英语人>词典>汉英 : 寂静 的英文翻译,例句
寂静 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quiescence  ·  quietness  ·  quietude  ·  silence  ·  still  ·  stiller  ·  silenced  ·  silences  ·  stilled  ·  stills

更多网络例句与寂静相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence.


So promis'd hee, and Uriel to his charge Returnd on that bright beam, whose point now rais'd [ 590 ] Bore him slope downward to the Sun now fall'n Beneath th' Azores; whither the prime Orb, Incredible how swift, had thither rowl'd Diurnal, or this less volubil Earth By shorter flight to th' East, had left him there [ 595 ] Arraying with reflected Purple and Gold The Clouds that on his Western Throne attend: Now came still Eevning on, and Twilight gray Had in her sober Liverie all things clad; Silence accompanied, for Beast and Bird, [ 600 ] They to thir grassie Couch, these to thir Nests Were slunk, all but the wakeful Nightingale; She all night long her amorous descant sung; Silence was pleas'd: now glow'd the Firmament With living Saphirs: Hesperus that led [ 605 ] The starrie Host, rode brightest, till the Moon Rising in clouded Majestie, at length Apparent Queen unvaild her peerless light, And o're the dark her Silver Mantle threw.


She is said to be "like Maria from Silent Hill 2 she is said to have streetwise sexiness but retains the relatable girl-next-door cuteness of SH3 heroine Heather."


Meanwhile, he doesn't want to spread the damage and panic of disasters at all. He would rather pay attention to things having gone through disasters. To some extent, that maybe one step closer to the nature of the world. Under such a fragmented and functionless state, there's no conflict between them and the present world. Everything turns back to quietude. Such quietude broods over the whole painting.


All are that silent in, liked silent me already quietly inbeing silent.


In the wake of the folk-rock trend prevalent that year, producer TomWilson took the acoustic track "The Sound of Silence" from theWednesday Morning album, overdubbed electric guitar, bass, and drumsand released the result as a single in October 1965, a full year afterthe album's release.


In the wake of the folk-rock trend prevalent that year, producer Tom Wilson took the acoustic track "The Sound of Silence" from the Wednesday Morning album, overdubbed electric guitar, bass, and drums and released the result as a single in October 1965, a full year after the album's release.


She is said to be "like Maria from Silent Hill 2 she is said to have streetwise sexiness but retains the relatable girl-next-door cuteness of SH3 heroine Heather."


The congregation being fully assembled, now, the bell rang once more, to warn laggards and stragglers, and then a solemn hush fell upon the church which was only broken by the tittering and whispering of the choir in the gallery.


It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silence at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm.


更多网络解释与寂静相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The silence awed the boy:寂静使这个小男孩害怕了

1117. He cut away a dead branch. 他砍掉一根枯干的树枝. | 1118. The silence awed the boy. 寂静使这个小男孩害怕了. | 1119. The children stared at the teacher with awe. 孩子很敬畏地凝视着老师.

bears a quiet blissfulness:寂静 欢喜

默然 相爱 fondness grow in silence | 寂静 欢喜 bears a quiet blissfulness. | High high on the easten mountains

Broadway Project:大雾弥漫的寂静岭

43 香脆火辣的烤翅----Boom Bip | 44 大雾弥漫的寂静岭----Broadway Project | 45 精力充沛的小怪物----Daedelus


noiseless /无声的/寂静的/无声/ | noiselessly /无声地/寂静地/无声/ | noisemaker /发出大声音的人/会高声喧闹的人/

silent pause:寂静时间

signum function 符号函数 | silent pause 寂静时间 | silent period 寂静时间


寂静山林(SILENCE) 真正的寂静,并非全然无声......本专辑中,除了可以重温优美的"雄鹰之歌"、"寂静的声音"、和"烈火战车"等名曲,你还可以听到采自阿尔卑斯山原始森林的鸟鸣,以及罗亚尔河的溪流声,带给你置身山林的新听觉享受,

silent zone:寂静地带

69. 学校 school | 70. 寂静地带 silent zone | 71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends


花 语:寂静(Stillness) 康复力花是用来供奉四世纪左右巴勒坦的隐士,沉静的隐者-圣约翰的. 这位圣人因为修行的关系,在七十年内几乎不曾开过口. 因此康复力花的花语是-寂静.


quietist 寂静主义者 | quietistic 寂静主义的 | quietive 镇静剂

hushed voice:寂静的声音 ----- hushed adj.寂静的,安静的

1. hushed voice 寂静的声音 ----- hushed adj.寂静的,安静的 | 2.-------- residence 居住,住处 | 3.heard another bloodcurdling cry 听见另一个令人毛骨悚然的哭喊声