英语人>词典>汉英 : 实数的 的英文翻译,例句
实数的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
real  ·  reals

更多网络例句与实数的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A series convergent to any given number could be derived with this method.


An expression that requires real numbers ; the decimal point is required part of the number.


Money is often expressed with a decimal part, yet you should never use real numbers for handling Money.


However ,the reader should realize that all properties of real numbers that are to be accepted as theorems must be deducible froom the axioms without any reference to geometry.


The image of f = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers.

f = x^2的像是所有非负实数的集合,前提是该方程的定义域是所有实数的集合。

Integer can assign to integer and real variable, but real number can only assign to real variable.


And proves five properties of transfinite real number.

并证明了超实数的 5个重要性质。

In Chapter 2,we investigate the construction and dimension character-ization of fractal curves in the plane.The method proposed by Bush et al,yielding nondifferentiable continuous functions,is first extended to more gen-eral cases.


In Object Pascal, Boolean expressions cannot be equated with integers or reals.

在 Object Pascal 中,布尔表达式不能等同于整数或实数的

Truncates a real number to an integer.


更多网络解释与实数的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arithmetic number:正实数

arithmetic mean 算术平均 | arithmetic number 正实数 | arithmetic of algebraic number fields 代数数域的数论

adjusted current assets:经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产dpk中国学习动力网

adjusted actual 经调整的实数;调整后的实数dpk中国学习动力网 | adjusted current assets 经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产dpk中国学习动力网 | adjusted figure 经调整的数字;调整后的数额dpk中国学习动力网

Number line:数轴,规定了原点,正方向和单位长度的直线,数轴上的点和实数一一对应

number 数,数字 | number line 数轴,规定了原点,正方向和单位长度的直线,数轴上的点和实数一一对应 | numerator 分数的分子

A positive or negative real number:一种正的或负的实数

20. So far, the news has been positive.到目前为止,情况还算乐观. | 21. A positive or negative real number.一种正的或负的实数. | 22. I'm positive to the life.我很积极的生活.

the real number system:实数系

negative 负的 | the real number system 实数系 | rational number 有理数

real number:实数

例如实数(Real Number)、复数(Complex Number)、向量(Vector)、矩阵(Matrix)等本来是各有不同特点的集合(Set),但是它们在加法运算上却有相同之处,即加法在这些集合上满足封闭性 (Closure)、结合性(Associativity),存在单位元(Identity)和逆元(Inverse),

real part:[复数的]实部,实数部分,有功分量

real overshoot 实超调量 | real part [复数的]实部,实数部分,有功分量 | real part condition 实部条件

system of axioms of real numbers:实数的公理系统

system of axioms 公理系统 | system of axioms of real numbers 实数的公理系统 | system of coordinates 坐标系

unbounded set of real numbers:无界实数集

unbounded gate delay 门的无界延迟 | unbounded set of real numbers 无界实数集 | unbounded wave 无限制波

turm, sturmseq:多项式在区间上的实数根数和实根序列

roots - 一个多项式对一个变量的精确根 | turm, sturmseq - 多项式在区间上的实数根数和实根序列 | Norm - 代数数 (或者函数) 的标准型