian of pharynx ministry passageway, make conduit is entered not easily by accident tracheal, and its do enjoin deglutition movement, slow guide conduit stomach, right now PH shows 1~2 is controlled, again will tracheal slow take out, when PH the value comes by .0 jump 5 when, judgement is ministry of gastric esophagus join , drag electrode 5cm to secure again with this.

禁食6小时以上。1.2插管方法采用瑞典CTD公司的Digitrapper MDIII、MDII型pH记录仪,应用单晶锑微电极导管,先用标准缓冲液校正pH值,患者取端坐位,清洁湿润鼻腔,用润滑油湿润导管前段,轻稳将导管沿一侧鼻腔插至15cm左右时嘱患者头部前倾,使之下额靠近胸壁,以加大咽部通道的弧度,使导管不易误入气管,并嘱其做吞咽动作,并缓慢将导管导入胃,此时pH显示1~2左右,再将导管缓慢抽出,当pH值由。0突升至5.0时,判定为胃食管连接部,以此将电极再拽5cm固定。

There were no difference in the appearance of parotid sialography in the 0 and the ≥60 age group. Conclusions: The pathological changes of the parotid duct in SS could be divided into 6 stages, ie, normal appearance of parotid duct, early stage of pathological changes of terminal ductules, late stage of pathological changes of terminal ductules, pathological changes of parotid trunk and branches of parotid duct, early-stage of gland atrophy, late-stage of gland atrophy.


Szechuanensis had mesophyte characteristics which were different across elevations; these differences contributed to their adaptation to a range of drought environment; the leaf thickness, vein thickness, vessel number, palisade mesophyll thickness and the P/S ratio were increased, while vessel diameter was reduced with increasing elevation, but no significant differences in epidermal thickness and spongy mesophyll thickness were found along the elevations.


The tracheary elements in secondary xylems of Actaea asiatica root and rhizomes were observered with a scanning electron microscope and found to contain abundant types, which mainly included tracheids, tracheid-like vessels, fibriform vessels, and typical vessels. Of these types, the tracheids, tracheid-like vessels, fibriform vessels were first found. Scalariform perforation plates, reticulate perforation plates, mixed perforation plates and simple perforation plates were observed in the typical vessels and the reticulate perforation plates ,mixed perforation plates were first founded the lateral-wall perforation plates, multiple end walls and pit membrane vestige were also observed in the tracheary elements.


A 2. 5~5. 5 MHz transducer was used according to the acoustic depth of the heart examined. Group B was used x-ray fluoroscopy (a Philip mono-rotatable C arm X-ray equipment) as image guide with routine method reported by american college of cardiology cardiovascular technology assessment committee. TTE guiding CSC in site: The guide wire was inserted into left subclavicular vein and inferior vena cava and it was displayed clearly by TTE. The sheath could be displayed clearly too by TTE. CSC was put through the sheath into right atrium in prone position and was thoroughly showed by TTE via untypical parasternal four-chamber view.


Later, under the untypical parasternal four-chamber view which can thoroughly display the ostium of coronary sinus, the catheter was promoted further to the ostium of coronary venous sinus. Then the echocardiography technician adjusted the transducer of TTE in order to thoroughly confirm the position of the catheter tip. After confirming the position of catheter tip in the coronary venous sinus, the operator inserted the catheter into the coronary venous sinus for 3~4 mm farther. It was noted that if resistance was encountered by operator, the operation must be stopped, which was the same as x-ray fluroscopy as image guiding. TTE guiding His bundle elactric cahteter、high right atrium electric cahteter and right ventricular electric catheter in site: It is difficult using TTE singly since there are too many crossroads in inferior venous.


objective:to analyze the difference between mammary duct ectasiaand plasma cell mammitis.methods:the data of 24 cases of mde and 28 cases of pcm,including clinical manifestations,distinguished diagnoses,surgical therapy,pathological results,were analyzed.results:the clinical manifestations of mde are nipple discharge and breast mass,which should be distinguished with breast mass and early stage of breast cancer.the treatment is local resection.major pathological changes are duct ectasia and obvious periductal inflammatory changes.the clinical manifestations of pcm are breast mass and inflammatory changes,which should to be distinguished with advanced breast cancer and inflammatory breast cancer.the surgical treatment is extensive resection.the major pathological changes are inflammatory reaction and multiple abscesses in breast tissue.conclusion:mde and pcm are significant different,and they are different progressing stage of disease,thus the two diagnoses are independent.


