英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...感到骄傲 的英文翻译,例句
对...感到骄傲 的英文翻译、例句


be proud of
更多网络例句与对...感到骄傲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have to be very proud of what we have done.


They are a bit bemused by their odd daughter but quite proud of her all the same.


"I'm grateful for the amazing support we've received from our fans, our corporate partners and our owners," said Bookbinder.


Although I am proud of my films, I am also very proud of my charity work.


As a Chinese, we are proud of; as the descendants of the Dragon, we are proud of, regardless of Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI is, the interpretation of "Made in China" Macle in china Shenzhou VI from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center launch site from where they stand To the beautiful curves in the air of a successful interpretation of the "Made in China", which is China's hi-tech technology has made a positive response.

作为中国人,我们感到骄傲;作为龙的传人,我们感到自豪,不管是神五,还是神六,都演绎了"中国制造"Macle in china 神舟六号从酒泉卫星发射中心发射场拔地而起,以漂亮的曲线在空中成功的演绎了"中国制造",这对我国的高科技技术作了一个肯定的答复。

He told BusinessWeek that he has "no comment on the smear campaign I've been reading in the media" and is proud of his accomplishments at Citi.

他告诉BusinessWeek "对於我在媒体上阅读到的此中伤活动不予置评",而且对於他在花旗的成就感到骄傲。

I know it can be done if we take pride in our work, and in ourselves.


You're so used to downplaying your accomplishments that being proud of yourself is like remembering calculus.


"It is a great honor for us to support 2nd MEB, and we are proud to be the first unit to bring this aircraft into Afghanistan," said Col. Gareth F. Brandl, 22nd MEU commanding officer.


The Chinese people taka great pride in their nation,its long history,and its influence on other coun-tries.


更多网络解释与对...感到骄傲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他觉得那些拙劣、热切的积极分子(activist)就像喜剧演员,他对一派正气的人过敏. 他写道:"有人对自己是'好人'感到自豪,这就是说他们比大多数人要好. 但那是骄傲而非道德. 这样的骄傲与对地位的追逐有关. "大约与此同时,




通过魔力(enchantment)享用某物(因某物而感到快乐)的人也就逃脱了对快乐的意识中固有的骄傲,因为,在某种意义上,他知道他占有的快乐并不属于他. 因此,当宙斯假扮安菲特律翁与美丽的阿尔克墨涅结合的时候,他并不是以宙斯的身份享用阿尔克墨涅,

You hit the nail right on the head:你说对了

"You hit it.","你说对了. " | "You hit the nail right on the head.","你说对了. " | "You have every reason to be proud of it.","你有足够的理由为此感到骄傲. "

You hit it /the nail right on the head:一语中的

9.你说对了. You said it. / You can say that again. | 10.一语中的. You hit it / the nail right on the head. | 11.你有足够的理由为此感到骄傲. You have every reason to be proud of it.

Sam Lacey:山姆-莱西

问:你的生涯总篮板数现在排在联盟第36位,不久就将超越山姆-莱西(Sam Lacey)上升到第35位,一定会有很多人对你的成就感到骄傲,你现在是怎么让你的比赛回到两双模式呢?

take pride in:骄傲

将来就可以走得远.(go far) 4. 整理你的课桌. 太乱了.(do up) 5.他对自己的工作感到骄傲.(take pride in) 6.Harry 永远不会让你失望. (let down)

takes pride in:对......感到骄傲

entertain your questions 接受你们的发问 | takes pride in 对......感到骄傲 | distribution 分销(名词)

take pride in everything:对每件事感到骄傲

26. 尽管even though | 27. 对每件事感到骄傲take pride in everything | 28. 害怕独处be afraid of being alone


由全国社会研究中心(National Centre for Social Research)进行的调查证明了,新一代的英国人对国家的观念没有上一代的英国人那么强烈. 越来越少英国人以身为英国人而骄傲,但是同时,以身为英格兰人(English)、苏格兰人(Scottish)、威尔士人(Welsh)而感到骄傲的却越来越多.