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完全相反地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Compared with smooth tube,micro-fin tube has more geometrical parameters that influence heat transfer to different extent.Many scholars has done much work on it,but some research results are different or even contradictable.


As F. J. Harvey Darton, an early scholar of children's literature, explains, they "have the same ideal, in one aspect held by Rousseau, in another wholly rejected by him : the belief that a child should steadily contemplate Nature, and the conviction that by so doing he will be led to contemplate the traditional God".

这两本颂歌也是写给查尔斯的。一位研究儿童文学的早期学者 F.J。哈维。达顿这样解释,"这两本书主旨相同,部分和卢梭的观点相合,部分则与他的观点完全相反:它们确信儿童应该持之以恒地仔细思考自然,从思考自然过渡到思考传统意义上的上帝。"

But the Christian knight, well acquainted with the customs of Eastern warriors, did not mean to exhaust his good horse by any unnecessary exertion; and, on the contrary, made a dead halt, confident that if the enemy advanced to the actual shock, his own weight, and that of his powerful charger, would give him sufficient advantage, without the additional momentum of rapid motion.


On the other hand, the traditional waterfall approach to software development is in stark contrast to the "free-wheeling ," trial-and-creative problem solving.


By the time when many friends are baffled by listlessness, the scarcity of motivation, and reluctation; I, on the contrary, am quite self-motivated.


"Up to the limit" is an art work about time. On the surface, this art work tests people's tolerance of extreme tedium of endless routine labor and unbearably apathic physical space where one can hardly stay long. But the concept of time emerges during the process of close references with the formation of the work; moreover, a hidden craziness opposite to the apathy of the work sharply stabs into the viewers' eyes and further thrusts into their hearts; and it is exactly during the process of watching, that time settles down and achieves its existence.


Contrastingly, the majority of teenagers and those in their twenties already have plenty of growth factors, which is why the same products would not be fully absorbed when used by younger people.


The young Colonel Toll criticised the Swedish general's project with more heat than any one; and in the course of his remarks upon it drew out of a side pocket a manuscript, which he asked leave to read aloud.


If ICER is negative then there are two completely adverse conditions such that a mistaken decision occur.


And than the soil water contents of mountainous meadow was intervenient. The diversification of soil bulk density was completely reverse with the soil water contents. The soil bulk density of alpine meadow and sub alpine meadow was evidently lower than hilly meadow steppe and alluvial flat meadow steppe.


更多网络解释与完全相反地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cleanly:干净地;利落地. 例如

My view is clean contrary . 我的看法完全相反. | cleanly 干净地;利落地. 例如: | He caught the ball cleanly . 他接球干净利落.


转移(trans)带来能转移(transfer)sist-----表示"站"(站一站在那一边, 引申"帮助","支持"):去(as--to)"站"一去援助(assist);相反(re)地"站"一抵抗(resist);完全(per-)"站"在那一边一坚持、固执(perslst);"站"在里面(in)一坚持、强调(in

to perfection:完美地,完全地

to my mind 依我看,我认为 | to perfection 完美地,完全地; | to the contrary 相反

to the core:彻底地,完全地

5273to the contrary(表示或证明)相反地 | 5274to the core彻底地,完全地 | 5275to the effect that大意是


转移(trans)带来能转移(transfer)sist-----表示"站"(站一站在那一边, 引申"帮助","支持"):去(as--to)"站"一去援助(assist);相反(re)地"站"一抵抗(resist);完全(per-)"站"在那一边一坚持、固执(perslst);"站"在里面(in)一坚持、强