英语人>词典>汉英 : 守卫 的英文翻译,例句
守卫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
janitor  ·  rampart  ·  sentinel  ·  ward  ·  warder  ·  warding  ·  ramparted  ·  ramparting  ·  ramparts  ·  sentineled  ·  sentineling  ·  sentinelled  ·  sentinelling  ·  sentinels  ·  wards  ·  Ward  ·  beefeater

更多网络例句与守卫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those ever vigilant form a clachan of night guards who fear neither the stories they were told as younglings, nor those their elders withheld from them to ensure kind and peaceful nights.


Master Demonologist - Felguard effect tooltip corrected to increase damage by 1/2/3/4/5% and resistances by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 per level.


The Chief Warder and his escort next meet the main guard, who present arms to them.


There still exist today, in certain groups with unbroken lineages. Sacred objects, guardians of energy, sacred music, guardians of technological objects etc. Nothing has been lost.


So Varuna decided to teach him something by stopping his life breaths, causing Bhrigu to enter the world beyond, where he saw someone cut another man to pieces and eat him, a second man eating another who was screaming, a third eating a man who was silently screaming, another world where two women were guarding a treasure, a fifth where a stream of blood was guarded by a naked black man with a club and a stream of butter provided all the desires of golden men in golden bowls, and a sixth world where flowed five rivers of blue and white lotuses and flowing honey with wonderful music, celestial nymphs dancing and singing, and a fragrant odor.


Vigil of silence, love and death, vigil for you my son and my soldier


On May 24, two models dressed up as the queen's guard soldier on Westminster Bridge in London campaigning against the use of bearskins to make hats for the British military and appealing for animal protection.


Artemus: The Keeper Council has agreed to allow you access to the prophecies as they are read by our Interpreter, Keeper Caduca.


Garb of the Forest Guard: gives 1 War Unicorn, 2 Dendroid Soldiers, 4 Battle Dwarves, 8 Centaur Captains


Males with 80.0 g plus body weight and the females with 40.0 g plus body weight,the individuals used in this observation were caught from the lower reaches of the Pusur River,then were acclimated in the pools for 15 days outside the riverbank and fresh escargots meat,Viviparus iaiopoma,were provided as food.


更多网络解释与守卫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead:他没被派去守卫山头或是进攻滩头阵地

After all, it's peacetime.|毕竟... | He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead.|他没被派去守卫山头或是进攻滩头阵地 | I mean, surely a Marine of Dawson's intelligence...|我是说 一...

chakra magic:查克拉魔法(光之守卫)

ML c - (理解不能) | chakra magic - 查克拉魔法(光之守卫) | Burrowstrike - 掘地穿刺(沙王)


Sanchez:除了姓氏我找不到其它了...... | Coastguard:coast海岸,guard守卫,但并不是警船. | Dinghy:就是小船的意思.

Combe Guard House:峡谷村守卫之家

Cartwell's House 卡特之家 | Combe Guard House 峡谷村守卫之家 | Combe Lumber Camp 峡谷村锯木场


Egeria [罗]仙女,罗马第二王奴马的顾问 | Fafnir [北欧]龙型巨人,守卫尼伯龙财宝,被西古尔德所杀 | Joturm [北欧]巨人


守卫(Guard) 守卫(Guard) 顺风耳告诉你:守卫的道行已达已证大道的境界. 在四门中个站了个npc,分别是 水神(Shui shen) 雷神(Lei shen)风神(Feng shen) 火神(Huo shen) 杀了他们,就会从他们身上各掉下一至于我们中华民族的祖先轩辕黄帝站在这干什么的呢?

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨

Clarity Potion 净化药水 clarity 清楚 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 warden 看门人,管理员

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫 warden 看门人,管理员

Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 warden 看门人,管理员 | Scroll of Town Portal 回城卷轴 scroll 卷轴,纸卷,画卷

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫

Shadow Wolf 三级狼 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 | Healing Ward 治疗守卫

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫 warden 观门人,管理员

Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 warden 观门人,管理员 | Scroll of Town Portal 来回城卷轴 scroll 卷轴,纸卷,画卷