英语人>词典>汉英 : 学习 的英文翻译,例句
学习 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
learn  ·  learning  ·  studies  ·  study  ·  learns  ·  studying  ·  academics

take after
更多网络例句与学习相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To sum up, in order to improve 'problem solving ability', blended Problem-Based Learning Model could be adopted, raising suitable learning models according to corresponding learning styles: Accommodator is suitable for team learning, in-group discussion platform and blog learning platform: Diverger is suitable for individual competition, guided online course, blog learning platform and Vodcast learning tool: Converger is suitable for competition, experts' forum, scenario guidance and in-group discussion platform: Assimilator is suitable for learning through Vodcast and Podcast learning tool.


In this learning model , in the circumstance of internet , the investigative learning activity of learner is self-antimating ,self-guiding and it must have the definite cognitive inquirment and learning direction ,and it is an internet learning behavior . A learner can search for the correct starting point ,basing on self-level and the choice of study materials ,the establishment of study goal can be made by his need .In the course of study ,the learner can have a self-reconsideration, have a self-evaluation, and can expand the free space of study activity .

WBQ(Web-based Query)学习模式是基于因特网的探究式学习,在这种学习模式下,学习者在网络环境下的探究学习活动是自我驱动、自我引导的,具有明确的认知需要和学习方向,是一种内在的学习行为,学习者根据自身的水平,寻找适当的学习行为起点,学习材料的选择、学习目标的确定由学习者根据自己的学习需要而定,在学习过程中学习者进行自我反思、自我评价,真正扩大了学习学习活动的自由空间。

The learning model of WBQ bases on the investigative internet study .In this learning model , in the circumstance of internet , the investigative learning activity of learner is self-antimating ,self-guiding and it must have the definite cognitive inquirment and learning direction ,and it is an internet learning behavior . A learner can search for the correct starting point ,basing on self-level and the choice of study materials ,the establishment of study goal can be made by his need .In the course of study ,the learner can have a self-reconsideration, have a self-evaluation, and can expand the free space of study activity .

WBQ(Web-based Query)学习模式是基于因特网的探究式学习,在这种学习模式下,学习者在环境下的探究学习活动是自我驱动、自我引导的,具有明确的认知需要和学习方向,是一种内在的学习行为,学习者根据自身的水平,寻找适当的学习行为起点,学习材料的选择、学习目标的确定由学习者根据自己的学习需要而定,在学习过程中学习者进行自我反思、自我评价,真正扩大了学习学习活动的自由空间。

The large Chinese characters on the red spread banner above her are "to learn from Ma Yuge to give love to someone else"("学习马宇歌把爱心献给他人"); the other two display panels are the complimentary close and brief introduction to Ma Yuge by HuijiaSchool.


Most of the e-learning research topics focus on metadata of learning object. These studies extract useful information from metadata, and use them to organize the LOs. However, to understand the metadata is not enough to organize the multimedia-style LO in meaningful manner. The comprehensive multimedia-style LO is especially useful for mobile learners to choose what they really demanded. In order to attack the problem, this project uses multi-agent technique to develop a personalized hyper-seamless learning environment for managing LOs comprehensibly. Following that, the proposed environment coordinates two agents: Content Reorganize Agent, and Zone Agent to provide mobile learners the efficient multimedia-style learning experience. The CRA is responsible for reorganizing the discovered critical multimedia content by analyzing learner』s behavior and the multimedia』s annotation. The ZA is designed for terminal devices to monitor the learning behavior, and it sends the collected behaviors to CRA for evaluating. Moreover, the ZAs can communicate with each other, and they can self-organize as a group for sharing learning resources. Due to the cooperation of the two agents, the learning environment can give the properly multimedia-style LO for learners without bandwidth squandering. Finally, we expect this project can construct a comprehensive multimedia-style LO map for efficient personalized seamless learning.

中文摘要大多数的数位学习研究著重於如何利用学习物件的Metadata来组织管理学习物件,然而只透过Metadata仍旧无法有效管理多媒体形态之学习物件,多媒体学习物件的内容若能被了解,则学习者能正确的选择所需的学习内容,尤其是行动学习,能正确选择行动内容不但能减少频宽的浪费,亦能有效利用行动装置有限的资源,有鉴於此,本研究计画拟利用多重代理人机制发展个人化超无缝学习环境来管理内容可被理解之多媒体形态学习物件,在超无缝学习环境中Content Reorganize Agent 与Zone Agent 这两支代理人程式负责协调作业以提供高品质之行动学习经验,其中CRA所负责的工作为分析学习行为与学习物件之注解找出多媒体关键内容来重组具备学习主题之多媒体学习内容,而ZA为安装於学习装置端的代理人程式,其负责监督学生在学习过程中产生的行为,并将该资讯传回CRA以供分析,此外ZA与ZA之间具备自我群聚组织的能力,同一群组下的ZA可彼此共享所需的学习资源,透过CRA与ZA的合作,个人化超无缝学习环境能在不浪费网路频宽的前提下,提供正确且合适的多媒体学习物件给行动学习者,最后我们预期透过本计画的执行能够建立具备内容理解能力之学习物件模型,并利用此模型提供有效率的个人化无缝学习

Moreover the thesis analyse specificness of the new system in details:The process of Mathematics learning strategies.The colony of Mathematics learning strategies.The activities of Mathematics learning strategies.The individuality of Mathematics learning strategies.The modernnization of Mathematics learning strategies.The new system of mathematics learning cant apart from the firm theory foundation.


