英语人>词典>汉英 : 学术自由 的英文翻译,例句
学术自由 的英文翻译、例句


academic freedom
更多网络例句与学术自由相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In terms of the legitimacy of academic freedom,three sorts of abridgment or suppression of the freedom are available.


Notwithstanding the occasional absolutist claims for academic freedom, which some seem to understand as the freedom of academics to do anything, this paper argues that intellectual freedom is restricted to the role of universities and must be checked by other competing interests of society.


It can be recognized deeply for the essence of academic freedom from the visual angle of academic self-discipline.


In modern society, academic freedom is not just an academic values, but also the basic str...


Is academic freedom the scholar's privilege or citizen's right?


To do academical critique in a scientific and healthy way, one must be with the spirits of seeking truth and doing free, equal and just researches.


While realizing the damage of bureaucratization to the tradition of academic freedom in Germany, Weber also realized the inevitability of this tendency. He wanted the teachers to achieve value-neutrality in the teaching area, to recognize the dilemma of rationalization, and to take one's own academic responsibility, and achieving scholastic inner "positive freedom".


Derek Bok,the former president of Harvard University,was against both conservatism and radicalness about university to inspire academic freedom again,brought forward academic neutrality to take on social responsibility and government s serving to university.


We support academic freedom: authors should be free to choose where they publish in a healthy, undistorted free market


But because it is very difficult for each of the three theoretical pivots in itself to be self-justified,the notion that academic freedom is looked on as an absolute right,which excludes any sort of social interference ,is faulty.


更多网络解释与学术自由相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

academic freedom:学术自由

8.因此,以最有效的方式支持知识进步的问题乃与"学术自由"(academic freedom)的问题密切相关. 最初提出学术自由观念者,乃是欧洲大陆国家的学者;在这些国家中,一般来讲,大学一开始都是国立研究机构,因此这些关于学术自由的观念的提出,

academic freedom:学术自由学术自由

academic environment 学习环境 | academic freedom 学术自由学术自由 | academic grouping 学科分组

encroachment on academic freedom:侵害学术自由

侵略 encroachment | 侵害学术自由 encroachment on academic freedom | 加密 encryption

And academic freedom is guaranteed:并保障学术自由

All workers have a right to organize into a union.|所有工人有权利组成工会 | And academic freedom is guaranteed.|并保障学术自由 | For the next 65 years|接下来的65年

Free inquiry and academic freedom:自由探索和学术自由

Disinterestedness 无私利性 | Free inquiry and academic freedom 自由探索和学术自由 | International communities 国际科学共同体

They asked for academic freedom:他们要求学术自由

They asked for academic freedom. 他们要求学术自由. | That is merely an academic discussion. 那只是一个理论性的讨论. | academy n. 专门学校,学会,研究院

freedom from deportation:免受递解 境自由

freedom 自由 | freedom from deportation 免受递解 境自由 | freedom of academic research 学术研究自由


我发表的第一篇学术论文研究的是自由土地党的问题,我先前出版的著作中有三本的书名包含有"自由的"(Free)或"自由"(Freedom)的字样. 我在哥伦比亚大学接受的研究生训练是在理查德.霍夫斯达特的指导下进行的,


大学内部学术自由的实现程度与作为学者团体的教师群体在大学内部管理活动拥有的权利大小息息相关. "教授治校"制度是大学内部学术自由的制度保障. 正是"教授治校"制度把学术自治与学术自由紧密联系在一起,成为一对"孪生"(twin)概念并共同构成现代大学的基本组织制度.

Choose with freedom:自由选择

信息公开:Freedom of information | 自由选择:Choose with freedom | 学术自由:Academic Freedom