英语人>词典>汉英 : 定日期 的英文翻译,例句
定日期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
date  ·  dates

更多网络例句与定日期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The date may be backspaced from the right margin point to align at the right margin; it may be centered, or it may begin at the center.


When setting out terms on its one-for-two share issue last week, Imperial set the cut-off date for participation in the past.


You might fix a date, each month, for overhauling of your equipment.


The basic people's court or the tribunal s dispatched by it may hear the case promptly, or fix a date for the hearing.


The basic people's court or the tribunals dispatched by it may hear the case promptly, or fix a date for the hearing.


Requisite notice, the Authority will fix a date for hearing case before determining the application.


So, it is very necessary to study the river ice evolution. Based on ice jam mechanism, hydraulics model and energetics model are introduced into this research and well simulate water level, freeze-up and break-up date of each spring in Wudinghe River.


Establishing these days of Purim at their appointed times, as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had established for them and as they had established for themselves and for their seed in the matter of the fastings and their cry.

9:31 劝他们按所定的日期,守这两日为普珥日,禁食呼求,是照犹大人末底改和王后以斯帖为他们所定的,也是照他们为自己与后裔所定的。

Government land leases are normally for 50 years from the date of grant at premium and subject to an annual rent equivalent to three per cent of the rateable value of the property at that date, adjusted in step with any changes in the rateable value thereafter.


Functions of fixed time heating one day and fixed days in a week need no special human management. It is really a fully automatic electrical water-heater.


更多网络解释与定日期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clean Archives:顯示一個整潔統一的歸檔列表,顯示發布日期,文章標題,留言數等

Landing Sites- 當讀者通過搜索引擎找到博客時,自動顯示該... | Clean Archives- 顯示一個整潔統一的歸檔列表,顯示發布日期,文章標題,留言數等. | Custom Query String- 設定每一個單獨頁面的日誌數,比如分類頁面、歸...

Banner motd:指定日期資訊標語

Bandwidth 設定介面的帶寬 | Banner motd 指定日期資訊標語 | Bfe 設定突發事件手冊模式

Set: decide on:確定,規定

One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness. 一個工人因酗酒被解雇. | Set: decide on 確定,規定 | But no date has been set for the visit. 但訪問的日期尚未確定.

effective date:有效日期

"有效日期"(effective date) 指总督根据第11条第(1)款为编正版的实施而指明的日期;"附属法例"(subsidiary legislation) 指根据或凭藉任何条例或文告(视属何情况而定)而订立并具有立法效力的文告、规则、规例、命令、决议、公告、法院规则、附例或其他文书;

fix a date for the hearing:择定聆讯日期

fix a date and place 定出......日期及地点 | fix a date for the hearing 择定聆讯日期 | fix a day 定出日期

We have to get on this. We don't even have a date:这一切都要去做 我们甚至还没有定好日期

We need flowers, a band, centerpieces, a caterer. The best... | We have to get on this. We don't even have a date.|这一切都要去做 我们甚至还没有定好日期 | I checked and there's less than an 18 percent ...

industrial accident insurance:工业事故保险

in due course按規定日期,按正當程式 | industrial accident insurance工業事故保險 | industrial accident reserve工業事故準備金


-ctime -> 在幾天內曾被設定檔案 性過 | -newer -> 搜尋比指定檔案日期時間還要新檔案 | -empty -> 搜尋空檔案內容

I'm sure you all have better things to do than hear about an unexciting date:我確定你比大約一個不令人興奮的日期聽到全部有較好的事物做

"I'm sure you all have better things to do than hear about an unexciting date." / "我確定你比大約一個不令人興奮的日期聽到全部有較好的事物做" . | All four answered as one. ... | Jinpei was first. "Her ...

value date:交割日期,动用日期,计息日期

value analysis價值分析,價值分析法 | value date交割日期,動用日期,計息日期 | valued policy定值保險單