First , divide the vocabulary into 5 categories (synonymy ; antonym; homophony; homomorphism; conjugate) Second, different strategies to different categories but to make the CAI visual, interesting, and systematic. The thorough strategies carried out in the experiment are as follows: Use picture-showing to differ some synonymies ; Use movie clip to learn some antonym; Use flash cartoon to create the mini-situation of homomorphism ;Use audio equipment to learn homophony; Use specific characters and design crossword to help students memorize the conjugates.

多媒体词汇教学在实践中的具体应用策略如下:近义词学习主要采用图片直观法,文本讲练法,图示辨析法,英英连线法进行实验;反义词学习主要采取下面三种形式,结合影片片段学习反义词,学生参与反义词教学,和游戏竞赛学习;形近词学习主要采取利用动画情境联想教学,利用歌曲的Flash动画学习形近词的策略;近音词、同音词学习方式主要采取利用音频手段比较学习,利用操练的形式学习近音词;同根词学习采取多变字效学习及crossword 学习的策略。

Learning-theory has an apparent improving effect on students" learning the basic skill of table-tennis. In the comparison between tested group and compared group, an obvious difference appears; it also has a positive effect on students" learning interest, for it can make students keep more interest in learning; using learning-theory is able to improve students learning method of table-tennis. Based on the similar initial learning level of tested group and compared group, and through a one-term teaching experiment, apparent difference of learning method between tested group and compared group arrears, and the learning method of tested group is better than that of compared group.


This article aims to explore the basic principles and methods in writing online learning resources. It is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the characteristics and significance of online learning resources. The second part elaborates the basic principles in terms of choice, writing, organization, layout, presentation of the learning content. The third part describes how to write online learning resources including use of language, rubrics and graphics, etc. The fourth part describes the uses of the principles through a case study.


The specifically used learning-theories are Thorndike"s, error-tried learning-theory Pavlov"s conditioning learning-theory, Watson"s learning-theory, Guthrie"s neighboring learning-theory, Estes"s sampling learning-theory, Skinner"s manipulating learning-theory, Wertheimer"s learning-theory, Wulf"s learning-theory, Lewin"s surroundings cognizing learning-theory, Piaget"s constructing learning-theory, Bruner"s cognizing structure learning-theory, Ausubel"s assimilating cognize learning-theory, processing information learning-theory, Tolman"s signal learning-theory, Grgne"s accumulating learning-theory, Bandura"s society learning-theory, Rogers"s learning-theory.


更多网络解释与学习相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

collaborative learning:合作学习

所谓"合作学习"(collaborative learning)是针对学生个人活动的"个体学习"而言. 严格地说,"合作学习"与"自主学习"、"探究学习"也并不构成并列的关系. 真实的合作学习往往存在于自主学习、探究学习中. "合作学习"之所以被提出来,

collaborative learning:协作学习

"这样"协作学习"(collaborative learning)与"合作学习(cooperative learning)"没有本质区别,只是协作学习更强调智力上的深层次的合作,所以本文采用协作学习学习中的协作学习学习中的协作行为.

incidental learning:偶然学习

偶然学习(Incidental Learning)指在规定学习任务之外的信息的获得. 与有意学习相对. 接受学习(Reception Learning)指学生将教师呈现的材料作为现成的定论性的知识加以接受、内化的一种学习方式. 接受学习与发现学习相对.

rote learning:机械学习

学习过程是否包含有理解,可分为机械学习(rote learning)与有意义学习(meaningful learning)两种方式. 而有意义学习根据学习过程中是否包含发现的环节,又可分为接受学习(reception learning)和发现学习(discovery learning)两种方式:接受学习是指要学习的内容是以现成信息的形式存在的,

meaningful learning:有意义学习

学习过程是否包含有理解,可分为机械学习(rote learning)与有意义学习(meaningful learning)两种方式. 而有意义学习根据学习过程中是否包含发现的环节,又可分为接受学习(reception learning)和发现学习(discovery learning)两种方式:接受学习是指要学习的内容是以现成信息的形式存在的,

programmed learning:程序学习

华生以后,新行为主义斯金纳将行为主义学习理论应用于正规的学习情境,提出了基于自我学习(self-teaching)的程序学习(programmed learning)系统. 认为应该将学习材料分解成一些小的片断,按顺序一步一步地学习,对学习结果及时给予强化,

simultaneous learning:同时学习

根据学习的空间,可以将儿童的学习分为室内学习和户外学习;根据学习过程中儿童对学习材料的运用与安排,可以将儿童的学习分为同时学习(Simultaneous Learning)和继时或(历时)学习(Sequential Learning);

superordinate learning:上位学习

那究竟什么是上位学习和下位学习,通过学习我们已经知道是:根据将要学习的新内容与学习者已经知道的相关内容之间的关系,奥苏伯尔把学习分为下位学习(subordinate learning)、上位学习(superordinate learning)和并列结合学习(combinatorial lea

unsupervised learning:非监督学习

在智能控制机器人及分析预测等领域有许多应用.但在传统的机器学习分类中没有提到过强化学习,而在连接主义学习中,把学习算法分为三种类型,即非监督学习(unsupervised learning)、监督学习(supervised leaning)和强化学习.所谓强化学习就是智能系统从环境到行为映射的学习,

learning disabilities:学习困难

指学生在学习过程中因不能根据学习条件的变化,积极主动入行身心调整,导致学习成绩和身心健康达不到应有发展水平的学习干扰现象[1]. 注重与学习困难(Learning Disabilities)相区别,学习适应不良是属于适应层面上的学习困难.