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实在论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This thesis inductively points out where the logicians did not satisfied with the theory of type mainly lies in two points, the axiom of reducibility first and the vicious-circle principle second. This thesis has discussed Ramsay's improvements as well as the criticism from Godel. Then, it observes that they two had a common view, viz. rejecting the vicious-circle principle from the points of Realism. Against Russell's insisting on this principle, such a rejecting seems so distinguished, which, this thesis argued, was the deep difference between Realism and Nominalism shedding on the reality of classes.


If you want to know what this is, tough, because Derrida naturally rejected such "essentialist" definitions.


The theory of content is related with the contention between intentional realism and intentional non-realism which are aroused from the scientific position of Folk Psychology.


Intuitionism logic is the basis of Dummett's semantic anti-realism.


Taking the culture of the post modern philosophy as the background, taking the reverting of psychologism and the explosive growth of computer science and cognitive science as the preconditions, especially after the pendent discussion between science realism and criticism realism, the trend of naturalism philosophy of science presented itself.


This article begins from the methodological features of structural realism and then analyses the ontological status of sapcetime point in the debate of spacetime realism and advantages and disadvantanges of structural realism.And finally,we discuss the main forms of structual spacetime realism and their methodological features,point out a holism trend on the basis of semantical concep...


From 70\'s of the 20th century, the historical scientific philosophy theory has initiated the argumentation between scientific realism and scientific antirealism.


Since the 1930s, semantic analysis has been an approach of great methodological significance for the transmission and development of scientific philosophy, serving as a platform for debate, reference and mutual influence in relation to scientific realism and antirealism.


Under the background of the argumentation between the scientific realism and the antirealism, relying on the breakthrough of Shapere's rational realism, making use of documentation, comparison and comprehensive induction, this paper studies and analyzes the thought and influences of Shapere's rational realism.


The fifth chapter"Putnam's pragmatistic realism"talks about Putnam's conversion from the'scientific realism'to the'pragmatistic'one,hisoriginal demonstration on the problems concerning truth and rationality,andhis stern criticism on relativism.


更多网络解释与实在论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些哲学家所共有的最为明显的事实是,毫无例外,每一位哲学家都有不同的哲学关注点和不同的追求:反实在论、模态和必然性、分配正义、组合的(combinatorial)形而上学、解构、对他者的责任、理性及其社会背景(reason and its social context),


13、实在论(essentialism)一种方法论观点,它把事物本质的发现作为科学的中心任务,把事物的本质规定为事物的元素或元素集合,除非这种事物不再存在. 14、证伪主义(Falsi Ficationism)一种方法论观点,它当且仅当理论和假说的预言至少是本质上可用经验证伪时,


这是苏格拉底、路德的共同信念,也是那些宣称热爱真理的无神论的自然科学家、标榜自己热爱耶稣的基要主义者(fundamentalist)的共同信念. 在我看来,通过重构编织西方文化的公共信念和欲求(desire)体系来放弃这种实在论的信念,倒是一个不错的想法.

mundane realism:现世实在论

Munchausen syndrome 求医癖 | mundane realism 现世实在论 | municipal 市政的


用布迪厄的话来说, 它是一个"实在论"(realism) 概念. 结构主义的马克思主义,承袭了马克思的阶级概念的客观结构观,比如,尼科斯.普兰查斯(Nicos Poulantzas) 和艾里克.怀特( Erik O. Wright) ,都以行动者在客观社会结构--无论是财产关系结构,

moral realism:道德实在论

凯尔森批判"道德实在论"(moral realism)式的自然法学. 伦理学相对主义与伦理学主观主义之间是同大于异. 这两个名词的区别在于,相对主义主要是就各个不同视角之间的关系而言的. 也许,对此视角而言,"寡妇殉葬是好的";而对彼视角而言,




于是,(3)便可被扩展成(一)"反实在论"(antirealism )的命名方式表明它是针对"实在论"(realism)而提出的相反观点. 因此,反实在论的建树必定会通过对实在论的批判显示出来. 对于Q2,达米特(M.Dummett)认为,正确理解和使用语言所需要的事实不是独立自在的,

axiological realism:价值的实在论

axiological ethics 价值伦理学 | axiological realism 价值的实在论 | axiologist 价值论者


不容忍和靠暴力宣传,是任何他律的(heteronomous)伦理制度所固然的. 上帝或命运的法则是普遍有效的,它们所宣称的合法权威是所有的人必须服从的. 只要他律的道德项目和它们的哲学结论--概念实在论--的威望维持不坠,就不会有何容忍或持久和平.