英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...发生影响 的英文翻译,例句
对...发生影响 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impact  ·  impacting  ·  impacts

work on
更多网络例句与对...发生影响相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among them the influence factor of the stock is mainly: Fund manager select stocks ability, investment style and ability to deal with the accident, national macroeconomy situation factor, the market value of stock usually have the direct influence to the fund net value; To bond part in the net value of the fund, interest rate and the investment ability of fund manager concerns the value level of this part of assets directly, because the securities regulator of our country has made the regulation to the proportion of the fund investment bond besides this, so, this proportion will restrict fund managers investment on the bond either, thus exercise an influence on some value of bond ; Besides stock and two bond, to another important component in the net value composition --The cash, we will all sum up its factor of exerting an influence for the mobile risk factor, namely the risk as a reasult of the exility of cash.


Probability and Impact Matrix Tool 概率与影响矩阵 A common way to determine whether a risk is considered low, moderate, or high by combining the two dimensions of a risk: its probability of occurrence, and its impact on objectives if it occurs.


The results of physicochemical tests showed that the pigment was a kind of water dissolvable pigment with heat stability.

榛子壳棕色素为水溶性色素,具有良好的耐热性;强光长时间照射会影响色素的稳定性;在pH值4~12范围内,色素稳定性良好;Na,K,Ca(上标 2+),Al(上标 3+),Mg(上标 2+)对色素无影响,但Fe(上标 3+),Cu(上标 2+),Zn(上标 2+)对其影响较大;色素对常见的食品添加剂稳定,但柠檬酸使其发生轻微褪色。

The results showed that the existence of DNA brought some influences to the cyclic voltammagrams of this complex,moreover,such influence increased with the elevated concentration of the complex.The UV spectra also proved that the nicking effect on DNA was enhanced with the concentration increasing of the complex.


Carried out field experiment investigation on wood Nage oenin mildew to south Xinjiang, Studied occurrence law, different cultivation managment and different frame management, variety, Climate on the influence to grape's frost mildew.


So little impact on this child. 2, pregnant women drinking, a great impact on the fetus, alcohol can slow fetal growth, but also caused malformation; some statistics, more alcohol intake of pregnant women, their children 1 / 3 more than the existence of different degrees of defects, such as small head , small eyes, chin, short, flat symblepharon narrow, short body, heart and limbs, or even deformities.


When a plant community vegetated on the ground, the roughness was changed because of the coverage and the height of plant, and the energy of wind because of the density and the interstitial-degree.


On the other hand, as illustrated in Picture B and D, the price drop would become material objects' price drop because of the continuous flow syphonage capital. Pictures stood by Picture B and D can become anti-syphonage theory pictures. The syphonage pictures and anti-syphonage pictures can simply stand for two converse investment opportunities. Under normal situations, commodity's syphonage capital flow can demonstrate a slow increasing situation in the long run. But the situation is usually affected by supply-and-demand situation in the middle and short run. Especially in the type of gurantee sum exchange, the supply-and-demand situation is a major factor affecting commodity price even in a price dominated market. The commodity's ultimate price will comparatively alter when the outer influence changes, and sometimes the price may change to a completely converse direction as expected. In case of the above case, we need to observe and research the influential factors. However the research is not like the Butterfly Theory research on slight variables. Syphonage theory deems that if continuous observance extends more than a certain percentage, such as 10% influential factor, and we continue researching, immediately putting 10% influential factors into research scale, we could finish the all-round research on commodity price analysis.


In the northern part of the Okinawa Trough,at about 7.5-7.0kaBP of the early Holocene, this studied region was controlled by the continental shelf water, and at about 7.0aBP Kuroshio water combined with continental shelf water intensively, then the region was controlled by the intensified Kuroshio water with upwellings during 7.0-6.0kaBP; from 6.0-2.0ka BP the upwellings developed stably and the thermocline gradually declined: from 6.0-5.0 kaBP the impact of the upwellings mainly focused on the thermocline and much less on the sea surface, from 5.0-4.0kaBP the SST decreased because the sea surface was influenced by the cool water brought by the intensified upwellings; from 2.0-1.2kaBP, the upwelling declined and the SST increased consequently; since 1.2 kaBP the upwelling increased and the thermocline declined obviously.

