英语人>词典>汉英 : 实际地 的英文翻译,例句
实际地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与实际地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper the author presents a new method to define the critical path of the network chart by the upper limit of interval estimation of mathematical statistics. Thus, a new model which is based on the multiple objective decision making, is established. Such an approach tallies with the actu...


In addition, we will also establish a network test platform, so that we could have a real test environment to facilitate system debugging and development on the prototype systems. On the other hand, in the beta site, we would also deploy the vendor s' products to observe the effectiveness of them and collect reference information for guiding future research.


For these institutions enable the individual to bring into operation the coercive forces of the law so that those legal arrangements he has chosen shall be carried into effect and (2) to plan the rest of his life with certainty or at least the confidence (in a legal system that is working normally) that the arrangements he has made will in fact be carried out .


L: There is practically no substitute for bristle in certain uses.


There is practically no substitute for bristle in certain uses.


Ordinarily domiciled condition is a physical presence test and does not relate to citizenship or to any address of convenience.


In fact, the feedback from the inertia force of the upper structure will alter the movement of foundation and accordingly alter the dynamic behaviors of the upper structure.


I have a job that I am happy with and a future I can actually foresee.


A highly in uential source of this suspicion is Barry Stroud, who in his article 'Transcendental Arguments' suggested that for any claim concerning the necessary condition S,"the sceptic can always very plausibly insist that it is enough we believe that S is true, or it looks for all the world as if it is, but that S needn'tactually be true"(Stroud 2000: 24).3 So, in the case of the problem of the external world, for example, the concern is that no argument can be constructed to show that there must actually be an external world, but just that there must appear to us to be one, or that we must believe there to be one.


I've never had one practically gibbering in terror before," s/he grinned and then looked thoughtful,"At least..

& / 我从未以前实际地有一在恐怖中喋喋不休地说废话,&s/他露齿而笑然后看起来深思,至少。。

更多网络解释与实际地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



actual value:实际价值

如果是商品,电动沙发贵在其"视在价值"(perceived value),而不是实际价值(actual value). 另一方面,对独特的电动沙发五金件的应用可以创新性地改进电动沙发的结构,这也是十分值得考虑的方面. 实际上,东南亚电动沙发业没有很好地利用这一点,


.第五,唯有心理现象是既能意向地(intentionally)存在又能实际地(actually)存在的现象;而物理现象则只可现象地(phenomenally)和意向地存在. 第六,尽管心理现象是多重的、复杂的,但它们总是以一个统一整体的面目而呈现于人的内部知觉;


4.real cost实际成本 | 5.involuntarily不情愿地,无意地 | 6.vitally极为,生死攸关地


practicality 实际性 | practically 实际地 | practice 练习


practically /实际地/实用地/事实上/差不多/几乎/ | practicalness /实际/实用/应用/ | practiced /熟练的/熟练/

realistically: adv.1:现实地,注重实际地 2.逼真地,现实主义的,真实地

episode: n.(文艺作品)插曲,片断,一连串的事件 | realistically: adv.1.现实地,注重实际地 2.逼真地,现实主义的,真实地 | playful: a.1.嬉戏的,顽皮的 2.闹着玩的,不当真的,不严肃的

substantively: adv.1:实际地,根本地 2.大量地,可观地

marginally: adv.勉强地,微量地 | substantively: adv.1.实际地,根本地 2.大量地,可观地 | psychological: a.1.心理学的 2.心理的,精神的


liberty 自由 | 3. virtually 实际上地 | 4. literally 照字面意思地,逐字逐句地


veridically /不虚伪地/真实地/ | verier /真的/确实的/实际的/现实的/ | verifiability /可核实性/可检验性/