英语人>词典>汉英 : 富的 的英文翻译,例句
富的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与富的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

June 14, the People's Bank credit to the real estate business made 7 clear requirements, have the developers of the initiatives directed at the central bank is "仇富" phenomenon, and more developers are worried that this policy "blanket" effect of the slow pace of housing development.


Fluorite蒋富林think next year the export market will still be a good situation.


Its basic viewpoints are as follows: releasing and developing productive force is the overall goal of resolving people's livelihood and realizing people's profit;"fed and clad---well-off---modernization"as people's livelihood strategy; maintenance and development of"united and stable, energetic and lively"political situation;"Four Have"as standards of qualified socialist personnel; equal, fraternal, fair social order is the concrete goal of resolving people's livelihood and realizing people's profit; meantime, this paper gives the practical means of resolving people's livelihood and realizing people's profit, such as: speed up the development of the productive forces,"so that the people's material life may become better";"getting rich first"-"getting rich together"; stability is"China's best interests";"give education priority to develop", to improving the nation's educational level; promote democracy, strengthen the rule of law, and maintain the close ties with the masses.


As this country's economy gallops along, Mammonism prevail everywhere, and some people who don't have the means to get rich through proper channels resort to cheating, compromising their conscience, counterfeiting and other unethical means towards the goal of personal prosperity.


Wealthy real estate agent list, and the ratio of the contrast between the tax list has been commented, but the real estate on behalf of those who think is "仇富" psychological.


The results showed that NRA was higher in the light than in darkness;NRA increased when thalli were incubated in NO_3~——N,and it enhanced faster in the light than in darkness.


Additionally, NR in light could maintain relative high activity for several hours when thalli were transferred from N-enrichment to N-starvation.


In recent years, the county up and down firmly establish the "animal husbandry instability instability in the whole county, not the rich herders, the county is not rich" ideas, has always been to increase efficiency of agriculture and animal husbandry, farmers and herdsmen in rural incomes and maintain stability as the work of farmers and village enterprise, has invested 2,480 million yuan to build one or two bases and livestock disaster insurance camel, cashmere goats base, completed the demonstration county animal husbandry and the "three" of training works, the new on the restoration and protection of natural vegetation projects, ban works, the completion of 3 million mu of artificial grass, aqueduct built five more than eighty kilometers, 22 kilometers of flood control dams, the new hit 12 motor-pumped wells, construction of the drug bath, flood pool 20, the completion of fencing 41.7 million mu of grassland, built to high standards SHELTER 20, control the "three" of 57.7 million mu of grassland, improved herd face up to 82%, the proportion of school-age dams more than 56%.


Initiated by the legendary Max Schubert, refined by those who followed him and enhanced by every member of the winemaking team, the PENFOLDS 'House-Style' was developed and is as instantly recognisable today as it was in the 1950s and 1960s.

富的独特风格,由传奇酿酒师Max Schubert创始,经跟随他的后人推敲,加上奔富每一位酿酒师的精炼,无任在50年代, 60年代还是在今天,都是鹤立鸡群,傲视群雄。

Designed in classic Calphalon style 专业的家富乐风格设计 Tri-ply copper is designed in the same spirit of simple, functional elegance that distinguishes all Calphalon cookware.


更多网络解释与富的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have an abundance of everything:我有豐富的一切

There is plenty to go around. 有很多足夠去分配. | I have an abundance of everything. 我有豐富的一切. | I attract wonderful, loving people into my life. 我吸引記好的, 充滿愛的人們進入我的生活.


endotoxins内毒素 | enriched加富的 | enumeration 菌落计数,列举

Have it:豐富的保有它

Life is Happiness, 人生是快樂的 | Have it. 豐富的保有它 | Life is Beautiful, 人生是美麗的

Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph:厄弗辣因支派是农的儿子曷舍亚

依撒加爾支派,是若瑟的兒子依卡耳; Of the tribe of Juda, Cale... | 厄弗辣因支派是農的兒子曷舍亞; Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph. | 本雅明支派是辣富的兒子帕耳提; Of the tribe of Ephraim,...

Kasper:卡思帕 德語 帶來財富的人

Kasimir 卡希米爾 波蘭語 和平宣言 | Kasper 卡思帕 德語 帶來財富的人 | Keith 奇斯 蓋爾語 風、樹林


fraudulent 詐欺的、不誠實的 | opulent 豐富的 | succulent 多汁的

Ballet of the unhatched chicks:稚鸡在蛋壳里的芭蕾 谐谑而轻快活泼地F大调

08 Promenade 漫步 沉静地D小调 | 09 Ballet Of the Unhatched Chicks 稚鸡在蛋壳里的芭蕾 谐谑而轻快活泼地F大调 | 10 Samuel Goldenberg And Schmuyie 两个一穷一富的犹太人 行板 降b小调


XXX. 對價格機制的干擾 | XXXI. 對貨幣和信貸的操弄 | XXXII. 財富的沒收和重新分配

most remote and peaceful civilizations:最偏遠的,和平的文明). We have rich我們有豐富的

supported directly by Tibetan artisans (Tibetan is Worl... | most remote and peaceful civilizations).最偏遠的,和平的文明). We have rich我們有豐富的 | experience in cooperating with importers, wholesal...


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