冲绳海槽北部、九州西南海区,全新世7.5-7.0ka BP陆源物质影响明显, 7.0kaBP前后黑潮侵入并与陆架水强烈混合,7.0-6.0ka BP期间黑潮影响逐渐控制了该区,上升流开始发生,温跃层开始变浅;约在6.0-2.0ka BP之间上升流持续稳定发育,温跃层深度逐渐下降:6.0-5.0ka BP上升流影响作用于温跃层但对表层影响较小,5.0-4.0ka BP海水表层温度受上升流冷水影响降低;而约2.0-1.2ka BP,上升流减弱,海水表层温度回升;近1200年来上升流加强、温跃层深度减小的趋势更加显著。

The results indicated that visitors' activities caused a serious influence on the soil in the park, especially in the two most used scenic spots-Yellowstone Village and Gold Whip Stream. The impact of tourism on soil mainly occurred within 3 m along the trails. The impact shapes are classified into six type as single-sided node type, double-sided node type, cross node type, single-sided linkage type, double-sided linkage type and short-cut linkage type. Of six types of impact shapes, the single-sided node type and double-sided type were dominant. The average water contents of soil for six scenic spots at sample areas of 1 m, 2 m and 3 m from trial is 36.6%, 24.5% and 2.2% lower than that of the control area, respectively. The average soil hardness for six scenic spots at 1m, 2 m, and 3m from the trails tramped increased 167.9%, and 122.2%, and 15.8%, respectively, compared with the control area. Soil bulk density increased 26.5% at 1 m and 20.9% at 2 m from the trails.


更多网络解释与对...发生影响相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第二,密尔有时用"影响"(affect)或"涉及"(involve)来表达"伤害"的意思. 一个人无须为只影响到他本人的行为向社会负责,这里对"影响"必须作限制性的解释,"说只影响到本人,意思说这影响是直接的(directly)和最初的(in本案系发生在美国参加第一次世界大战期间.


但与前者多少不同的是,联想本身包含了作为背景的知觉场与其中的个别突出物(感觉场)之间的对比,因此它具有某种影响(Affection)或影响力(affektive Kraft),能够对自我产生刺激(Reiz)、引起自我的注意,并使自我的兴趣或注意力发生转向(Zuwendung).


真核生物核糖体生物发生(biogenesis)是一个高度复杂和协同进行的过程. 近年研究显示许多核糖体蛋白参与了pre-rRNA的剪切成熟(processing)、核糖体亚基的组装和核糖体的翻译功能. 但是对核糖体蛋白影响核糖体生物发生及其功能的详细机制仍不清楚.

come one's way: happen to sb:发生在

His words greatly acted upon us. 他的话对我们深有影响. | 3. come one's way: happen to sb.发生在 | An opportunity like that doesn't often come my way. 这样的机会可不常落在我头上.

limiting factor:限制因素

在正常未转化的细胞,P80cdc25的水平不高,而在胚胎细胞的水平较高,这不是一个限制因素(limiting factor)对依赖链的破坏发生影响,目前正在研究M期的调控机制是如何同其他的调控机制发生联系的,如对期程的调控,对细胞物质的调控,


不论血液环境如何改变,都必须通过血脑屏障才能对中枢神经系统的功能发生影响. 显然,血脑屏障通透性的改变必然会对脑病的发生起重要影响. 大量实验均已证明,静脉注射能引起脑病的神经毒质 (Neurotoxin)如:铵盐、硫醇、游离脂肪酸等均


(6)船舶中垂(sagging)对货物影响的估计. 因大型散货船满载后定有中垂现象的发生而中垂对货量的影响为defomation corretion=1/4X船舶预计中垂值(单位为cm)XTPC(单位为吨每cm). 减少船舶中垂的方法是将船舶中部的一些大舱少装一些货,

Streptomyces scabies:鏈黴菌

疮痂病链霉菌(Streptomyces scabies) 疮痂病是一种在大多数种植地区发生的一种块茎缺限,一般发生在碱性土壤上. 这种有害病菌已经潜伏在大多数马铃薯生长的土壤里. 它严重影响块茎质量,使块茎失去商品价值,但对产量影响不大. 症状:有几种类型的病斑发生.

Heterodera glycines:大豆胞囊线虫病

1 发生 在20世纪60年代,大豆胞囊线虫病(Heterodera glycines)主要在黑龙江省西北部松嫩平原干旱少雨地区的盐碱地、沙壤土、壤土地块发生,局部大豆田发生较重,对产量影响较大.在东北部三江平原,多雨潮湿、低洼内涝地区、白浆土地块大豆田即使发生也比较轻,

Federal Trade Commission FTC:联邦贸易委员会

随着一些少年枪击惨案的发生和国家关注暴力对儿童的影响,联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission FTC)进行了一项有关娱乐中的暴力对儿童影响和研究.