Wherein, the handle is formed by the hand-holder and a handle tube with adjustable length; the machine body has a handle mounting part and several parts inside it to filter the foreign matters of air; the fixing plug can fix handle tube on the machine body; the handle guider can guide the handle tube on one side of machine body and it is formed by the inner guider at the back of machine to cover the front of handle tube and a outer guider outside the inner guider to cover the back of handle tube, while the inner and outer guiders have protective element to avoid their damage caused by the friction between them and handle tube.


In order to solve the inconvenience of in-situ welding of hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell and eliminate the undetermined factors in safety evaluation, the present invention proposes one connection structure for hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell, and the structure includes hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell, movable loose flange, double-headed screw bolt and nut for fixing the hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell onto the reactor pressure shell and the steam generator pressure shell.


Parotid CT sialography deal with MPR,MIP,VR three types of technology,can better show the parotid duct and its branches duct,and no interference with bone and soft tissue.


更多网络解释与导管相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balloon catheter:气泡式导管、气囊导管,溧浮导管

balloon calibrator 气球校对器 | balloon catheter 气泡式导管、气囊导管,溧浮导管 | balloon catheter dilation 气囊导管扩张术

Percutaneous catheter:经皮导管

\"流量导向导管(flow-directed catheter)是结合充满气体的气球以引导导管到所要到达的位置的器材.\",\"2\"\"E.1250\",\"经皮导管(Percutaneous catheter)\",\"经皮导管(percutaneous catheter)是使用扩张器及外鞘(导引器)或导线经由皮肤通入静脉或动脉的器材.\",

pitted vessel:孔纹导管

梯纹导管(scalariform vessel)、网纹导管(reticulated vessel)和孔纹导管(pitted vessel)这类导管是在器官的初生生长中后期和次生生长过程中形成的,位于初生木质部中的后生木质部和次生木质部,其导管分子短粗而腔大,输水效率高(尤其是孔纹导管).


导管 导管(vessel)植物体内木质部中主要输导水分和无机盐的管状结构. 为一串高度特化的管状死细胞所组成,其细胞端壁由穿孔相互衔接,其中每一细胞称为一个导管分子或导管节. 导管分子在发育初期是生活的细胞,成熟后,原生质体解体,


catheterization | 导管插入(术) | catheterize | 插入导管,将导管插入 | cathetometer | 高差计, 测高计

ducted fan:导管风扇,导管式通风机,内外函喷气发动机

ducted cooling 管道式冷机,导管冷却,隧管冷却 | ducted fan 导管风扇,导管式通风机,内外函喷气发动机 | ducted fan engine 涡轮风扇发动机

eustachian catheter:欧氏管导管(咽鼓管导管)

映像显微镜,显微映像器 euscope | 欧氏管导管(咽鼓管导管) Eustachian catheter | 咽鼓管导管嘴 Eustachian catheter nozzle

eustachian catheter:耳咽管导管,咽鼓管导管,欧氏通气管

EUSC Effective United States Control Vessels 有效美国管理船只 | eustachian catheter 耳咽管导管,咽鼓管导管,欧氏通气管 | eustachian catheter stylet 咽鼓管导管通针

supercontrol tube:超跨导管,可变互导管,变互导管,变跨导管

supercontraction 超收缩 | supercontrol tube 超跨导管,可变互导管,变互导管,变跨导管 | superconvergence 超收敛


木质部的细胞最重要的特性是水分运输,其中包括假导管(tracheids)及导管细胞(vessel elements). 假导管导管细胞具有厚的次生细胞壁,且细胞壁经常是木质化. 木质部的组织也含有薄壁细胞,主要功能是储藏. 此外,机械性细胞则为支撑支作用.